鱼类 发表于 2012-6-19 10:49:54


  新浪体育讯 近日,美国花样滑冰明星约翰尼-威尔在中国两岸四地参加了“冰上雅姿”的演出,收到了冰迷的热烈追捧。在深圳站,他接受了记者的专访。

  现年27岁的威尔是三届全美冠军,08年世锦赛铜牌得主。他以中性化、时而柔美时而疯狂的表演风格闻名于世,被称为“冰上LADY GAGA”。比赛之余,他的服装、坦白有趣的言辞以及与同性伴侣沃罗诺夫的婚姻都是冰坛的热门话题。在温哥华冬奥会后,威尔暂别冰坛,推出了一首单曲和一本书。过了两年的“普通人的生活”以后,威尔在今年二月份宣布复出。

  谈复出:一度对花滑很失望  “冬奥会后我对这项运动很失望。我不想再参与了,后面的世锦赛也没去。当时我出席了很多活动,比如格莱美、奥斯卡颁奖礼。我看起来不需要再滑冰了。即使是表演我准备得也不是那么充分。那时我还长胖了。”威尔笑着比划了一下。  “直到我被邀请出席全美锦标赛,我看到了男单的状况。我想自己一直都很有竞争力,复出不是为了拿奥运金牌或者赢点什么。那个时代对我来说已经结束了。我想为喜欢我的人比赛,告诉大家我们可以按自己的方式去生活。我仍然热爱这项运动。此外,我的丈夫、我的妈妈、我的朋友以及周围的每个人都希望我再滑冰。”于是,威尔的名字出现在了国际滑联2012-2013赛季的大奖赛名单上。  “此前,我和美国冰协关系的不太好,但是这次他们对我的复出持非常开放的态度。他们很支持我,还给了参加两站大奖赛的机会。我想有一部分原因是他们意识到了我对在美国推广这项运动有好处。”  现在,威尔基本清空了自己的时间表。只留下少数的冰上演出和一些电视节目活动,“我也得养家糊口啊。”他眨了眨眼调侃道,睫毛像小伞一样开合。  谈新赛季:两套节目都有四周跳  威尔即将用于新赛季的两个节目颇具话题性。短节目音乐来自LADY GAGA,谈到此他语气轻快,看得出来,在赛场上演绎这段如此特别的音乐让他十分开心。自由滑则名为《凤凰》,象征他自己,他走过的历程。  威尔目前仍跟随泽莫夫斯卡娅训练,他们已经将两个节目构建成型,只待夏天与编舞们合作加入细节部分。威尔表示,只要时间允许,将再次请著名编舞大卫-威尔森帮助完成自由滑的编舞。考虑到威尔森曾为他编出09-10赛季的两个赏心悦目的节目,这次合作令人更加期待。“希望再次回到赛场我能变得更加强大,至少从精神层面来讲。”威尔表示。  在威尔离开的这段时间里,国际滑联的打分趋势也一直在微妙的变动。如今一位花滑男选手要想在顶级赛事中富有竞争力,不仅需要高难度跳跃如四周跳,还需要强大的步伐、滑行等等综合能力。对此,威尔的应对十分淡然:“现在练习的状况不错,我计划长短节目都要加入四周跳。我请了尼古拉-莫罗佐夫加入我们,协助加强我的步伐。”  “现在很多选手竭尽全力在展示花样滑冰有多困难。可我是在老规则体系下训练长大的。我想让所有人觉得自己也能滑冰,而不是相反。人们观看我的表演应当感觉舒畅,而不是……”他缩起肩膀做了个痛苦揪心的动作。

  谈家庭:打算通过高科技手段要孩子  对于家庭生活,新婚不久的威尔脸上泛起温柔的表情。“维克托(威尔的丈夫)与我计划以后要个孩子。不,我不会去怀孕的。虽然我试过了,哈哈。领养一个?也许。不过我们更想通过一些高科技手段之类的,要一个自己的孩子。我们现在有只宠物,我觉得这是个良好的测试。”当被问及“如何安排家庭生活,比如家务”这个所有人都会经历的问题,威尔显示出了里外一把罩的强大能力:“我做饭。我清扫房间。因为我可不想让维克托把一切弄的一团糟。我会让他去倒垃圾,遛宠物,不过也就这样而已。”  在之前北京站的新闻发布会上,威尔穿了一件引人尖叫的上衣,侧面是开式设计,拍照时旁边的布特几乎不好意思把手放到他的腰上。“那件衣服是在台北买的。是位日本设计师的作品。我热爱时尚,在亚洲演出时,我会去逛街。”对于时尚,他总能侃侃而谈。  谈未来:不会终生待在冰场  威尔的同辈男选手中,布特和兰比尔在退役后开始尝试编舞生涯。不过威尔显然对终生呆在冰上不感冒:“我不太想做教练或编舞。你知道,有时候我看着我的教练,这么多年,她早上7点30分到冰场,裹着大衣,冻得发抖。这可不是我想要的。我想第三次参加冬奥会,然后给自己一点时间决定自己最终想要什么。”  威尔表示,现今的他觉得滑冰不再是那么生死攸关的一件事。“我要滑冰,但一个节目不是我生活的终结。我的教练也接受了我在滑冰之外,有自己的家庭、有自己的生活的事实。因此我们相处得更融洽了。”  (文/图 玻尔)

nimon_22 发表于 2012-6-19 11:39:22


鱼类 发表于 2012-7-13 09:26:06

Victor tweets:


鱼类 发表于 2012-7-24 18:17:39


鱼类 发表于 2012-8-3 16:59:05

Make no mistake: Weir is serious about winning

(08/02/2012) - Johnny Weir does a butterfly into a camel spin, changes to an inside edge, and then catches his free leg for a "donut" position. After a few wobbly turns, he falls.
A minute later, he tries again. Another fall.

"You know, in the old system, I was taught to do spins effortlessly," Weir said. "Now, it's supposed to look like you're killing yourself to do something, and that's a little bit of a barrier. I'm trying to do things the kids are doing -- inside edges, with my body flipped upside down."

Weir's coach, Galina Zmievskaya, honed her craft in Soviet-era Ukraine. She has no sympathy.

"Rules," she said. "We can change nothing. So just do it."

When the three-time U.S. champion announced his return to eligible competition in January, his words met with some skepticism from skating insiders and fans. Maybe it was fodder for his Logo reality show, Be Good Johnny Weir, the second season of which premieres next month. Maybe he wanted to maintain his profile in People. Perhaps he would try it for a few months, and then give it up.

Some seven months later, Weir, who turned 28 on July 2, skates two sessions a day at the Ice House in Hackensack, N.J., under the demanding eyes of Zmievskaya, his coach since 2007. Judging from a few recent practice sessions, he has reclaimed all of his triples -- including a triple Axel-triple toe combination -- and is within striking distance of landing consistent quad toe-triple toe loops, something he thinks he will need in his programs when he returns to competition this fall.

"U.S. Figure Skating is not going to send me to Cup of Russia if I'm doing an exhibition program," he said. "To survive and come back not just for the novelty of it, you have to do what is required of you, and that includes a quad."

Make no mistake: Johnny Weir is serious.

"Absolutely, he is doing well," said Zmievskaya, coach of Olympic champions Viktor Petrenko and Oksana Baiul. "He is working hard, he is skating his programs with the jumps. He landed the toe months ago, and then we switched skates, and now it's coming back."

For a guy who likes the limelight, it has taken some willpower. In demand after stirring performances at the 2010 Olympic Winter Games -- not to mention a documentary and book, Welcome to My World -- he has had to turn his back on the red-carpet circuit in favor of a more Spartan routine.

"In the beginning, it was hard," he said. "One and a half or two months into it, it was too much. I just wanted to go to fashion shows and do my celebrity thing. But then I went to Aruba , I came back fresh and I was fine."

Czech skater Michal Brezina, who trains in Hackensack under Zmievskaya's son-in-law, Petrenko, is impressed with Weir's practices.

"Absolutely, he can fight for medals," said the 22-year-old, sixth at the 2012 World Figure Skating Championships. "The triple Axel is there. The programs look good. Everything is there except the quad sometimes."

After Weir's teammate and longtime rival Evan Lysacek won 2010 Olympic gold without a quad, defeating Russia's Evgeni Plushenko, the International Skating Union (ISU) assigned more points to the four-revolution jump and made it easier to get partial credit for the maneuver. At the 2012 World Championships, the top four finishers all hit at least one quad.

Weir, who has yet to land a fully clean quad in competition, doesn't think the jump is his biggest hurdle. He counts transitions -- the portion of the program components score representing steps and movements between elements -- as an even bigger challenge.

"It's the thing that was my biggest weakness and the thing I thought could pick on, and picked on before," he said. "So now we have transitions into and out of everything. No one can say I'm not doing them."

The pursuit is steady and intense, but not all-encompassing. There were shows in China in June, and he spent a week in Los Angeles that month to tape a show for Food Network.

"I have to be able to make a living, I have to pay my bills," he said. "The people in Hackensack have been very good to me; they donate ice. But I have to pay Galina, and I still have a life, and one thing I've told everybody in my life is I won't be poor for figure skating again.

"I have the luxury of being asked to be part of TV shows and different projects and that's wonderful. It takes away training time and one week in LA was a week I wasn't with Galina. I pay the price when I come home, but I'm strong enough to realize I can have both when I need to. Of course, the week before a Grand Prix, I'm not going to be doing shows."

More often, he sticks to a simple routine five days a week: an hour-and-a-half skating session in the morning, another in the afternoon. Usually, he is done by 3:00 p.m. Then it's off to Pilates at his trainer's house, and then home to Victor Voronov, whom he married in a New York City civil ceremony on Jan. 2. There, he enjoys taking the lead domestic role.

"I have to cook and clean and take care of my husband and puppy , and be OCD and crazy about things being in order and sterile," he said. "My days are really full. I sleep well."

Weir keeps his professional and personal lives separate. Voronov, a Georgetown Law School graduate who recently took the New Jersey bar exam, rarely watches his practices.

"He has been here, I think, twice," Zmievskaya said.

"He understands I don't like to take my work home, so as soon as I walk in the door, we don't talk about figure skating," Weir said. "June was difficult. I was gone for one month and he doesn't know how to wash clothes or cook. Some things I prefer he doesn't learn, because I'm the only one who can do it right."

"I am a warrior"

When Weir last competed, at the 2010 Vancouver Games, he called his "Fallen Angel" free skate "soft and sad and very emotional," and had what he considered the performance of his life. The judges didn't agree, placing him sixth. The decision devastated the skater, who made his feelings plain in a series of interviews.

This time around, soft and sad is out.

"I want people to see I am a warrior. I am angry; I am very fiery," he said. "The free is called 'Phoenix' and its pieces are by the group Escala ['Sarabande' and 'Requiem'] and violinist Edvin Marton . I chose music I love and am inspired by. They are classics, but the way we've arranged the program nobody will think, 'Oh, I've seen this before.'"

His short is pure athletic entertainment, set to the music of one of his idols, Lady Gaga. Most of the choreography is from the skater and his coach, with others lending expertise.

"Nikoli just works on steps; he is very good with the judging system," Zmievskaya said. "Johnny has a very talented body; he really feels the music. He is not a baby. In my opinion, he needs to make programs with his own feelings and not represent a choreographer."

"Nikoli is an advisor; everything else, I'm a free agent," Weir said. "I wanted to work with David Wilson in the beginning of the summer, but he is very busy and my schedule wasn't matching his. So the programs are all me and Galina."

Although Weir is delighted with his Grand Prix assignments and hopes to qualify for the Grand Prix Final in Sochi in December -- a test event for the 2014 Games -- those are just the appetizers. The main course will be the 2013 U.S. Figure Skating Championships in Omaha in January, where he must place in the top two to qualify for the 2013 World Figure Skating Championships.

"Nationals, that's the hardest competition," he said. "If I do everything I can, long and short with the jumps, I don't see why one of the spots wouldn't be mine." Pause. "It will be a hard fight."

While the skater and U.S. Figure Skating have had a few bumps over the years -- some of which were chronicled in his book -- things are more than cordial now.

"I feel very good about my relationship with USFS," he said. "I've had so much respect from them and so much support, ever since I announced this return. If I win one of the spots, great. I really want to help the U.S. get three spots for Sochi. If I skate well and don't win one of the spots, I'll go on vacation earlier. Then again, Four Continents is in Japan this season, and I'm not against it."

Weir's next stop: U.S. Figure Skating's Champs Camp in Colorado Springs later this month, where he and other international competitors will perform short programs and free skates for officials and judges and gain their opinions. After that, he hopes to test his programs at Finlandia Trophy in early October.

"We're really looking forward to the test skate in Colorado because we'll get feedback from people who are our bosses," he said.

"I mean it. What's the point in doing something if you don't really go after it? I'm very serious about what I'm doing. I'm serious about competing -- win or lose, that's my main focus. I want to be at the Grand Prix Final; I want to skate in the Olympic Arena in Sochi."

茶茶 发表于 2012-8-4 19:51:59


鱼类 发表于 2012-8-7 11:28:23


鱼类 发表于 2012-8-30 09:59:11


鱼类 发表于 2012-8-30 14:12:59




鱼类 发表于 2012-8-30 19:30:28




freezeconey 发表于 2012-9-16 15:09:32



鱼类 发表于 2012-10-6 10:44:22


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鱼类 发表于 2012-10-6 10:45:04

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鱼类 发表于 2012-10-6 10:45:46

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鱼类 发表于 2012-10-6 10:46:03

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