<P>记得在coc结束时有人说过小卡亚的双手提刀的燕式在评分上不如单手扶腿的有优势,当时就觉得很纳闷,照理说双手提刀更难平衡才对,今天在fsu上看到有人说isu对小卡亚在这赛季中使用的bielmann姿势+变刃的燕式做了重新评定,据说是给了等级3,也就是基础分3.4,这对小卡亚又是一大优势啊...</P> <P><FONT face=Verdana size=2></FONT> </P><P><FONT face=Verdana size=2>when in fact, Irina's spirals were always more difficult than anyone elses. The blade is what is important and now with Irina doing a change of edge and maintaining the bielman positions is an incredible feat of both technique and flexibility. Odd to see people saying that now for some reason it shouldn't be about flexibility.
Irina's unique new SlutskayaSpiral is another creative move that she has pioneered and the use of a bielman position in the way she does it is very innovative. The coe makes it much more difficult and add to that the positions. Her spirals have always been innovative and very difficult and she has brought various new spirals into her programs over the years.
Irina actually did that spiral move that Sasha does right now and calls a "curl" .. years ago! Arakawa is using the catchfoot spiral that Irina made famous via Culture, and Sebestyn uses a lot of the spins that Irina's made famous. The catchfoot that Kostner does in her short program is a catchfootspiral with free arm that Irina first did in her "showtunes" program.</FONT>
</P><P>再引一段文字,看第三段所说的,小卡亚对燕式步的贡献也很大啊..敢于创新..值得敬佩</P> <P>其实小卡娅还是很会适应新规则的,她在采用新评分标准中,燕式步就改成提刀,而且线路长还变刃,</P><P>其实这个很难的,一般人真的很难平衡的,关的开度大,线路也长,也变刃,所以在这方面她和小卡</P><P>娅打平,他们的直线步都很有特点与优势又打平吧!但小卡娅的旋转要好很多与关,而且小卡娅的跳跃</P><P>更有很大的优势,相信小卡娅肯定会在05年世锦赛上用三接三在接二的技术,又是在家门口比赛,关的</P><P>第二遍分会高于小卡娅,但差距我想不会是关都在8分以上,小卡娅在7分左右,好象一般只有双人与男</P><P>单还有冰舞节目分会在8分以上,这次大奖赛好象女子一个也没有打8分以上的。</P>