中新网6月29日电综合外电报道,美国科罗拉多州官员28日表示,该州近日爆发的山林大火据估计已经烧毁346栋住宅,迫使3万余人撤离家园。这是该州历史上破坏性最大的一次山林大火。当地时间28日下午,科罗拉多州斯普林斯市市长巴奇(Steve Bach)表示,初步报告显示,山林大火已经焚毁346栋住宅,不过这仅仅是初步估计。
"Aid coming to CoSp for animal victims." -- Rachael Flatt
"Going to Dallas because of my asthma caused by the massive forest fire in Colorado springs. At least get to see my dad!" -- Joshua Farris
"Thanks to my amazing mother, @fiestymadels and mama Zawadzki, the cars are all packed and we are safely evacuated." -- Tim Koleto
"Crazy fires in Colorado. My thoughts go out to everyone in its path at home. I hate feeling so helpless." -- Ryan Bradley
"At this point, everyone is at the mercy of the winds." -- John Coughlin
"The fire doubled inside overnight. Visibility is terrible outside my window. I feel like we're on the set of a doomsday disaster movie." -- Coughlin
"Home is where the <3 is, and my <3 is breaking tonight 4 Colorado Springs, Everyone @USFigureSkating @OlympicCtrLife @csworldarena b safe." -- Flatt
"Pray for my home. Keep Colorado in your thoughts!" -- Jeremy Abbott
"Thanks to those of you who have sent messages. Everyone here at USFS is safe. Please keep
Colorado Springs in your thoughts." -- U.S. Figure Skating
"Praying for everyone in #colorado!! those fires look insane!! Stay safe and I hope they are contained soon!" -- Alexe Gilles
科泉曾经多次举办过全美锦标赛和isu大奖赛,四大洲赛。也是著名的花样滑冰训练基地,吸引很多花滑明星在此训练。世界花样滑冰名人堂博物馆也设在这里。 {:soso_e126:}这么倒霉的事情啊,求转载 天啊希望一切平安啊,群群是不是在科泉训练啊? 不知道除了上面的几个美国队员外,还有哪些选手在那里呢,很担心啊{:soso_e115:} 天干物燥,小心火烛