tsfhf 发表于 2012-2-13 08:35:49


续梦 发表于 2012-2-13 08:45:38



sunshine 发表于 2012-2-13 08:47:22



红苹果 发表于 2012-2-13 09:05:51


飞天神猪 发表于 2012-2-13 09:46:36


鱼类 发表于 2012-2-13 10:44:46

响应某人号召向冰坛俊男玉女撒花祝贺~ {:soso__3752274502930102838_4:}

TeenのsTeven 发表于 2012-2-13 12:26:40


明晓溪 发表于 2012-2-13 12:45:25


TeenのsTeven 发表于 2012-2-13 13:42:08


It was a performance that could change pairs figure skating at the 2012 Four Continents Figure Skating Championships. Chinese national champions Wenjing Sui and Cong Han showed a new level of technical mastery by attempting and completing both a split quadruple twist and a throw quadruple Salchow.

Both elements were completed with such speed, that they almost appeared to be triples to the naked eye.

“We feel very excited. Maybe tonight we can’t sleep,” Han said. “I think later in the program there were a little nerves, but we feel we adjusted to our program. The throws were successful and we are very pleased. This is our first time to win a senior competition and we are happy and excited.”

In just their first season of ISU Championship eligibility, Sui, 16, and Han, 19, made the transition from two-time World Junior Champions to World medal hopefuls look like a piece of cake. The duo presented a more mature Flamenco program this afternoon, earning a new personal best of 201.83 points—and the gold medals.

The you team has a very aggressive competition schedule in the coming weeks, but are eager to take on the challenge.

“We will go to Junior Worlds and senior Worlds,” Han explained. “We are excited for this chance.”

dsymbyd 发表于 2012-2-13 14:07:13


carolynbo014 发表于 2012-2-13 19:48:36


七酱 发表于 2012-2-13 22:58:58

TeenのsTeven 发表于 2012-2-13 05:00

话说规则里,5组托举,除了5TLi,5SLi,5ALi和5RLi之外, ...


sunshine 发表于 2012-2-13 23:36:15

http://www.usfsa.org/content/ISU ... %20Lasso%20Lift.pdf

Up to now the definition of the Reverse Lasso lift was not published in the ISU materials and according to the calls of this season this is a Lasso lift (which means a lift with hand to hand hold and the lady rotating on the way up) in which both partners are skating backward at the moment of take-off. The lady takes off from one foot or with a flip toe push.

As the two types of lifts with such holds (same or opposite hands of the partners) look quite differently, starting with European Championships 2012 the Reverse Lasso lifts will be separated in two different categories:

The name “Reverse Lasso Lift (5RLi)” will be kept for the lift clarified as follows:
“Both partners skate backwards, ladies hands are backward. Her right hand is in his left hand and her left hand in his right hand (opposite arm hold). The lady takes off backwards from an edge or with a flip toe push with half a rotation on the ascent of the lift”.

The (new) Loop Lasso Lift (5LoLi) is the lift clarified as follows (5LoLi):
“Both partners skate backwards, ladies hands are backwards. Her right hand is in his right hand and her left hand is in his left hand (same arm hold).The lady takes off backwards like in a loop jump and having a max. of one rotation on the ascent”. If the above definitions are not fulfilled, the lift will be called as any other possible Lasso lift.

Both categories described above are created in the frame of the Reverse Lasso lift mentioned in the ISU Regulations 2010 and have the Base value of the 5RLi specified in the SOV of the ISU Communication 1611.

At the end of the season 2011-2012 the SPTC will evaluate the situation and if necessary propose corrections to the SOV and TP Handbook according to the experience of the current season.

TeenのsTeven 发表于 2012-2-14 01:18:21


TeenのsTeven 发表于 2012-2-14 01:19:54

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