鱼类 发表于 2012-1-24 22:20:06

花滑加拿大全锦赛 陈伟群惊人突破300分夺五连冠

花滑加拿大全锦赛 陈伟群惊人突破300分夺五连冠

  北京时间1月23日,加拿大花滑全锦赛落幕,世界冠军陈伟群连续第五次夺冠,两套节目总分突破300分,达到惊人的302.14分。  陈伟群在短节目就创造了101.33的高分,成为首个短节目突破100分大关的选手,自由滑他再接再厉,两个四周跳和阿克塞尔三周全部成功,唯一瑕疵是4周连3周做成了了4周连2周,状态大勇的陈伟群在节目后半段成功补上一个3周接3首,根据规则获得了10%的加分。全场观众为这套干净完美的阿兰胡兹起立鼓掌,最终自由滑成绩为200.81,总成绩302.14分!

  去年,这个21岁的华裔男孩在世锦赛上同样用两套几乎毫无瑕疵的节目创造了280.98分的新世界纪录(短节目93.2分、自由滑187.96分),打破了日本人高桥大辅保持了3年的264.41的记录。2012年第一个月,陈伟群又突破了一度被人们认为“可望不可即”的300分大关。遗憾的是,由于这只是全锦赛而不是世界比赛,所以这个纪录无法被吉尼斯承认。不过3月份的法国世锦赛,冰迷们有理由期待他有更出色的发挥。  凯文-雷诺兹获得亚军,总成绩是239.44,落后冠军超过60分,杰里米获得第三名,成绩为207.50。(Lucy)


dosdiosas 发表于 2012-1-26 11:11:45

enderstar 发表于 2011-4-29 14:29 static/image/common/back.gif


gopatrick 发表于 2012-2-6 00:16:27

enderstar 发表于 2011-4-29 14:29 static/image/common/back.gif


天空很希腊 发表于 2012-2-6 12:01:39


鱼类 发表于 2012-2-18 15:25:36

Champion figure skater Patrick Chan talks about Olympic dreams, donates for stem cell initiative

He was joined by members of the World Chinese Business Association of Canada (WCBAC) and volunteers from the Other Half, a Chinese stem cell initiative, who will be holding a fundraiser to to support Chan's training for the Olympics.“We are very excited to have Patrick here today, and we hope to not only match, but to exceed funds raised last year for him,” said Richard Wong, chair of the Chinese Business Association of Canada and one of the main organizers for Chan’s fundraiser tomorrow.Chan is one of Canada's best contenders for a medal in men's figure skating: he is a two-time winner of the continental championship, 2011 CBC Athlete of the year, and a five time Canadian champion. After a disappointing fifth-place finish in the Vancouver Winter Games in 2010,Chan said he remains optimistic, yet cautious on the road leading up to Sochi.
“Vancouver was a bit disappointing I made the mistake of rushing into it, but I am taking it a day a time right now,” he said. “All my focus is on defending my title at the figure skating championships in Nice this spring.”
Along with his success on the world stage, Chan is also the first person to register for the Other Half, which seeks to increase the number of Chinese donors in the stem cell registry worldwide. Chan is well known for his community work, having devoted many hours to theRonald MacDonald House Charitiesand other non-profit organizations.“There is no point in being a prominent figure and not using it to make change,” he commented. "I owe so much to my community and by working with the Other Half, I feel like I am giving back."
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