Nobunari Oda dragged down by his bootlacesBy Pritha SarkarVANCOUVER | Fri Feb 19, 2010 3:26am EST
(Reuters) - Nobunari Oda's hopes of winning a medal in the Olympic men's figure skating competition came undone when he suffered a wardrobe malfunction midway through his free skate on Thursday.Following a crash landing on the triple loop, memories of Tonya Harding's skating debacle at the 1994 Olympics came flooding back when Japan's Oda had to stop mid routine to sort out one of his bootlaces.With the long laces trailing his boots on the ice, Oda skated up to the judges seeking permission to retie the offending piece of cord.A voice over the loudspeaker announced to the bemused crowd: "The skater has three minutes to address the problem."He went up to his coach and frantically tried to sort out his laces before stepping back on ice to complete the last third of his Charlie Chaplin program.By then the damage was done and he finished seventh in the event won by American Evan Lysacek."It came untied, it's my fault, I feel guilty for myself for doing this. I will try to make sure it does not happen again," a dejected Oda, who had been lying fourth after the short program, told reporters.(Editing by Ed Osmond) 先把这个顶上来,小猴子原来06年没去都灵
回完了进来一看,被楼上的图华丽的雷飞 摸摸~~可怜的猴子,把这贴顶上来
可恶的鞋带~~ 这孩子。。。。 猴子一上场,我第一反应是先看他的裤裆,结果裤袋没断,鞋带断了! mini oda,姐姐挺你!卓别林很适合你! 貌似要再过会儿才有今天LP的下载,好好研究下。。。 今天摔了的是不是他啊??? 可怜的娃 世锦赛好运了 来摸摸这个可怜的孩子~~~~~~~可恶的鞋带~~~~~~~~~~猴子也真是的~~~比赛前应该好好检查的啊~~~~ 回复 148# 牛牛啊
鞋带断了也没办法啊。。。。 啥都不说了,猴子啊~~眼泪汪汪的
咱去烧烧香成不??泥轰国不是有的是神社寺院么,咱RP真的不能再这样下去了,能出的幺蛾子怎么都让你赶上了啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊 作为织田家的后裔滑冰的时候还是很有王者气场的
但鞋带的问题让人很无语呀...... 小猴子这次真很可惜啊,戏剧化的突发事件让人无语 进来摸摸小猴子。。。两次奥运会的杯具都赶上了。。。话说小猴子长大了,能够平静地接受这个结果,要是我一定哭死了。。。