Kurt Browning say hi~~~科特参加冰上雅姿2013
(照片 by -THOMASZ-)
It is show day here in Taipei. After 2 long long days of skating and more practice today as well as a dress rehearsal before the show I am concerned that my legs just will look up at me and laugh just when I actually need them. Seems I am in every group number and the preparations for Singing In The Rain kept me on the ice a few hours longer than the other skaters. This, even though it makes for a tired performer, is the most amazing part.
There is a huge screen at the end of the rink that they can project anything on and I do mean anything. The images and light show for this skating show is so wonderful that truly it is basically a show all on it's own. Also, they use the ice as a screen as well. For example, I will be skating on cobblestone while performing
Singing... wow!! Also, there will be 3 lamposts on the ice and Hong Bo, ( 2010 Olympic Champion, 2-time Olympic bronze medalist, 3-time World Champion pairs skater ) will be playing the policeman to my Gene Kelly.
Went to an outdoor food market last night and ate Cockscomb. Yup, that floppy thing that sits on top of a roosters head!! I won't tell you what it tastes like, you will just have to try it to find out.
Time to go be on the ice all day and then cross my fingers for the show. http://ww3.sinaimg.cn/mw1024/65c2bfb2jw1e5houjl2wxj20hs0d9dgq.jpg
台北站 头发乱了
http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XNTY4Njc2MDYw/v.swf What a sensory experience. The show hits you from every angle as you watch it. A few technical moments that were missing that left the skaters wandering looking for cues but really it seemed like a wonderful experience for the audience. They laughed at speeches and stood for the whole finale so one can only assume they had a wonderful time.
On a personal note I had a great night of skating but an awful night of jumping during one of my solos. It seemed like my takeoffs were great but that I lost touch with where I was during my jumps. Simply put, I could not find the exit sign for my
landings and made a mess of it.
Felt like I was stuck in a small room with a strobe light?? Certainly not what you want ever but I let down all of those involved in the preparation as well as the large audience who were so excited. Faith given - faith let down. Integrity always
shows through, but truly it is simply better and easier for all to just deliver.
It is a fun and involved group here both on and off the ice.
We leave tomorrow early for a day of travel and a press conference. I can't sleep and gave up to re pack and write this blog.
Off to sleep... I hope.
Kurt Browning Singing in the Rain
广州站基本hold住了,但是步法莫名其妙摔倒了 广州站
感谢科叔的礼物 台北站电视转播视频
http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XNTcyMDIwNDc2/v.swf http://ww2.sinaimg.cn/bmiddle/62ae3d36jw1e5qg5lso6gj20c830ek5b.jpg