Aphrodite 发表于 2011-9-10 09:07:51


楼主有没有Arthur的照片让我瞻仰瞻仰? 很好奇什么样的帅哥才配得上科科呢?

火车叨过去 发表于 2011-9-10 10:53:43

Aphrodite 发表于 2011-9-10 09:07 http://www.chinaice.org/static/image/common/back.gif
楼主有没有Arthur的照片让我瞻仰瞻仰? 很好奇什么样的帅哥 ...


Finnish newspaper story Kiira's and her boyfriend Arthur.

Kiira Korpi and Arthur warm interval was reported as early as last May, but the couple has not previously been seen of one race or civilian travel.

Bern this weekend's European Championships held dear to five years older than Arthur, however, was supported by Kiira and excited the results of this Petra with my sister.

Co-imprinted pair has not only failed once obtained, and the medal ceremony Kiira was willing to comment on the dating relationship. Nothing, however, remains guesswork, because Arthur had a very warm intervals throughout the spruce mires family.

According to information from the magazine Arthur currently lives and works in Milan fashion house Armani employed. Previously, he worked as a model and vendor of Helsinki Hugo Boss in motion.

- Arthur is a good guy, His former supervisor told the evening newspaper in the spring.

Sales work alongside Arthur has worked as a model for a couple of years. Paparazzi lists Sepp氀 has been a model for work in Finland, including Italy and Spain. Arthur's dark features come to Spain, where part of his extended family is coming from.

Before leaving for the world He studied business economics Metropolia University.

S urprised by the difference

Last spring, revealed the relationship came as a surprise to many since the beginning of a divorced Kiira was time to be single for a while.

Before Arthur was dating a beautiful figure skater for a long time snowboarder Janne Korpi logo. Similarly, Sepp氀 known to socialize around the same time the Finnish female model.


友情赠送 尼玛脱得连肩带都不剩了。。。

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