年华小编 发表于 2013-8-16 22:51:00

Shae-Lynn Bourne对申雪赵宏博的采访

这是今年初,加拿大的前冰舞世界冠军Shae-Lynn Bourne来到北京,为庞清佟健的两套节目修改润色,工作之余对冬奥会双人滑冠军申雪/赵宏博的采访视频。
Hi Everyone!

We just got back from China where I spent the past two weeks working with Pang Quig and Tong Jian, finessing their short and long program. By living in their sport village, we had a real taste of what it’s like to train on the Chinese National team. We shared every meal with the skaters, speed skaters, coaches and trainers. There I taught on the ice next to the great Chinese pair legend, coach Bin Yao. I felt like I was at the Olympic village surrounded by utter dedication and drive inside a world that lives and breathes sport. Our son Kai, on the other hand, was spoiled by all the coaches and skaters that took turns carrying him.He was loved everywhere we went. If you’re ever in Beijing I highly recommend you visit “798 Space” an avant-garde and trendy art district. The other place, obviously, the Great Wall. Enjoy a view of the the Great Wall in the winter, taken by Bohdan. Breathtaking! (Speaking of breathing, a word to the wise: bring a mask for the more polluted days. We bought the 3M P95. It’s reported to cut out 95% of air born pollutants. You can get live updates here: www.aqicn.info )

On every trip I take, I find a new part of myself. The more foreign the culture to the one I know, the more I bring back with me. From Beijing I bring back people’s overwhelming love for children. Nowhere else in the world did our little one feel so much of the communal attention as he did in Beijing (and he has already been to 6 countries in his short life.)

Keep an eye out for a treat from China!!! An interview with the 2010 Olympic Champions Shen Xue & Zhao Hongbo

东京彩虹 发表于 2013-8-17 04:08:33


穆果 发表于 2013-8-17 04:39:08

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