一缕风 发表于 2011-7-7 12:18:49


Liesel810 发表于 2011-7-8 21:25:56

回复 16# 一缕风


sunshine 发表于 2011-7-8 22:50:36

P.J Kwong访谈的第二部分,有更多张昊受伤后的鲜为人知的故事以及Z/Z在困难面前的不屈服所表现出的信心。另外Z/Z的新节目真的要值得我们期待了,连作者都忍不住用中文来说“非常棒”了......


WOW. It's the only word I can use to describe what I see on the ice. Alone in the stands watching 2006 Olympic silver pair medallists Dan Zhang and Hao Zhang working with legendary choreographer Lori Nichol, I am totally engaged. Running through their short program to last year's music, Transylvanian Lullaby, Lori yells up to askif I can tell what the program is about. Without hesitation I say: "He is devouring her." I yell down "Feichang bang!" (Very good!!), one of the few Mandarin phrases I can get without screwing up the pronounciation too badly...however it still evokes giggles from the three on the ice who understand it.Dan Zhang tells me later that their season goal is to arrive at their first Grand Prix competition "and show everybody our 'new face'." What I saw in the short program has an edgy and confident adult heat that was unexpected and, for me, a welcome change from so many pairs' gooey romanticism. I am a fan. I was told that the free program is equally dynamic. How long til GP Season ?

It has been a rough 10 months for the pair who were basically sidelined due to injury last fall. Through Mr Huang, Hao tells me that during the course of a lift they fell and he basically smashed everything contained in his right hand's middle finger. Within 15 minutes Hao was at the doctor and very quickly into surgery.Although they tried to get back into shape more quickly, the doctors advised Hao that it would be 18 months for the injury to heal. To start with, Hao was on the ice for only brief periods post surgery just to keep his feet under him while partner Dan persisted with working on the singles elements from their program. Realizing that they really wouldn't make it into top form, by the middle of the season they decided to sit out the rest. "We decided to give up. We watched the other skaters and the competitions. We had confidence that we would get better. We have calmed down because we rested the whole season. We just love figure skating and are confident that we will win good results. We want to create new results."

Back on the ice in earnest since mid-March it was another month before they attempted any lifts. Hao says his finger is still only at about 70% but continues to improve and he is optimistic that it will eventually be back to 100%. He showed me the effort that it takes to completely close his right hand into a fist. I wonder how he is managing especially with the lits: "I find the lasso lift very difficult. When I am on the ice it doesn't matter what I am doing, I have to pay attention and take care that I protect my finger." For the moment he is experiencing a minor injury to his right shoulder and neck likely due to compensating for his injured finger. He says it's nothing to worry about and is "very small". For her part, Dan is the picture of health.

In Beijing they are sometimes on the ice alone and at other times are on the ice with a couple of other teams. You can hear the importance they place on being role models for younger skaters.

On the phone, Lori had already told me what the skaters were doing was "pretty special" and that these two were capable of a huge range of expression. Dan says enthusiastically; "We are excited for our new style. It is for us, the fans and the judges and could not have happened without Lori's great choreography."

If this is how they look with, in their words, "a long time with no practice" , I am excited to think about what the pairs competition will look like in the coming season. With new faces like Tatiana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov and "new faces" like Zhang and Zhang - it's going to be a great season!

Liesel810 发表于 2011-7-9 11:36:51

PJ KWONG对ZZ的新节目评价相当不错,真希望在赛场上也能引起这种惊叹。

Liesel810 发表于 2011-7-9 11:39:31

He is devouring her......

sunshine 发表于 2011-7-9 19:21:39




sunshine 发表于 2011-7-14 21:07:59

根据记者何霞微博提供的资料,Z/Z本赛季略带神秘的表演节目的曲名叫I put a spell on you(对你施咒) 看来Z/Z是要走“恐怖灵异”风格了。

另外根据新浪报道 I put a Spell on you 是一首爵士风格的音乐。在我印象中美国著名爵士歌手Nina Simon,Screamin Jay Hawkins等都曾经演绎过同名单曲,不知是否是Z/Z选择的旋律是哪一个版本?音乐具体内容等有更多资料再介绍。

华奥星空北京7月14日电(记者 康少寒) 7月16日,“2011冰上雅姿”巡演将在北京首都体育馆拉开帷幕,届时都灵冬奥会双人滑亚军张丹/张昊将化身热门韩剧的男女主角,演绎一段唯美的冰上爱情故事。


  作为中国双人滑三驾马车之一,前不久张昊与搭档张丹刚刚从加拿大编排归来,今年巡演两人将带来两套全新节目——爵士风格的《I put a spell on you》和《秘密花园》,届时他俩将化身热门韩剧的男女主角,演绎一段唯美的冰上爱情故事。


散光 发表于 2011-7-14 21:50:21

根据记者何霞微博提供的资料,Z/Z本赛季略带神秘的表演节目的曲名叫I put a spell on you(对你施咒) 看来Z/ ...
sunshine 发表于 2011-7-14 21:07 http://chinaice.org/images/common/back.gif

晕 难道真的是那个拿着骷髅唱着jazz的 I Put A Spell On You byScreamin Jay Hawkins

朱成碧 发表于 2011-7-16 19:28:06


bingbing 发表于 2011-7-16 20:49:37

据一个采访视频,新的长节目是《死亡之舞》……我觉得这三套节目的风格好像太像了,不太好,心痛夭折的《斯 ...
朱成碧 发表于 2011-7-16 19:28 http://www.chinaice.org/images/common/back.gif

    确实是风格太像了……不知道大家会不会审美疲劳啊,担心……其实一套这样的节目,一套想HERE I AM 或者ALMOST HERE这样的节目多好~

红苹果 发表于 2011-7-16 20:59:26



junda1988 发表于 2011-7-16 23:11:43

很期待新的演出呢~ 也说不定《斯巴达》会作为保留曲目在以后使用也说不定~ 不过看《乘着歌声的翅膀》最后的双人联合旋转,他们这赛季是不是换新的旋转动作了呢~

散光 发表于 2011-7-18 12:12:30



wenwenyin 发表于 2011-7-18 15:02:40

两天都看了,觉得第2天的I put a spell on you更好更熟练些,丹MM的表演看起来还不错,只是一到步伐的部分就感觉还是老样子,这个滑行还需要好好练啊。另外大昊那个大劈叉很厉害,柔韧性不错,哈哈而且人也瘦了好多,应该是练得挺辛苦的~加油!

Liesel810 发表于 2011-7-18 21:50:01

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