丽丽熊 发表于 2013-7-30 09:56:25

Volosozhar & Trankov 13-14赛季曲目 假面舞会+万世巨星


"The free is ready, but it is our 'baby' which we want to bring to life a bit later," Steuer said. "We have heard the rumor that our main rivals, Tatiana and Maxim, will skate to Jesus Christ Superstar. This is certainly not our style, and I do not like this music. We are going in a completely different direction."

根据俄罗斯媒体rusbiathlon.ru的消息,俄罗斯双人组合Volosozhar/Trankov 2013-2014赛季的自由滑节目的音乐来自英国音乐家韦伯的音乐剧 Jesus Christ Superstar《万世巨星》,短节目音乐是《假面舞会》

丽丽熊 发表于 2013-7-30 10:13:21


年华小编 发表于 2013-8-15 21:23:25

SP 假面舞会


FS 万世巨星

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