http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20628947,00.htmlAfter nine U.S. national figure skating championships, five world championships and two Olympic medals, Michelle Kwan has enough hardware to populate many a trophy case.
On Sept. 3, though, she got the ultimate in bling – a diamond ring.
Kwan, 32, tells PEOPLE that she is engaged to Clay Pell, 30, director for strategic planning on the National Security staff at the White House. The two first met in April 2011.
"It was a simple decision and it made sense, that's what's so exciting to me," Kwan says of the proposal. "We are working together as a team, like in ."http://ww3.sinaimg.cn/mw690/9e9f333btw1dwtjyjc2xij.jpg
Congrats-- Wish them all the best! congratulations! 婚了婚了,还是姐弟恋!祝福关{:1_272:} 祝福关米雪!
她老公好厉害啊,白宫安全顾问啊 哦,看了一下此人,也不是无名之辈啊,祖父是建立Pell 奖学金的的罗德岛议员Claiborne Pell,Clay Pell自己也是个overachiever,通晓西班牙语,汉语跟阿拉伯语 恭喜了!!!!
祝福她们幸福快乐!! 恭喜恭喜,真是天大的喜讯啊!祝福祝福!不过姐弟恋,我真的有点惊讶。但怎么都永远祝福他们! CLAY PELL
http://ww3.sinaimg.cn/mw690/9e9f333btw1dwto8vax5bj.jpg 老公高帅富耶!恭喜恭喜 我的第一代偶像终于要婚了!
小关真的是要走份政这条路了{:1_274:} MK恋情知道的有最初那个打冰球的加拿大人,不过持续时间很短,然后就是很久没有其他人消息,直到几年前MK在DENVER读书的时候,跟当地一人DATING过,那人也是从商从政世家出身,MK的老妈还去探班过...其他好像就没有听说过了 关的老公看着真是不错啊! 好想看关穿婚纱的样子,一定超美的