hero93 发表于 2013-5-13 12:40:38


Cause for Optimism!
Posted by young - April 20th, 2013
JNCL-NCLIS April 19, 2013
Below is an e-mail circulating the Department of Education’s Office of Postsecondary Education announcing the appointment of a new Deputy Assistant Secretary for International and Foreign Language Education.Clay Pell is the grandson of former Senator Claiborne Pell, after whom the Pell Grant program is named.
We are pleased to welcome Clay Pell as our new Deputy Assistant Secretary for International and Foreign Language Education. Clay joins us from the White House, where he served as Director for Strategic Planning on the National Security Staff and helped advance President Obama’s key national security priorities.
Joining the Department of Education, Clay’s goal is to advance President Obama’s vision for America’s global competitiveness, including growing the foreign language competence of America’s students and workforce.
Clay brings critical experience from a breadth of departments and agencies including the White House, State Department, and CIA.In addition, Clay has a personal commitment to foreign language study as a speaker of Chinese, Spanish, and Arabic.Clay studied law in Argentina and China, earned his J.D. from Georgetown University Law Center, and graduated from Harvard College with high honors in Social Studies and a Citation in Modern Standard Arabic.
Finally, Clay will be an important bridge to our military community as a reserve officer in the U.S. Coast Guard, including nearly four years on active duty and legal experience as Appellate Government Counsel for the U.S. Coast Guard.
Please introduce yourselves to Clay and make him feel welcomed to OPE/IFLE.
Let me take this time to thank Dr. Sylvia Crowder for serving as the Acting Deputy, IFLE.Sylvia’s expertise in the area of international and foreign language has been invaluable. Her dedication to excellence and commitment to the quality education agenda for our nation provided an example for all within OPE and the Department.

nolemi 发表于 2013-5-15 20:32:05

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