sharewang 发表于 2011-5-17 05:33:58



May 12, 2011

Hey Everyone,

I know it's been a while since my last entry so I'll do my best to make it up to you :) I'll pick up right before Nationals.

I had the chance to go home for Christmas and I even got an unexpected gift. There were severe snowstorms in the northeastern section of the US that caused huge delays and cancellations in all the airports throughout New York and Pennsylvania. My long weekend home quickly turned into a short vacation home. It was just two extra days but it was well spent with my brothers and sisters :).

Training before Nationals had gone really well and I felt good heading into the Championships. My first few practices were shaky and I started to doubt myself. I had always thought of myself (and still do) as a strong competitor. I started to question whether I could go out there and deliver.

My short program was a mess. Thinking about it now --it's almost a blur. Okay, that's a bit dramatic :P. The whole time I had so much going through my head that when I finally stopped talking to myself, I had already finished skating. I felt lost. I knew I had one day to clear my thoughts and doubts and I also knew I had to use it to my advantage.

On my way to practice the next day, I sat down and talked with 2010 Olympic Champion, Evan Lysacek. He helped me to put the whole situation into perspective. I walked away from our conversation knowing I could do one of two things when I had a future opportunity to look back at this competition; block it out and pretend it never happened or I could remember how strongly I came back in the long program. I was determined to do the latter. In the end, I did come back strong with a program I fought for.

It was a mix of emotions because as happy as I was for skating well, I knew I had dug myself into a deep hole after my short program. I was able to pull up in the standings and earned a trip to Four Continents. Some saw it as a consolation prize for skating well in the free but I was relieved and happy to accept.

Before I knew it, I was at the airport again but this time with a ticket to Taipei. When I skated in Taipei I felt confused, emotionally drained, and not like Adam Rippon, the skater with amazing hair who is totally awesome (or so I've heard). I guess to explain my confusion I'll have to explain how the dynamic in my training changed. The team I had gotten so much out of the year before wasn't the same. David Wilson, my beloved choreographer, was no longer spending the majority of his time at the Cricket Club, and I didn't have much time with my secondary coach, Ghislain. That, along with a few other things, made for a very different training environment. I wanted the event to be over with before it even started. I skated like I wanted to get out of there and take off the really itchy “mental” sweater I felt I was wearing.

When I got back to Toronto, I sat down with Brian. It was clear by the end of our meeting that we didn't have the same thoughts on what happened during the season and we weren't on the same page. I'll always be thankful to Brian for how helped me out when I first moved, along with everyone at the club who made me feel so welcome. But, I felt that if we continued to work together, history would repeat itself. That is why I needed to make that change.

Since returning from 4CC I've been working with Ghislain and feel I've already made some big improvements. What makes Ghis-the-wiz so great is how I know without a doubt he has my best interest at heart. He has been so helpful throughout this entire process. He has also encouraged me to go and try out different training sites to see what's out there. All in all, he's awesome. Another unsung hero throughout everything has been my trainer, Dr. Frank Pasztor. He's helped me from going completely insane and always keeps me focused on the big picture.

Another positive and helpful person during this transition for me has been David Wilson. On that note, when planning for the 2011-12 season, and after some discussion with David and Ghislain, I'll be using two new choreographers this year. Why? I love working with David because he is amazing! With only two seasons left before the Olympics, David and I thought it was important to try a few different styles and get me out of my comfort zone. That's why for this season I'll be working with Shae-Lynn Bourne on my short program and Pasquale Camerlengo on my long program. I'm so excited to work with both of them and can't wait to get started later this month. I also have been working on some new elements and I'm hopeful to even make some history. :)

For all the support and love I received this year, I can't thank you guys enough. Your messages, cheers, and unconditional love is what helps me continually push myself. It means the world to me.

Thank you all again,
All my love,
Adam Rippon

sharewang 发表于 2011-5-17 05:36:13

最近Dianaeve 姐姐比较忙,所以我就在地盘上,猴子称一下王一下先……


好久没有更新了,所以我会尽力补回来的:) 就从全美前开始说吧。
圣诞节前,我回家了,而且得到了一个意料之外的“礼物”。 美国东北部的暴风雪导致纽约和宾州所有机场的飞机都有大范围的航班延迟和取消。我的长假马上变成了 短假。在仅有的两天额外的假期中,我跟我的弟妹玩的很好。

短节目比的乱七八糟。现在想来,它都有些模糊了。好吧,那有些戏剧性 :P 。在整个比赛中,我脑海中一直有太多东西,当停止自言自语时,比赛已经结束了。我感到很失落。我知道我有一天时间去整理思绪和疑惑,同时,也知道需要好好利用这一天,使他对我有利。



在得知此之前,我在去往台北的机场里。当我在台北比赛的时候,我感到了一些迷茫,情绪很低落,都不像Adam Rippon了-那个顶着奇特发型的很棒的选手(我大概是这么听到的……)。 我想我必须说明训练中的戏剧性变化,来解释为什么我会迷茫。我所在的这个团队和以前有着相当大的不同。David Wilson, 我亲爱的编舞,不再将大部分时间用在板球俱乐部了(Adam 所在的俱乐部),同时我也没有很多时间与我的第二教练Ghislain相处。也因为一些别的事情,训练环境发生了很大变化。我希望一切在未开始之前就终止。我希望离开那儿(这句并没有说清楚到底离开哪儿,但我觉得是想快比完快离开台湾。 By 虾),脱掉那件穿在身上实在让人难受的“心理“上的毛衣。


自从四大洲回来后,我就跟随Ghislain 一起训练,也感觉到了一些巨大的进步。什么使得Ghis如此神奇,是因为我确信无疑地知道他将我的最好的利益放在心上。在整个过程中,他都是那么的有帮助;也鼓励我去尝试不同的训练地,去看会有什么效果。总的来说,他很棒。另一个贯穿每一件事的无名英雄,是我的训导师,Frank Pasztor博士,他在我完全失常的时候帮助我,一直让我顾着大局。

另一个在这次转变中起着积极以及帮助作用的人是David Wilson. 说到这个,在计划2011-2012赛季时,以及经过与David和Ghislain的讨论后,我会在这个赛季用两个新的编舞。为什么呢?我喜欢和David共事的日子,他非常神奇!在离奥运会的到来只有两个赛季的时候,David和我认为尝试一些不同的风格以及让我脱离我已习惯的区域是非常重要的。这就是为什么这个赛季我将会和Shae-Lynn Bourne一起研究短节目,和Pasquale Camerlengo一起研究长节目的原因。和他们两个共事使我非常兴奋,我迫不及待地希望这个月下旬的赶紧到来。同时,我也在尝试一些新的环节,甚至希望创造一些历史. : ) (噗,勾手4周,哈哈By 虾)


Adam Rippon

dianaeve 发表于 2011-5-20 22:28:56

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