关于Weir在此次洛杉矶的消息,图片等等,大家可汇总于此。 哇~期待哦~~
不过不知道会不会尴尬 LA Times上的文章,有关于少爷的内容: ... enskate22-2009mar22,0,4909622.story
Weir's influences, he says, are Russian skating greats such as Evgeni Plushenko, who never shied from a sparkly cravat. "To be accepted worldwide, American skaters need to understand that excess is necessary," Weir says. "And yes, I take credit for that."
Given their rivalry, you'd expect a clucked tongue from Lysacek when talking about Weir, but he's surprisingly laudatory. "Johnny is his own person, and you have to admire that," Lysacek says. "He's like, 'This is my style. This is the way I skate. This is my Louis Vuitton, and this is my fur. Deal with it.' "
And then, little more than a decade after excess was labeled verboten, Weir let loose what he terms his "inner glitter bomb." He'd long heeded the judges' advice: Don't go over the top, avoid theatrics. But after a disastrous national championships in 2003, he wrote off the American establishment, donned a Soviet warmup jacket and studied Russian. "At that point, I decided to do exactly what I wanted to do. So, next season, I came in like a firecracker," he says.
And the formula has worked, he's convinced, especially with international judges. Weir won a bronze medal at the world championships last year, though a poor performance this year at the U.S. nationals left him in fifth place. "A lot of these judges come from more culturally rich countries and understand the use of costumes to portray a mood, as in any opera, ballet or play." 看到L君的那段话我直接一口水喷出来……
L君你……还真是了解大少啊= =
尤其是路易威登和皮草= =囧TZ
有消息称,Johnny将会在ZUCA的网站上写博,关于此次世锦赛经历的。 这篇文章也有提到Weir: ... 62971&vkey=ice_news
The medium is the massage
You may have heard that although Johnny Weir won't be competing this year, he will be in L.A. making various appearances. Johnny shocked figure skating junkies last month (as usual) when he told us that he's rooting for longtime "rival" Evan Lysacek. In true Johnny form, he took things up a notch last week when he followed up with us.
Emphasizing his commitment to the cause, he said, "I'm going to give Evan a massage before he skates." Evan did pretty well on his own today, but we can't wait to see if Johnny brings him more luck tomorrow night!
尽管因全美表现不佳未能获得LA世锦赛资格,Weir仍然来到了LA,但他来这儿为的不是比赛,而是另有他事,包括会见冰迷,下赛季总结经验等。 “起初我还感到很焦虑,自己都不能参加比赛了却还要去现场,这太郁闷了。之后我受NBC/Oxygen邀请担任解说嘉宾,项目可能是女单。其实一开始他们是让我解说男单的,但那样对我来说就太残酷了。”“我总是找机会解说女单,这是我最喜欢的项目,那里面有很多我的朋友,所以我觉得那会是最有意思的。” Weir要在LA呆上30小时,赞助方为定制箱包品牌Zuca。他还将在Dash Tour的环节中出现与fans打招呼。尽管已积极面对所发生的一切,但是以这样的方式结束自己的08-09赛季,Weir还是高兴不起来。 “我不知道自己是不是已经真的全想开了。当自己不能和其他人一样,以选手身份参加世锦赛时,我不知道会不会感到难过。”是妈妈Patti的鼓励让他登上了飞往LA的飞机。"She told me, 'This will show a lot of character and help you compete better next season.' She believes in taking the high road. If you're down, you have to face it, jump over it and get back on the horse, so to speak. She said going to L.A. will help remind me of what I'm missing and light a fire under me for next season." If Weir returns to the world championships and the Olympic Games, it will not be the first time he's silenced his critics. Many wrote him off when he withdrew from the 2003 U.S. Championships after literally hitting the wall during his free skate. He didn't get any Grand Prix assignments the following fall, but a few months later won the first of his three U.S. titles. “她对我说,这次比赛能折射出很多问题,能帮助你在下赛季比得更好。她坚信要走高等路线。也就是说,如果你失败了,你必须正视它,克服它,重新上马。她说,去LA能时刻提醒我,自己失去了什么,并重燃我赛季的希望之火。”2003年全美锦标赛,Weir撞板退赛,之后的赛季他未得到任何大奖赛分站比赛机会,但仅仅几个月后,他就赢得了全美冠军。 “我已有失败又重新振作的经历。当我再次失败时,正是这段经历给了我重新振作的力量。我不能一蹶不振,我要东山再起。”甚至有些记者都为Weir不能参赛感到遗憾了,他们说,媒体综合区要是没了Weir的妙语连珠,那都不是原来的媒体综合区了。 “我看过一些报道,貌似陈伟群成了我的良好接替者”,这有关于加拿大媒体对Joubert四周跳的舌战。 “事实是,在很多其它国家中,像我这样水平的选手都是能参赛的。的确,全美我仅名列第五,但根据ISU排名,我仍是美国男单一号选手。美国冰协是很讲究政治平衡的,他想给予每个人平等的机会。人人都要时刻保持最上乘的状态。而却我生病了,在错误的时候拿出了下乘的表现。” “最近一段时间我在休息,过段日子我要回家好好想想新赛季的音乐。今年的节目已彻底与我无缘,衣服也再也用不着了,音乐也睡觉去了。”
在下赛季的节目方面,Weir说,他的思路是“回到原点。明年可能是我的最后一个赛季。因此在节目构思方面,我在考虑是否要回到原点,也就是说使用过去的节目,但却是用全新的方法来演绎。我们还要看看再说。” 支持Lysacek也罢,a massage也太让人想入非非了,还好Lysacek这次成绩不错,相信Johnny可以得到一些鼓舞。 “我看过一些报道,貌似陈伟群成了我的良好接替者”——让人无语的一句话 ,8过,这就是大少的风格呀
对大少还是有信心的,希望他能东山再起 眼睁睁着看雷鸟夺冠,少爷心里啥滋味 不是个滋味~~
不过对有些事情,他还是没弄清楚。今年全美失利的根本原因不是因为生病,而是他的能力在下降,节目编排得太烂。 他最好是能意识到然后换个编舞~
依我的心,我最想他连教练也换了.......唉,我还是不说了= = 最近的编舞实在是让人寒了点。。早点换一个吧
艾,作为选手却不能比赛。。他一定是郁闷的可以。。。心头滴血啊。。。而且小雷这次又夺冠了。。对他的压力也不小。。可喜的是。。总算还是三个名额 我觉得他看着小雷夺冠一定是一边小庆幸一边得瑟人家……
这节目,说实话,我就没有完整的看过,因为看不下去= =
大少啊大少,你说你怎么办啊…… 不知道他是自信过头还是心里也有点慌了?
好想抓着他用力摇晃大叫"你醒醒啊!醒醒啊!大少~~~" 原帖由 sherryadela 于 2009-3-27 16:01 发表
“我看过一些报道,貌似陈伟群成了我的良好接替者”——让人无语的一句话 ,8过,这就是大少的风格呀
大少冰上的風格目前的冰壇我想是沒有接替者的。勉強擠出一個我只想得到adam rippon。