Anemone 发表于 2010-4-1 23:50:33


olychamp 发表于 2010-4-2 03:38:14



最新战报:下周Evan要跳Quickstep!Yeah!又能看到衣冠楚楚的黑马王子喽!(dark prince素媒体给Evan Almighty滴新外号,哈哈){:1_280:}

Len要求下周选手要通过舞蹈讲故事,Anna透露他们的主题素Chicago(会不会用Chicago的OST?!),献给Evan的故乡!然后小雷子很温柔地随口唱了两句Chicago, Chicago,不错听呵,声线超磁性and sexy!口素安姐给了他一大卫生球眼,“童鞋,不素介锅!!!”

然后Evan忏悔Anna跟着他粉倒霉,别人让她去party都被小雷子大义凛然滴挡驾:“不行,晚上要练舞,Anna素偶滴。”不知姐夫咋受得了介娃?! 然后Anna假装咬牙切齿滴回敬,“对,偶奏素要拿小鞭子使劲抽他练习。”

表决心时刻:安姐说:欧们要决战到底,do it or die! 小雷子更搞笑地接茬“对!or do it till we die!!! 反正横竖是个S!”哈哈哈,某人的冷幽默尊不是盖的。

他们对Shannen/Mark被pk掉感到震惊和惋惜 (米兔!!!)虽然Mark gg挂了,小雷子还在,乃一定要把革命滴红旗永远永远滴传下去啊 ^p^

Shannen和Mark都说素Evan的huge fans, they'll root for him and Chad (打橄榄球的黑大哥)

maruko_221 发表于 2010-4-2 10:20:55





lxy_1904 发表于 2010-4-2 11:20:55

Dance With The Stars这个节目04年就开播了
我出于好奇,把YDY上发布的DWTS的第三集下来看了,发现这个是results show

DWTSS10EP03   result show,350M,里边还有部分跟海底地震有关的内容,只是雷鸟的出镜率实在稀少

Anemone 发表于 2010-4-2 22:06:06


wyn94520 发表于 2010-4-2 23:01:56


olychamp 发表于 2010-4-3 00:15:26


欧们最最担心滴事情还是发生鸟,小雷子又骨折了,sigh, 他的最新twitter:

I have two broken toes. Ouch!! Updates to follow. {:1_273:}



some fun group numbers, some lovely ladies skating, great pair number from the champs, Tanith can replace Shae-lynn any day. Sasha had wardrobe malfunction ;-) but the cast was saved by Alyssa picking up the two headbands before disaster struck.
Todd seems a very relaxed host, Michael's back flips apparently never fail to please. For reasons that escape me, Ben plays guitar solos twice(??) but he's injured so I'll be kind; he did do a very cute number with Tanith.Joannie's number (Vole) was skated beautifully.
Without diminishing any other skater's performance, the showstopper was definitely Evan. Sold his number 1000% and deserved his standing O. (color me surprised!)

虽然带伤上阵,Evan还是用最完美的表现赢得了Standing Ovation,不馈是强大的Evan Almighty! 介娃啥时候才知道爱惜身体啊~~

对了,才知道他们Jive用的那首歌原来叫The Best Damn Thing, 哈哈。

smilingshine 发表于 2010-4-3 04:53:43


关于broken toe的更新:

Broken Toes update: feeling better with some pain killers and taping.I trained all day yesterday and today.Felt better in my skate actually.

will not let a couple broken toes effect any of my planned appearances fora Smuckers Stars on Ice or Dancing with the Stars!!!!

还好我虽然喜欢雷,但他不是我本命,呵呵。不然他这样整天受伤,我肯定受不了…… 想当年Jeff就一次大的受伤,我都不堪重负了~~~ 希望Evan赶紧好起来,他需要知道他不是超人,而是凡人~ (止疼药不能当饭吃的……)

maruko_221 发表于 2010-4-3 11:59:07


御饼0326 发表于 2010-4-3 15:57:41

翻墙时顺便看了些评论:评委们对他俩打分苛刻,Evan的好性格,轻松愉快的排练(这期好几对的排练都有争吵),潜力巨大、充满乐趣、精力充沛(太充沛了),还有猫王头~~HAHA~~   以上这些都是很好的反馈。

Anemone 发表于 2010-4-3 22:50:30


emilieliu 发表于 2010-4-4 05:47:46






御饼0326 发表于 2010-4-4 12:49:43

“Simply gorgeous” 是我印象很深的一个评价。

以前看到很多人说过,Evan的现场比赛很有感染力,但电视上看就差了好多。昨晚我在电脑屏幕前看着那么小一块还不怎么清楚的视频窗口,却能感受到共鸣。只有3个跳跃,旋转很少,更没什么复杂的步法,有的是放松、投入,充满热忱的演出,音乐是他热爱的MJ的歌曲Man in the Mirror,而不再是“冷冰冰”的古典音乐。



Anemone 发表于 2010-4-4 20:42:04

回复 763# 御饼0326

去年去COC比我还要物质的群众都可以被雷鸟High爆~~~~ 大概是人人都有些“外贸协会”情结吧~~~

olychamp 发表于 2010-4-6 04:27:30

说起蝙蝠侠和超人,偶记得两年前某采访,记者问小雷子如果可以变成一个动漫英雄人物想变成谁,他说:蝙蝠侠,因为欧们都素双重性格,且爱穿黑 。今年某采访,粉丝问小雷子同样的问题,他说想变成超人。 不知明年还想变啥?变形金刚?

终于看见SOI的新节目鸟,大爱啊~~ 跟偶想象的不太一样,不过同意饼饼滴总结,simply gorgeous!对了,他左手带的手套是MJ最著名的那款,白色镶钻的,让偶想起this is it里对MJ最后的回忆:舞台上,歌声响起,斯人已逝,只有孤零零的聚光灯,照在一顶黑色的礼帽和一只白色镶钻的手套上……

这个新节目一连看了好几遍,越看越有感觉。据冰迷的reports,在SOI现场,这个节目每晚都是赢得观众掌声和欢呼最热烈,最大声,也是最持久的。{:1_274:} 还有,那个白色的上衣是双层的,肩膀的地方有点透视。

最新的视频,Entertainment Tonight的访问,Evan还是一副“米事,表担心,我很好”的S抗架势,不过明显已经累得都快散架了。

Evan Lysacek and pro partner Anna Trebunskaya jived their way to a cumulative score of 47 last week, but can the "Dancing with the Stars" couple keep it up given the Olympian's injuries?

Lysacek tells ET that he has two broken toes on his left foot but that he's been working through the injury. "I'm an athlete. I've dealt with pain before and everything is going just fine." The gold medalist and his pro partner Trebunskaya are practicing the quickstep for story week. Trebunskaya hints that their dance will have a Chicago theme.

"This is like nothing I've done before," Lysacek says of the experience. "The days are full ... but I'm having a lot of fun." Catch the Olympian's quickstep when he hits the ballroom floor Monday night on ABC's "Dancing with the Stars."

新闻说骨折是上周一跳Jive的时候发生的,这家伙的忍功真不是一般的强大。口素才第二周就断了俩脚趾头,到第十周还咋活啊? 为了某人滴健康着想,早点出局也不是啥坏事,虽然网上希望他夺冠的人还是最多的。


Evan’s DWTS Blog: Doing the Quickstep on Broken Toes
April 5, 2010

It’s been quite the week. First of all, I have to tell you how hard it was to see Shannen Doherty and Mark Ballas eliminated last Tuesday. We all knew going into this show that the nature of a results show is saying goodbye to one couple. But it was a lot more difficult than any of us imagined. It was not fun at all.

Mark is a really close friend of mine — maybe one of my best buddies out here. And Shannen is such a great person. She’s what this show is all about. The improvement she made from week one to week two was astonishing. I’m not sure people know what a tough time they had during rehearsals leading up to Monday night’s show. Mark had to go the hospital because he badly injured his knee. While he was being treated, Shannen had to learn the routine with a different partner right up until Monday night. Somehow Mark was able to rally and the two of them knocked out a great performance. We were all blown away by how she rose to the occasion. I hope she knows that we are all extremely proud of how well she performed on the show.


The next day Anna and I began rehearsing for our next dance, the quickstep. I felt a bit of an ache, and then a throbbing pain in my left foot. I got it checked out and was told two of my toes were broken. I’ve had much worse injuries that I’ve had to skate with and compete with, so I’m not too concerned. The tricky thing is that I’m rehearsing by day for Dancing With the Stars, and then every weekend I’m performing with Stars on Ice. This past weekend the tour kicked off in Florida. I had to grin and bear it when I was out there on the ice, but I love to skate.


Being on the road with Anna was so much fun. For the past six weeks I’ve been immersed in her world. Now I was able to finally show her in person where I thrive. The ice is home for me and the audiences on the road were amazing. The fans in every city we went to were so warm and enthusiastic. I have had the privilege of representing our country for years as a competitive figure skater. I can’t think of a better way to celebrate my Olympic win than this tour. I’ve discovered there’s a considerable amount of crossover with skating fans and Dancing fans. It’s nice to hear that people are appreciating how hard the dancing is. They tell me how much fun they are having watching the show and that means the world to me. I love that the genuine fun we’re having comes across to the audience watching at home.


Once Anna and I got back to Los Angeles, we went straight to the studio for the camera blocking and run-through of our routine. I think this week viewers are going to see a lot of terrific dancing from all of the couples. I really, really love the quickstep. As for my toes, I’m not worried. I will tape them up and hit the floor with the same 100 percent effort I give in training. I will not let them steal my thunder! A little pain won’t keep me off the ice, nor will it keep me off the dance floor. –Evan Lysacek

从twitter上看Evan是周日早晨1点多离开florida的,下飞机就直接去排练了,又是个不眠之夜 。最后几句,看得人,介娃还素继续拿自残当有趣啊,尊打算拿止疼药当饭吃鸟。



期待Team Evanna带来最精彩Quickstep!
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查看完整版本: 雷鸟参加'Dancing with the Stars'第十季