<P><FONT face="verdana, arial, helvetica" size=2>Zagorska在俄罗斯站退出的原因是肩部脱臼,虽然她和Siudek不能再次来北京了,很难过,但是身体的最重要的,为她的康复祈祷啊!</FONT></P><P><FONT face="verdana, arial, helvetica" size=2>转自<a href="http://www.fsuniverse.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=19207" target="_blank" >http://www.fsuniverse.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=19207</A></FONT></P>
<P><FONT face="verdana, arial, helvetica" size=2>Ziggy翻译自</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face="verdana, arial, helvetica" size=2><a href="http://kiosk.sports.pl/iso_sport/sporty_zimowe_2.htm" target="_blank" ><FONT color=#000020>http://kiosk.sports.pl/iso_sport/sporty_zimowe_2.htm</FONT></A>
Translation of most important bits:
Yesterday Dorota Zagorska-Siudek flown in Warsaw from Moscow with her shoulder bandaged.
Instead of coming back to Montreal to prepare for GPF, the rebooked their tickets and came to Warsaw where, on Monday, Dorota will undergo an examination by Dr. Trzciński, which will show how serious is her injury.
Mariusz Siudek: 'We haven't slept all night (Fri/Sat), putting ice over Dorota's shoulder. We really wanted to skate in the free program. Even the fourth place, we were at after the short, would give us a place in the GPF. So we decided that the final decision about competing will be made just before the event. But already during the saturday practice, even after Dorota being given a painkiller shot, we realised that there's no way we could perform lifts.
Our coach said shortly: No! You won't skate because we don't know what could the consequences could be. Euros and Worlds (qualifying to OG) are still to come and they're more important.
'Well, what else can I add? Sad, it's really sad because we knew how our rivals skated and we were aware that we could have beaten them in Moscow. Sadly, that unfortunate fall resulted in us not only having to withdraw from the competition but nor will we be able to skate in Beijing.'</FONT></P> 是不是短节目比赛中摔的?快点好起来啊...... GPF最让我难过的就是ZS来不了北京,去年他们COC的《海上钢琴师》一直让我念念不忘,这次的《教会》也是今年我最喜欢的双人节目,不知道以后他们还能否来中国了。。。
<P>希望他们坚持下去!!</P><P>至少是再参加一届奥运会!!</P><P>他们这几年的节目我都很喜欢!!!</P><P>今年的节目就更不要说了,那么漂亮的托举!!</P> 最新的采访里,Z、S表示Dorota的胳膊好差不多了,但是在做throw 3loop和back inside death spiral时还有不小的问题,所以他俩决定在世锦赛短节目做throw 3salchow,而且很有可能只做两周。 throw double salchow的基础分有没有2分啊? 可怜的Z.......... <P>唉,真是太可惜了,本来新规则对他们还是很有利的,还想着他们继99 年后再获得一枚世界锦标赛的奖牌呢!!</P><P>可现在却出现了伤病!!!</P> 怎么这阵子哪里都是伤兵。。。??? 他们是谁啊,我怎么好像不认识! <P>波兰的夫妻档,99年世锦赛铜牌,这些年基本保持世界前六水准。</P>http://www.passionplus.net/imagettes/archives/patinage/couples/zagorska/Za02_01.gif