鱼类 发表于 2004-4-17 20:42:00


以下都是在国外BBS上由美国各地亲临现场的冰迷发表的相关报道,申赵表演的节目是Moulan Rouge和Time to say goodbye:

COI Rehearsal -
S/Z- love till the end of time or something like that. the crowd loved them.

COI East Rutherford NJ -
Shen and Zhao skated to Moulan Rouge. Their outfits were the same as the World exhibition (can't tell what color she was wearing based on my photos). Very huge throw jump and gorgeous death spiral... the program was so moving and I guess moved the crowd as well. The received a lot of cheers and applause at the end.

COI Boston -
Shen and Zhao skated to Moulan Rouge.. they were awesome. Their throws are inhuman. big applause for them.
Shen and Zao skated to Moulan Rouge, "Come what May" and did the most amazing job. God, they were so gorgeous and everyone around me said they were the best of the night except for Michelle. Partial standing ovation. She was in her peach dress and he wore...black? I forget, but it was the same outfits from World's Exhibition.

COI Durham -
Shen and Zao--Time To Say Good-bye. I was so disappointed when the music starts. I was really looking forward to seeing their Moulan Rouge number. People were in awe by their big delay throws. It was very interesting that they did not get too much reception when introduced but they got a partial standing ovation when they finished. That was the first hightlight of the night.
That rhymes with WOW, and boy, did they WOW the audience. My goodness. I needed oxygen to help me start breathing again after their performance. Good thing there was an intermission right after.

COI New York -
S&Z were very good and the audience loved it. I also screamed louder for the more "unknown" skaters especially Johnny Weir, Totmianina & Marinin, Joannie Rochette, and even Belbin & Agosto, who I thought would've gotten louder applause.
S&Z The best of the evening. All of their elements were
beautifully performed. Their presentation has improved so
much over the years - speed, flow, extension, unison, the way
they present to the audience -they were just great.

COI Washington DC -
Shen and Zhao were amazing!! Skated to Come What May from Moulin Rouge, I think it was better than the worlds version, the crowd absolutely loved them and they got probably the 2nd best ovation of the night
Shen and Zhao were wonderful, they have such huge twists and throws and they relate to each other so wonderfully. They received an almost full standing ovation. Totmiannina and Marinin were really good as well, they have really good lifts.

COI Philly -
Shen&Zhao were wonderful, the other highlight for me. Their throw 3loop was solid as a rock during the program, but she took a nasty fall on one during the closing number. They've developed wonderful chemistry between them and have developed almost an ethereal presence on the ice.
WOW! WOW! WOW! They had me in tears. Their program was just gorgeous. Loved their costumes and I think the music was "Come What May" from Moulin Rouge. What a rousing number. Xue's split twist jump is incredible. She goes so high and it was like she did a delayed twist - looked amazing and got a great reaction from the audience. They feel their music so much and make everything as big as can be. Their lifts are astounding and they did one HUGE throw jump that was incredible and she landed it perfectly. They got a small standing ovation!



扭曲的机器 发表于 2004-4-18 22:53:00


jingle 发表于 2004-4-19 18:06:00

It was very interesting that they did not get too much reception when introduced but they got a partial standing ovation when they finished
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