关键看哪些选手来,不过今年据说雅姿来光临穗城,我还是看雅姿吧。等2015年的世锦赛。 帝都我来啦 终于重回首体了!! 从Yuna的论坛中看到的:韩国将有一对新的冰舞选手,他们现在Shpilband手下训练。
原文来自icenetwork:http://web.icenetwork.com/news/a ... 59796&vkey=ice_news
“It looks like the Republic of Korea may soon have a new dance team: Yura Min and Tim Koleto.
Min and Koleto started training with Igor Shpilband in Novi, Mich., this week. They hope to compete at the Korean championships in November if all goes well. Korea hasn't had a senior dance team since 2006. "
小巴西说奥运赛季将和兰比尔合作新节目 今天看到大奖赛中国杯重回北京,那个激动呀,终于又能去现场看了~~~希望金妍儿能参加中国杯 Alexander Johnson下赛季SP是Stairway to Heaven,LP是A Nightmare on Elm Street