我看了一下,说在奥运会年,要取消四大洲和欧洲杯赛。冰舞更新了1617号文件,不知道说了些什么,好像有提到中国杯的内容。 这只是个紧急提案,给开会前的各国冰鞋看看,然后在会上表决的。。。
法国提出的奥运会年取消四大洲和欧锦赛 要在那个时间举办世锦赛 因为说98和06的所有奥运冠军都没参加后来的世锦赛 因为大多数人都觉得奥运会是最重要的 达到终极目标就不愿意去比别的了。。。大概就是为了增加竞争性 所以要把世锦赛挪到奥运会前
还有一个比较逗 尼轰提的 要给每场比赛难度最高或者最创新的动作+2.0的额外分 不算在任何一个节目里 最后算排名的时候一起加 说是因为很久都砍不到创新了 要鼓励创新云云
还有一个某国的不记得说要在冬奥会的时候专门搞个花滑的开幕式还是见面会什么的 就是让运动员都互相见见面
剩下的就不记得了 还有一个比较逗 尼轰提的 要给每场比赛难度最高或者最创新的动作+2.0的额外分 不算在任何一个节目里 最后算排名的时候一起加 说是因为很久都砍不到创新了 要鼓励创新云云
谁能这么威武!! 回复 3# time-space
艺体的踹燕那样? 是的,就是踹燕
真能作出这个,完全可以享受到额外的加分 哈哈,这个有意思,不过我能想到的新颖的动作就是做反身贝尔曼旋转-现在的贝尔曼都是把腿后拉到头的位置,俺想的就是把上身后倒,贴近支撑腿,自由腿向上直立。还有就是把那个双手抱住支撑腿,双腿开度接近180的燕式滑行也做成旋转。
谁能这么威武!!time-space 发表于 2010-5-31 15:47 http://www.chinaice.org/images/common/back.gif
注意~俄国再现BTLoli。。。 第一个动作不清楚,不过你说的第二个动作罗刹国的BTloli已经能够威武到这种程度了……
P.t2004 发表于 2010-6-1 19:22 http://www.chinaice.org/images/common/back.gif
不过我的意思是和第一个动作那样,是上身向下抱住支撑腿的,要是是直腿且开度达到180的贝尔曼,既然shawn sawyer都能做到那种程度,女选手中也有可以做的了 太恐怖了,哪怕是踹燕360,在艺术体操界都是不低的难度,要是能720,那就是BT的难度,没想到,花样滑冰也开始探讨发展这个,不过我觉得不合适,因为有冰刀做踹燕比较危险 冰舞更新了1617号文件,不知道说了些什么,好像有提到中国杯的内容。
• Beijing, China, September 14– 16, 2010 (in conjunction with Chinese National competition)
• Dortmund, Germany, November 5–7, 2010 (in conjunction with the NRW Trophy Dortmund
Members wishing to nominate Ice Dance Referees and/or Judges to participate in an ISU Recognized
Seminars, or the ISU Referees/Judges themselves, may make an application to the ISU Secretariat
([email protected]), with copies to the Host Member and the Chair of the Ice Dance Technical Committee, not
later than six weeks prior to the scheduled date of the Seminar. The Host Member must also send to the ISU
Secretariat, with a copy to the Ice Dance Technical Committee chair, the names of those of its own Referees
and Judges who will attend the Seminar.
These Seminars are primarily for the Referees/Judges of the Host Members. However Referees/Judges of other
Members can also attend subject to the availability of places.
The deadlines for sending the applications are:
􀂃 for the Seminar in Beijing, China August 2, 2010
􀂃 for the Seminar in Dortmund, Germany September 23, 2010
All Seminars will be conducted in English.
The responsibility for the expenses of an ISU Recognized Seminars will be allocated as follows:
1. The travel expenses of the participating Referees and Judges will be borne by their respective Members,
or by the Referees/Judges themselves in case of direct application (not through the Members).
2. The living expenses (rooms and meals) of the participating ISU/International Referees and Judges will be
borne by their respective Members or by the Referees/Judges themselves in case of direct application (not
through the Members).
3. The travel and living expenses of the Seminar Moderators will be borne by the ISU. 回复 9# 红苹果
突然发现今年的seminar跟在全国锦标赛后面了……囧~ 新人提问COC,NHK是什么意思? 新人提问COC,NHK是什么意思?
Mozart 发表于 2011-2-11 12:26 http://www.chinaice.org/images/common/back.gif
COC=Cup of China,中国杯,ISU花样滑冰大奖赛中国站的名称。
NHK=NHK Trophy,NHK是日本著名电视公司,赞助举行ISU大奖赛日本站,故称之为NHK杯。
SA=Skate America,美国站
SC=Skate Canada,加拿大站
TEB=Trophy Eric Bompard,法国站
COR=Cup of Russia,俄罗斯站 (从两个赛季以前俄罗斯站更名为Rostelecom Cup,所以也可以缩写为RC,不过冰迷比较习惯用COR)
EC=European Championships,欧锦赛
4CC=FCC=Four Continents Championships,四大洲锦标赛
GPF=Grand Prix Final,大奖赛总决赛
JGPF=Junior Grand Prix Final,青少年大奖赛总决赛
WC=World Championships,世锦赛
WTT=World Team Trophy,团体赛