“Shae might be one of my favorite skaters of all time. I was dying to work with her for a few years already and I was so excited that it was actually happening this year. We had a little sit down and talked about music we had both found and we realized we both choose Korobushko by Bond. We decided to play it on the ice and it worked right away. This program is very fun, light-hearted, and very fitting to my personality. I'm just a gypsy showing what I can do! No big deal! ”
期待他的精彩表演。 求下载的链接谢谢 我觉得这个版本的卖货郎和小卡娅的最接近
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTUzNjAzNjA4.html 瑞典男单选手Alexander MAJOROV 2013-14赛季的短节目音乐也是来自Bond的“卖货郎”
2013大奖赛美国站 2013.10.18