<TheSecond Mark: Courage, Corruption, and the Battle for Olympic Gold>by Joy Goodwin (Author)
我不算是完全新来的,不过倒是确实是没有为论坛做过什么贡献。实在是因为打字不是很方便,这本书我买了没多久,如题所示,写的是出名的2002年冬奥会双人滑金牌的争夺战,现在为止看了一半,写得真得很不错,虽然许多故事以前都大概知道,但那么多的细节却是第一次看到,最让我感动的作者并没有局限于比赛,而是仔细的描述了三队选手完全不同的成长背景以及他们的常年的拼搏,故事很让人感动,作者的笔法也相当的流畅。我记得在论坛上以前好像也见到过关于这本书的帖子,不过一下找不到了。 如果大家有兴趣读英文原版的话,我可以把书作出来。
Book Description
It was billed as the greatest event in the history of pair skating: three of the best teams of all time battling for Olympic gold on one night in Salt Lake City. Technical ability was approximately equal. It was the artistic merit score that would decide the gold medal -- the second mark.
Representing Canada, China, and Russia, the three pairs illuminated their distinct cultures. On the second mark, whose culture would triumph? Would it be the beauty of the Russians' ballet on ice, the thrill of the Chinese pair's heart-stopping acrobatics, or the Canadians' passionate connection with the audience? In a down-to-the-wire nail-biter, the difference between gold and silver came down to the vote of a single judge. Hours later, a bombshell: the confession of a French judge unleashed a worldwide debate -- and ultimately produced an unprecedented duplicate gold medal.
The Second Mark reveals what an athlete really goes through to become the best in the world, through the riveting stories of unforgettable people. We meet Yelena Berezhnaya of Russia, who survives emergency brain surgery after a near-fatal training accident and makes it back to the Olympics in less than two years. We meet Zhao Hongbo, a young boy skating in subzero weather in remotest China, who will fulfill his coach's twenty-year dream of catching up to the West. And we meet two Canadians, a barista and a concession stand worker, who had almost quit the sport before deciding to give it one last try -- and becoming world champions.
Exhaustively researched by a skating insider, The Second Mark takes readers deep into the world of the Olympic athlete, illuminating the fascinating differences between East and West. From the frozen fields of China to the secret corridors of the old Soviet sports system, from a tiny farm village in remotest Quebec to the judges' backstage world, The Second Mark tells the compelling human stories behind one of the most controversial nights in Olympic history.
《the second marks》我也从amazon上买了一本,不过很多国外冰迷对这本书还是贬大于褒的,我本人也不推荐大家买,如果买,还不如买CBS新推出的02盐湖城冬奥会花滑比赛highlight的dvd呢(千万别买表演节目的highlight)。不过楼主要是作出电子书来还真是对论坛的贡献:) 真的很感谢楼主~~~ 这本书的封面^_^
http://images.amazon.com/images/P/074324527X.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg 这个快让我看烂了:)本来说想刻成两张d5(这张d97.8g)送给论坛上的一些朋友,可
http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B00000HE9F.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg 亚玛逊上的东西很方便购买吗? 好像团购几百美元都能免税的... 哪个'亚马逊"上那两样东西多少钱? 楼上的想刻DVD的,你没有dvd的刻录机吗?如果有的话,自己在电脑上就可以了,可惜偶人不在国内,不然可以帮你。
至于这本书,我觉得喜欢的人会很喜欢,不喜欢的会很不喜欢的。我就觉得很好,至于值不值得花那么多钱的问题,就仁者见仁了,虽然偶很喜欢,但偶现在还挺在为偶的大洋而心痛呢。我觉得作者故事写得很动人,让我知道了许多原来不知道的故事,至于听说过的故事,也因为了解了更多细节而栩栩如生了起来。 而且最让我开心的是作者虽然文笔优美,但语言用的却浅显易懂,虽然是英文的,但却很容易读下去。
偶自己有扫描仪,可以从下周开始扫描,不过哪位高人能告诉我扫下来以后怎样转换成文档呢?偶从来没有作过书地说。 奥运会裁判丑闻的内幕是永远不可能弄清楚的!!!
其实这本书最吸引人的是B/S与S/Z平常不为人知的感人故事,我看国外的BBS对这本书的评价还是挺高的。 我想看B/S,当然对S/P也是有些感兴趣的~~~只是,怎么从Amazon买东西,偶就不会了!
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-6-11 19:58:48编辑过]
看来有兴趣的人还是挺多,这么说偶是一定会做出来的,不过真没人知道怎么做书吗,不会只能打字吧? 好像有一种软件可以把扫描的书转成文字的,特别是英文,出错率很低。
http://www.russky.net/down/list.asp?id=27 以下是引用Prozuzu在2004-6-11 19:08:45的发言:
说点实质性的问题呀:)我有dvd刻录机,软件我一般用nero,record now也用,但怎么将一张7.8g的盘刻录到两张d5的dvd-r上呢?请靠苏沃具体的软件和步骤,谢谢:)