http://www.divshare.com/download/6958879-7ba 很久没上来8卦一下冰舞了,于是把近期的大道小道消息都汇总在了下面,以便广大看官囧RZ YY
Part One:武林旧事系列
Side A)其实这条也不算陈年旧酒了,最开始是因为FSU上MS某LZ不平冬菇组今年的world title牵扯出来的,结果在那场“Worst dance team to ever win Worlds?”的民意调查中,咆哮女王组F-P/M非常不幸地以超高票获选此项殊荣。。。俄系两队Dom/Sha、L/A紧随其后(虽然他们的票数都差Diva太远了~~) 其实俺的想法是,如果抛开德行不论,L/A明显要比Bra组更合适此等殊荣,至少F-P/M那几年的FD都算挺Powerful耐看的,而对于L/A,俺实在无话可赞,始终如温淡水般令人健忘的FD,还有女伴。。。冬菇组有待来年考校,so暂时持观望态度~~
Side B)自从84年T/D以后,冰舞领域正变得越来越糟糕咩,而且现今正是最令人沮丧的时代……~!~??令人震怖外加惊悚的大字报同样来自于FSU区,然而跟天涯淫民一样,SF往往都是8卦好帖的亮点所在~~好吧,世界大同
People always think that things were better in the past.
跟帖的具体内容就很见仁见智了,有筒子认为许多的couple是个joke,还有不少superior,只有极少数人(例如T/D、G/P等等~~)才能被尊称是legend……鉴于帖中粉丝意识敏感,“掐架”(饿俺漏嘴了~~应该是热烈讨论)气氛比较浓重,俺就不那啥了;只是很多人觉得当世的一线选手们good but not great,不过,困难只是暂时的不是嘛,,,Cop体制带来的直接影响就是冰舞的视觉可观性大大增强,虽然与此同时,冰舞new ideas的极度缺稀也使得很多流水线编排乏味不堪,用心OR不用心,这始终是一个big misery。。。
Side C)最后又是一项过去十年里世锦赛的Best Fourth Place游戏Vote,原谅我的剧透吧~~(虽然已经有好多人看过了)现在已经只剩下Delschoes的两套FD(分别是05年的Frida和07年的Bonnie & Clyde)和D/V06年传奇复出时的歌剧魅影。不出意外,弗里达应该会笑到最后。。。个人只是比较惊奇于他们的铁面无私竟然能留到最后的三甲名单,因为这只卓尔不群的FD曾经在很长的一段时间内被underrated。。。俺非常稀饭D/V,虽然俺更爱某对。。。
Part Two:备战VC系列
Side A)Isabelle is back on the ice(对于心水Delschoes的筒子来说应该是件非常值得欣慰的事情…
Yes Isobel went back onto the ice on 4th April. Muriel is workingclosely with the doctors to ensure that Isobel makes the best progress safely.She knows that Isobel will try to push herself and will reign her in where necessary.
Muriel says she is a gentle person, but very strictwhen there is a path to follow.
Isobel thinks that although it will take some catching up to get her skatingback to where it was in November, with muscle memory, it should be very quick.
Time has not been wasted, Olivier has been workingon the lifts for the next season. It is now just a question of slowly gettingIsobel ready. Despite her injury, Muriel and the team at Lyon, will still tryto push the boundaries of the sport, they will continue to innovate, it is nottheir style to copy. (Some of this is from the video, some is ofpersonal knowledge from the Charlemagne rink)
Because they want to do each year somethingdifferent and not to stay in the same style like some of others couples.
'She came back on the ice april the 1st and not the 4th)
Side B)C/L转投传奇Coach Muriel Zazoui(上面某草已经发过了,so只是简要补充一下~~)
与此同时,他在最后也专门盛赞了That's a very good decision for C/L。。。哇~~现在流行先贬后褒
I hope the next olympic cycle will provide new/young CoP-friendlycoaches who will reverse that.
OTOH, Lyon is not a mould but a place whereCappellini/Lanotte will be pushed to "bloom" and to find their ownstyle, which is exactly what they need, while upping their technical basis.
- those like Zazoui who pushes theirdancers to try new things constantly, but who will also push them to keep thenew lifts or step sequences which didn't get the right level, have them to workhard on them as long as possible and IF it still doesn't work after the 1stpart of the season, IF the levels are not there, THEN they'll consider achange. => more risks, more work, more stress, more failure, programs 100%ready late in the season.
- those like Zhulin with P/B this year who, eachtime the least element didn't work or didn't get the level, took it out toreplace it by something that the dancers have done for long, master perfectlyand WILL get the expected level. (that's my main reproach about P/B thisseason, they abandonned their new lifts after their first GP, and I loved thoselifts).
- and there are those, like Shpilband who take 0 risk,giving the same step sequences to each of their teams, the"different" (circular, diagonal, midline) step sequences having theexact same layout of steps, and done for the 3rd or 4th year in a row.
(You noticed it yourself at Euros about another couple ; Findlay/Richaud changed their FD very late in the season and what bugged me the mostwas when I saw their new step sequences which were typically Shpilband StepSequences.
You said about F/R in your review : "The prog was too open and the circand diag step sequence were exactly the same steps. ''Works in a circle nowlet's do it from corner to corner'' erm not quite guys!"
That's true !
Except it's not one couple, it's almost 1/4th of World's competition with allthe couples Shpilband choreographs or coaches, including dancers close to or onthe podium)
Same was true for the lifts (a big reproach for B/A) until it was toocriticized. And Virtue/Moir have made some work about that.
So, THEN you can expect the dancers to not be very tentative from day 1 in theseason because they know their elements by heart for a very good reason.
But if I have to chose an option, I still prefer theoption number 1, because that's the one that moves forward, mistakes or not.
传送门:http://www.fsuniverse.net/forum/showthread.php?t=65785 继续占楼~~原先是想放在一个楼层的,但是最近消息实在是太多了,so。。。
Part Three :陌上花开系列(等有了精神再打上来吧。。。默,木有动力)
大哭,C/J要拆档了……前面不是说过Jost帅哥要当爹了吗,好像直接导致拆档的原因就是孩子他娘(Vanessa Gusmeroli)特容易犯嫉妒……据说Vanessa一直嫌C/J的有些表演节目编排太那个,好几年了,这次终于……有人看到C美女已经开始一个人训练,然后只好找新搭档了,sigh~
原帖由 franzlfan 于 2009-4-24 00:09 发表 http://www.chinaice.org/images/common/back.gif
C/J要拆档了……前面不是说过Jost帅哥要当爹了吗,好像直接导致拆档的原因就是孩子他娘(Vanessa Gusmeroli)嫉妒……据说Vanessa一直嫌C/J的有些表演节目太那个,好几年了,这次终于……
这一下子上哪找搭档去?某孩子她娘,好歹让人家比完奥运赛季啊 我觉得ISA怀孕的消息我都没觉得多震惊,但是C/J拆挡这个震到我了...... 最近冰舞真不平静啊,两颗炸弹都跟孩子的妈有关
SO,干脆让落单的C美女跟S哥搭挡。。。我开玩笑的,顶锅盖逃 原帖由 CSD 于 2009-4-24 00:27 发表 http://www.chinaice.org/images/common/back.gif
D美女想顺应成全马甲来个 CS Dance?
顺便show一下最新8头像http://www.chinaice.org/space/attachments/2009/04/11819_200904240037581.jpg,去年世锦滴照片 原帖由 gopatrick 于 2009-4-24 00:44 发表 http://bbs1.chinaice.org/images/common/back.gif
D美女想顺应成全马甲来个 CS Dance?
嘿嘿。。。CS Dance以前就有过鸟
还有以偶主ID为名滴滑冰俱乐部捏 原帖由 franzlfan 于 2009-4-24 00:09 发表 http://www.chinaice.org/images/common/back.gif
大哭,C/J要拆档了……前面不是说过Jost帅哥要当爹了吗,好像直接导致拆档的原因就是孩子他娘(Vanessa Gusmeroli)特容易犯嫉妒……据说Vanessa一直嫌C/J的有些表演节目编排太那个,好几年了,这次终于……
我靠!在奥运赛季拆开!!我可怜的C美女!!他老婆也 太小气了吧!!
最近的冰舞消息各个劲爆··不知我家PB怎样 原帖由 凡男森 于 2009-4-24 12:15 发表 http://www.chinaice.org/images/common/back.gif
我靠!在奥运赛季拆开!!我可怜的C美女!!他老婆也 太小气了吧!!
其实Vanessa Gusmeroli目前还不是Jost他老婆,还没婚,只是要生了(所以估计没有安全感才……) 原帖由 franzlfan 于 2009-4-24 14:58 发表 http://www.chinaice.org/images/common/back.gif
其实Vanessa Gusmeroli目前还不是Jost他老婆,还没婚,只是要生了(所以估计没有安全感才……)
听说C美女已找到新舞伴了,但冰舞比双人更需要时间磨合,不太乐观滴说,特别在年轻一队正往上挤的时候。 我看到外国论坛上有人说Igor Shpilband是个很苛刻的教练,对弟子经常惩罚··· 真的假的啊?哪位筒子知情?他外表看上去很和蔼的·· 啊,我最近外出现在才看来CJ拆档的消息,真的太遗憾了 j 大哥赶快把婚结了啊,那孩子他妈就安心了。滑了这么多年,走了这么九的上坡路,就要奥运了,以后肯定后悔死的。