从贴吧和小粉红逛了一逛,只能说外面的时候好混乱……虚拟世界里不带眼睛的,或者说着唯心话语的人真多。 雷夫人。。。。好像也很糟糕
雷鸟都比关高出一个头了。。。汗 雷夫人。。。。好像也很糟糕
Wilwarin 发表于 2010-2-26 22:51 http://www.chinaice.org/images/common/back.gif
很般配呀,嘿嘿~~{:1_274:} 很般配呀,嘿嘿~~
御饼0326 发表于 2010-2-26 23:04 http://www.chinaice.org/images/common/back.gif
是啊是啊,要是关颖珊就好了 小关采访Evan的录像:
Good Morning America: The Olympic Diary
M: Michlelle
E: Evan
M: Congratulations, I’m so happy and so proud of you!
E: Thank you.
M: It’s been a couple of days since you’ve won the gold medal. Has it really set in yet?
E: I’m on cloud nine, that’s for sure. I just enjoy every interview and every celebration of my family and every high five because it hasn’t even began to sink in yet, maybe once I step out side this Olympic bubble, it’ll start to become more real, but for now I’m just with my friends from other sports and hanging out, I’m so excited and so proud.
M: Evgeni Plushenko criticized you after you won.
E: Evgeni has come back and plotted every step he’s taken to win the Olympic gold medal. I’m sure he’s disappointed. It’s tough for him to deal with it after he has the pressure of his entire country on his shoulders. And maybe some of what he’s saying is coming from emotion, and maybe he’s not trying to insult me, he’s just venting. And so all I want to say is that he should be proud of himself, and once the dust settles, I think he’ll understand that he’s got 3 olympic medals and that means he’s dominated the sports for 12 years or more.
M: I spoke to your mom, what did she tell you before you skated your long program?
E: That they’re proud of me already, that this doesn’t matter. You know that was exactly what I needed to hear and I know that she’s not there in the builder, but I almost feel better because (otherwise) I would have thinking about her reaction by every step I took
Evan’s mom: I could see the expression on his face and I could feel the electricity and just the joy of what he’s doing.
M: How do you think your life will change?
E: Well I don’t think my life will change too much and I want to keep skating, that’s what I love to do. I can’t imagine my life without the daily grind of training and competition.
M: I was so happy for you!
E: Thank you so much.
Evan说“Michelle Kwan是我事业上的坐标和偶像”,Mirai在最近Kristi Yamaguchi对她的访问里说,“我最喜爱的运动员是Evan Lysacek”。Frank Carroll的学生之间有种神奇而默契的传承。
The sweetest hug,送给喜欢Evan和Michelle的朋友。