金妍儿聘请两位启蒙恩师 复出目标世锦赛前十
金妍儿新赛季签2位恩师 恢复7成新节目已编排
刘钟贤曾是一名冰舞选手,而他也是金妍儿的启蒙教练,从金妍儿7岁开始就执教她。申慧淑曾参加过1980年的普莱西德湖冬奥会,并在金妍儿10岁时开始执教,并长达3年时间。申慧淑将负责金妍儿的日常训练,而刘钟贤主要负责形体和体能方面的训练。 据悉,此次金妍儿与两位恩师再续前缘,申慧淑将负责金妍儿的日常训练,而刘钟贤主要负责形体和体能方面的训练。金妍儿在谈到两位教练时表示,自从自己开始学习花滑起,这两位教练就从技术和心理上给了她莫大的帮助,因此她会好好比赛,以回报这两位对待自己如同女儿般的教练。 对于自己目前的状态,金妍儿表示目前的体能状况已经恢复了70%,新节目的编排已经完成并在磨合中,动作细节方面也有修改。
哎呀呀 看标题我也以为是要回去BO那里了。。 Kim Yu-Na to reunite with childhood coaches
AFP via Google News
South Korean figure skating star Kim Yu-Na is reuniting with two of her childhood coaches as she returns to competitive skating ahead of the 2014 Winter Olympics, her agency said.
The reigning Olympic Champion, who took more than a year off competition after finishing runner-up at the world championships in April last year, said coaches Shin Hye-Sook and Ryu Jong-Hyun played a formative role in her career.