http://sports.sina.com.cn 2003年09月02日09:35 中体在线-中国体育报
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-9-2 19:52:33编辑过]
谁知道,在美国酒后驾车会受到什么处罚??? 这件事昨天就在国外论坛上看到了。
不管怎么说这是小熊自己不对,希望以后不要再出这样的事,幸好没有人受伤,相信他会吸取教训的。我还是会象以前那样支持他的,希望2个月以后能在北京看到他在Cup Of China有出色的表现。
不用这样说他吧!就是我们女孩子也有喝酒的时候。他们是不是反映强烈了一些。 名人就会这样啦,总会给媒体抓到把柄。幸好这次亚古丁没有伤到其他人。他也应该吸取这次的教训,毕竟这样会有损他的形象。 他算幸运了,没伤到 别人也没伤到自己。他什么时候注意过自己的形象。什么都敢说,什么都敢做! 英文报道中只是提到他血液中的酒精含量超过0.08(单位不清楚),但没有说超过了多少,车速超过规定40英里/小时,但没有说具体他的当时速度是多少。警察说他很合作,2个小时以后就被保释了。
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-9-2 22:30:29编辑过]
以下是引用suzanne在2003-9-2 21:59:26的发言:
他算幸运了,没伤到 别人也没伤到自己。他什么时候注意过自己的形象。什么都敢说,什么都敢做!
如果是指他对评分新规则的一些看法我不认为这是有损他的形象的。与其唯唯诺诺说着模棱两可、圆滑世故的话语,还不如他这样来得有个性。这跟他这次酒后驾车是两码事。 没有人说自己不会犯错。我们都没有理由去指责别人。那些人有些过分了!!我想那些指责他的人中恐怕也有犯同样错误的吧。
小熊很合作,我想他也意识到自己错了。 我想不会有谁认为酒后驾车是正确的,即使是他的最忠实的冰迷也是认为是他错了。
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-9-3 0:53:00编辑过]
那天晚上他是不是遇到什么烦心事了? 人非完人
谁能无过!!(有错别字吗??) 以下是引用唐卡洛在2003-9-3 18:33:02的发言:
人非圣贤,孰能无过。 以下是引用唐卡洛在2003-9-3 18:33:02的发言:
就这次没有错字! 俄罗斯媒体对这件事情的评论
Tanya 翻译成英文
From sport-express.ru; September 5th, 2003. By Elena Vaitsekhovskaya.
Translated by Tanya
Law, common sense and reputation
Seems like the things have settled at last. The information about the figure skating Olympic Champion Alexei Yagudin being charged with driving in a bit unsober condition has finally moved from the headlines to the background. And now it's time to think: what really happened? If we ignore the statements like: "Aah, the champion! Aah, drunk! Aah, not for the first time!..", we will see that the story doesn't worth a damn.
Among the opinions spread around the Russian Internet there were plenty of statements from the sane people who judged the situation from the practical point of view. Well, the guy had a couple of beers and that was above the legal level of 0.08. Well, he was speeding a bit. Didn't signal changing the lane on an absolutely empty road. Such a thing happened at least once to everyone who has a car and driving licence.
The Americans, who are taught to be obedient to the law, reacted differently. To listen to the replies from overseas you'd think Yagudin was a blood-thirsty murderer. It is only a miracle there was no bunch of potential victims on the night highway, including the pregnant women and the elderly honest citizens - or Yagudin would definitely drive right into them.
It is useless to argue about which point of veiw is more reasonable. If somebody has a close person who was a victim of an accident involving the drunk driver, such person will join the second group and will be right at that. The matter is different, though. Famous athletes became an object of a close public attention a long time ago. Every "pin-hole" on reputation immediatelly becomes a centre of attention and can often crash the former clear image.
Such is life. The numerous achievements, overcoming the rivals and oneself - even the devoted fans forget about that with time. But those little spots on the profile, such as a cocktail drank at the improper time, a phrase said in the improper place or a bubble gum stolen from the shopboard in the early childhood - such things are not only remembered forever, but mulitiplied in meaning.
For example, I'm sure not many Russian coaches and officials can say how many gold medals in figure skating won the students of the greatest coach, Stanislav Zhuk. But the legends about the double jump Zhuk performed at the office of the Sports Committee President are still alive.
Sometimes it gets even funny. In 1995 the well-known coach Gennady Turetsky (he coached a swimmer Alexander Popov) was taken to American court for inappropriate behaviour on the board of a plane. Later it came out that this an absolutely sober man simply felt bad under the pressure drop. He fell right on the passenger who was sitting near him, toppled a tea-tray over, and pushed away everyone who tried to help him while he was unconscious. During the past years I've heard the numerous variations of that story. According to those interpretations, Turetsky knowingly splashed out the coffee into air hostess' face, was immediatelly handcuffed but somehow slipped out and bit the officer!
The story didn't bring much trouble to the coach. He proved his professional worth many times before and after it, so he could not care for the average people opinions. Such situations are more tricky for the athletes. Despite their achievements they have their entire life in front of them. Nobody knows how many plans and careers went to nowhere because of what happened once. It would be useful to remeber that to rebuild a reputation is harder than to initially care about it's solidity.