SP In the Hall of a Mountain King by Epica
LP The Untouchables (soundtrack) by Ennio Morricone 电眼新赛季节目
SP:Dracula (soundtrack)
FS:It Don't Mean a Thing (If It Ain't Got That Swing)?, La Vie En Rose, Sing Sing Sing 法国冰舞Pernelle CARRON / Lloyd JONES 2012-2013
SD:Cotton-eyed Joe, Tennessee Waltz, Cotton-eyed Joe.
FD:La Chanson des Vieux Amants(Jaques Brel) 美国冰舞Madison Hubbell / Zach Donohue 2012-2013
SD:Titanic soundtrack by James Horner. F
D:"Farrucas" by Pepe Romero, "Un Amor" by the Gipsy Kings.
Costumes designed by Susan Hubbell and Timo Nunez
MT-M的新短节目好棒啊,Donlan/Speroff 单跳直接从2T变3S了,快快加油,全美要赢鲁尼组合。 吸血鬼?? 金妍儿2012-2013赛季的短节目音乐将是“Kiss of the Vampires”(吸血鬼之吻);自由滑音乐“Le Miserable”( 悲惨世界)
Jonathan Cassar
音乐:悲惨世界,感谢@Juca 上传视频http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XNDM3MzI0NjQw/v.swf
Jorik Hendrickx 2012-2013
SP:Cry me a river & Spiderman (Michael Buble) At last (Kenny G)
FS:Violin concert (Bruch) Choreographed by Shanetta Folle
http://ww4.sinaimg.cn/large/9e9f333btw1dw3fojs1gqj.jpg Kiira Korpi's
SP 'The Girl with the Flaxen Hair' by Claude Debussy, 飞猪公布了新赛季音乐
My short is "Spy" we got the music directly from the composer. My long is "Bring him home"
SP:60's rockabilly choreographed by Nanami Abe.
FS:choreographed by Shae-Lynn Bourne 鱼类 发表于 2012-7-12 18:23 static/image/common/back.gif
Kevin Reynolds
2012 BC/YT Summer Skate Kevin Reynolds FP:跟宫本贤二合作的新节目
http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XNDQwNzg4Mzg0/v.swf 普鲁申科将和冰协讨论下赛季计划,会参加俄锦赛和欧锦赛,没有计划参加大奖赛。俄冰协和日本有初步协议,会参加10月6日JO的团体赛。 鱼类 发表于 2012-8-21 21:50 static/image/common/back.gif