杰里米 发表于 2010-2-7 23:10:23

从莫扎特到贝多芬——Sasha Cohen,你也可以成为经典



      纯粹的美和纯粹的真都能触动受众的灵魂、震撼人心。Sasha,如同关还有露露,至此成为了经典。当她们还年轻时,关心的是如何做到“美”,如莫扎特,为此不惜牺牲生活的真实,于是有了Lyra、Rach2,和Swan Lake。没人说这些节目不好,但看表演时或许会觉得少了些什么。不错,那就是表演者的心灵。她们在试图接近作曲家,试图“表演”,她们创造了美,但也隐藏了“自己的”感受。她们是演员,毫无疑问比一般的选手强,但遗憾的是她们仅仅是演员。这样的美当然是美,就是让人觉得有些惋惜。正如莫扎特那对于音乐美的出色理解,使得他在作曲时充分估计了几何、哲学等各种因素,令人一听就深深陶醉。



      然而,三位滑冰选手不是哲学家或是作曲家,她们是“演奏家”。她们也会经历碰撞:在作品的演绎中,要不要把“我”加进去?是作曲家用我来表现他的想法?还是我用作曲家的曲子表现我的想法?前一种她们已经基本上做到了。后者,则因为能力、生活底蕴(当然也可能有这样的思索与挣扎)的原因搁置下来。可是,当年龄大了、生活经历丰富了、感受多了、成熟了之后,她们自然而然地会想要去表现自己的想法、生活和意志,于是就有了Aranjuez、梁祝和Moonnight Sonata。没人说这些节目的编排、完成是顶尖水平(甚至不是她们自己生涯中的最高水平),但或许都会被深深吸引,因为从那里我们读到了她们的灵魂,而这或许就是从优秀到经典的升华!

      莫扎特的音乐是美的,美得神秘而凄凉。贝多芬的音乐是真的(不是说不美,此美非彼美),真得自由而刻骨。Sasha,如同关和露露一样,在探索“美”多年后最终都奉献了一套“真”的节目,能把“真”表现出来,多么不易!也许有人不喜欢这样的真,认为作曲家操纵音符是理所当然,选手操纵曲子、把他人的作品当作表现自己想法的媒介工具是不合适的。但这没有关系。每个人对于美都可以有自己的理解。你可以认为,真必须要为美让路。但对于选手而言,她们有表现真实的想法的愿望,最终也表现出来了,这种胜利无异于一种心灵的解放、个体意识的回归。能做到这一点的选手又有几个呢?Sasha终于让人们感受到了她的爱与恨,喜悦与悲伤,她的思想,她的成长,她的心灵。她成功了。一块锡牌无法承载她思想升华的成功。当Espa愀 Caí和Moonnight Sonata以不完美的形式结束时,Sasha本人已经在瞬间定格了属于自己的经典……

铺盖面 发表于 2010-2-7 23:22:12


bingbing 发表于 2010-2-7 23:48:19

虽然这次Sasha无缘奥运会,但是还是希望在下面的1-2个赛季中能看到她的身影。正像ABC评论员说的那样:She is special.No one skates like her.

猫眼儿 发表于 2010-2-8 17:15:33


绿袖子 发表于 2010-2-8 22:11:18


leavewind 发表于 2010-2-11 00:35:52


jinlu 发表于 2010-3-7 13:20:30


hym1997 发表于 2010-3-22 16:37:38


鱼类 发表于 2012-8-8 14:42:20

NEW YORK, NY - AUGUST 02: Figure Skater Sasha Cohen attends the 'Total Recall' New York Premiere at Chelsea Clearview Cinemas on August 2, 2012 in New York, United States. (Photo by Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images)

http://ww3.sinaimg.cn/mw690/9e9f333btw1dvp9nbm4jdj.jpg http://ww3.sinaimg.cn/mw690/9e9f333btw1dvp9ncvrmsj.jpg http://ww3.sinaimg.cn/mw690/9e9f333btw1dvp9ndpy0qj.jpg http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/mw690/9e9f333btw1dvp9nekmphj.jpg

鱼类 发表于 2012-8-23 12:55:03


地址 http://video.cnbc.com/gallery/?video=3000107465

Sasha Cohen Takes a Turn Onto Wall St.

after years of training and dedication to a single sport, post-olympics life can be a big change. former olympic figure skater sasha cohen spoke with anne thompson about life after the olympics. reporter: winning the silver medal in women's figure skating at the 2006 olympics. she thought she'd seek her future in hollywood's bright lights but she finds business more to her liking. ice skating has always been white and black and beige. reporter: cohen is designing her own line of figure skates in new york's flatiron district. we're making it high end and glamorous. and we're also opening up skating world to so many people by making an affordable, high-quality skate. so it's fun to be able to work both ends of the spectrum. reporter: thi native californian is now a new yorker with her sights set on wall street. at 27, she's going to college. studying financial economics at columbia university. cohen says the thrill of the markets is the closest thing she's found to the thrill of the ice. it's similar to being an athlete but it's important. when you wake up there's something going on and there's always something to analyze. it's a competition. it's anticipating, predicting events. it's keeping your cool when other people aren't. reporter: with school out, cohen keeps her competitive fire stoked. all right. nice job. reporter: getting together with a group of former olympians. figure skater tara lipinski, speed skieter joey cheek and mogul skier jeremy. and yes she is watching the summer games and remembering. when you step away from it you appreciate the sacrifice. and you appreciate how much you inspire other people. reporter: forever an olympian, cohen now uses her past to build a future. anne thompson, nbc news, new york. and olympic figure skater and 2006 silver medalist sasha cohen joins us at post nine this morning. sasha, watching that tape, and having spent some time with you recently, i've got to ask you first and foremost, you've been watching the summer olympics, what have you been watching? what have you taken away in terms of your own strength that you see with some of the competitors right now? i think as a former skater, and gymnast, my heart is always with the gymnasts. and they're so incredible. so poised. and at such a young age to handle that pressure from the world. and perform tricks that we can't even imagine our bodies doing. it's definitely my favorite sport. and will probably always be. the physical training is one thing. obviously you spent hours and hours doing the physical training. the mental training, both in your sport, as well as probably in all the sports, how do you train yourself to have the mental strength that is necessary to get to that part, to be there on that stage? i think that as you grow up in the age of 5 years old, being in the spotlight, having expectations, sacrificing your life and knowing that you are your bottom line, and no one is going to -- no one's going to pull you through. and as you grow up into that, and then all of a sudden you're in the olympic spotlight you thrive under that pressure and you work for it. i love it. and you like life that means something. you like the highs to be to the ceiling and the lows to be absolutely devastating. but every day has intensity in part of it. and i think that's what i love so much about finance. it's got that same beat. you had to make a decision where you said look i've made my money as a skater, right? mm-hmm. and i'm now going to decide college, career. why business? why columbia? and what the goal? what's the end game now? i toured and competed for 15 years. and i was on the road eight months a year and i could never go to school. and a year ago i moved to new york, and i wanted to go to columbia.and this last year was crazy. i would go to school during the week, tour on the weekends, take the red eye back sunday, walk into class like this. but i also love finance. and i followed gold since i was 16. gold as a commodity. yeah, yes. and then as i have learned more and watched, you know, the crash in '08 and then seeing sideways markets for the last few years it's really sparked a lot of different interests in how to invest, and what the future holds. and the best way to navigate through these markets. and having earned most of my income already and not knowing what my next career's going to be i have to invest as if i'm retired. and that's why, you know, i've taken a liking to dividend pay stocks with low betas that really have provided good returns. and i really feel that going into the next ten years will, i'm not going to say they're going to outperform but i think they're a safer bet and i'm not in the mood for too much risk. now sasha mentions dividend paying stocks. she mentioned that, and i must tell you she came out to headquarters a couple weeks ago and i had done a segment that day on how the idend trade may be overcrowded. don't tell me she changed your mind. a lot of people come out and a lot of people have strong opinions and those wall street strategists, they never backt up with anything. she's backed it up. you mention the dividend paying stocks. why specifically that in -- we know that almost every firm is recommending them. you had a great point in why you think high income producing securities are still a place where you want to be. you mention that they might be the next bubble. but if you really look at the fundamentals of these companies they don't have inflated p/es like during the tech bubble. and if you look at -- if you got a diversified and uncorrelated kind of string of positions and you get into certain sectors that aren't cyclical like johnson & johnson, p&g, kraft, these are companies that are not going to go out of business, that people are still going to buy during a recession. they have a lot of cash on hand. and they've outperformed, you know, in the last six months. i feel very strongly, you can't pick one stock. you have to be across sectors. and i personally have things like at&t, verizon, altria, kraft, and also across health care like kimberly-clark, and eli, but i also love mortgage reits and i know they're a little bit more risky but i feel like there's a position for, you know, small parts of your portfolio. like amtg has been a huge performer this year. and paid out a really handsome dividend. i think close to 15%. just curious, you know, everybody ease talking gabby douglas and of course we'll see her tonight on the uneven bars. 16 years old. at the beginning of what we hope, obviously for her sake, will be a lot of money making and deals. best advice to someone like that? are there lessons you had to learn the hard way? love this moment. because this is -- this is the beginning of her life. and it will open so many doors to do whatever she wants to do, she will be a hero and a role model for so many young girls coming up. and you know when i was coming out of the olympics, i loved giving public speeches and just being a role model and embracing everything that is and then using that to grow and develop your other interests. because there's the rest of her life ahead of her. and she has the ethic and the determination to accomplish and i'm sure there will be a lot of wonderful things ahead for her. you know the competitives who had to face sasha on the ice knew she was a tough competitor. you don't want to be on the other side of the trade with this young lady because she knows her stuff, carl, and she's got exceptionally good insight for a second-year business student. cohen capital management. i can see it now. i'm going to give you my resume. thank you. thank you for coming. thank you so much. glad to be here.

5小羽宙 发表于 2012-10-8 19:52:51


鱼类 发表于 2012-10-19 15:56:18

2012 Vanidades' Icons Of Style Gala



NEW YORK, NY - SEPTEMBER 27: Olympic Figure Skater Sasha Cohen attends the 2012 Vanidades' Icons of Style gala at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel on September 27, 2012 in New York City. (Photo by Debra L Rothenberg/WireImage)
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