CSD 发表于 2009-6-11 18:32:04





Chinese rivals for Savchenko/Szolkowy

The german two-times world-champions in pairskating Aliona Savchenko/Robin Szolkowy get more rivals for the olympic season: The two-time olympic bronze medalists Xue Shen/Hongbo Zhao from China have officially announced their comeback in Beijing.

"It was always our dream to become olympic champions. Because we can still fight for gold we hope to realise this dream" Zhao said to the chinese TV-station CCTV in Beijing. The couple practises since one month intensively and seems to have just a new free program.

Shen/Zhao are the first chinese pair which won a world-championship and became world-champions in 2002, 2003 and 2007. 2002 and 2006 they won the bronze medal at the olympics and since 2007 they only skated shows.

Savchenko/Szolkowy, who are top-favourits for the olympic-title in february in Vancouver since they won the world-championships in Los Angeles, react cool about the comeback of the 30- and 35-year old Chinese. "We don't get crazy because of this. Their time is over. They skate perfect but you have to know when it's over" Savchenko commented. "It's a big step to skate complete programs with all the elements again" Szolkowy said. "But I'm happy about this. If there are more competitors it will be a better competition."

Like the pair from Chemnitz Shen/Zhao want to start at the Grand-Prix-competitions in autumn but the two pairs will meet in the final the first time if both qualify. The Germans will start at the first and last competition in Paris and Canada, the Chinese will skate in Beijing and the USA.

CSD 发表于 2009-6-11 18:33:46

作为中国双人滑最大的竞争对象,我对SS总有几分敬意,也欣赏他们年年复杂而有新意的编排,仅管我并不支持他们。。。但是这篇访谈真让我对女S有点小不爽。。。说申赵的时代已经过去?认为他俩应该知道适可而止?。。。也许事实是那样没错,可啥时轮到女S来指手画脚做评论了?在任何语言里说别人time is over都是非常 ,更何况是在形容你的竞争对手?。。。好吧,现在就来看看谁能终结SS的气势?仅管过去这两年他们基本没有敌手,可他们依然没有全胜过,中俄总有人能在短节目甚至总成绩扯SS一把。。。

reasonforshe 发表于 2009-6-11 18:45:18

原帖由 CSD 于 2009-6-11 18:32 发表 http://www.chinaice.org/images/common/back.gif
Savchenko/Szolkowy, who are top-favourits for the olympic-title in february in Vancouver since they won the world-championships in Los Angeles, react cool about the comeback of the 30- and 35-year old Chinese. "We don't get crazy because of this. Their time is over. They skate perfect but you have to know when it's over" Savchenko commented. "It's a big step to skate complete programs with all the elements again" Szolkowy said. "But I'm happy about this. If there are more competitors it will be a better competition."



丽丽熊 发表于 2009-6-11 18:52:30

说人家“time is over”,也不想想自己有没有过time?

wxyandan 发表于 2009-6-11 18:54:50


发文签收单 发表于 2009-6-11 18:55:52


沉静 发表于 2009-6-11 19:00:12

嗯,对于SS我也总是有几分敬意和欣赏的,但正如DSC姐姐说的那样“在任何语言里说别人time is over都是非常 ”!不过,也正常啦,SZ的复出肯定会让很多人不爽的,背后爱咋8咋8呗,反正选手取得什么样的成绩也不是别人8出来的偶们的心态要放好,尤其随着比赛拉开帷幕各种言论更会纷至沓来!

zuiaipippo 发表于 2009-6-11 21:00:45


xiaoyaoyou 发表于 2009-6-11 21:09:51


天空很希腊 发表于 2009-6-11 23:50:57

不管她怎么看待SZ的复出···SZ的成就和实力不是凭她一句话就能改变的···至于SZ到底有没有“time is over”,咱们等着赛场上见吧······

pooool 发表于 2009-6-12 04:20:02


青柚子 发表于 2009-6-12 04:37:41


joyhull 发表于 2009-6-12 09:37:24


laurissa1012 发表于 2009-6-12 09:46:11


网网狗 发表于 2009-6-12 10:41:11

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查看完整版本: 转贴德国报纸关于SZ复出及对SS的访谈