alexes 发表于 2004-12-29 09:05:00

[转帖]Klimkin Q&A

<P><FONT face=Verdana>自FSU;threadid=20144</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=Verdana>Tinami Aromi翻译自<a href="" target="_blank" ></A></FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=Verdana>Q: What goals have you set for 2005 and when do you think you will gain the “optimal form” to compete?
A: I hope to reach the “optimal form”, given the current conditions, by beginning of season in 2006, the Euros, the Worlds, the Nationals, the Olympics. But for now, it is only a “wish”, we have to see what happens.

Q: Happy Holidays and good health……. How is your health now? When can we see you skate? When do you plan to resume practices?
A: Thank you for kind wishes…….. I feel fine now. The process of re-habilitation is taking place. I plan to start practicing in January.

Q: Your skating style is very unique and interesting. My question is: has the “unusualness” of you style possibly affected the technical execution of the elements and made it more difficult? Your style of skating is enchanting because you create an illusion of “danger” and that your “float” between ice and air, that your feet hardly touch the ice. Could it be that such style takes up a lot of effort and takes away from strength to complete the jumps? Best Wishes to you!
A: Thank you…… Without risk and “that grain of uniqueness” my skating will be no different than many other skaters in the world, there fore I must risk, especially since I am getting “the hang of it”.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=Verdana>Q: Hello Ilya, I am wishing you quick recovery. Please tell, are the Olympics in Turin your “final competitive goal”, or do you plan to compete after? Thank you in advance. Would love to see you skate soon. Get better (healthy).!
A: Thank you for your question……. Turin is my goal. It has to be pursued, it has to be reached…… and after? We will see what’s “after”……… but at present I have to wishes to end skating.

Q: Why sudden wave of injuries? Where you not ready for the level of training demanded by Kudryavtzev? Did the difference (in training style) itself threw you off balance? What are the particular training style differences of Kudryavtzev?
A: Thank you for your question……. During first few months of working with Kudryavtzev I was totally shocked, the physical demands made (by the coach) had no limits (no boundries), I was in need of a major relaxation time period.

I don’t want to blame Kudryavtzev in any shape or form, but his methods of practice/preparation were totally different from methods I experienced with Rusakov. And of course, the funeral and all that followed, did not particularly help my “good form and physical shape”. And then! Abruptly “the grip was tightened” and “go full forward”…. It’s our mutual mistake (mine and Kudryavtzev’s), and we hopefully shall not repeat it.

Q: Would like to wish you all the best and quick recovery, may the dark part of your life go away.
A: Big thank you for kind wishes.

Q: First I wish you quick recovery and hope you win everything you set out to win. Now the question: which of the Russian skaters you are close friends with, that is if you are close with any of them?
A: Thank you for kind wishes. I try to keep friendships/friendly relations with all members of the Russian skating team. But would like to high-light “with Irina Slutskaya the best”.</FONT></P>

鱼类 发表于 2004-12-29 10:36:00


alexes 发表于 2005-1-1 12:29:00

<P><FONT face=Verdana size=2>Klimkin回答其他冰迷的问题</FONT></P><P><FONT face=Verdana size=2>Klimkin answered more questions:

Katia from Moscow:

Your advice to the beginners or those who is still young but works to make make it through...

What makes you, personally, to come on ice again and again, even when you don't want it or something doesn't work? Did that ever happened? Did you ever gave up?

Ilia: Hello Katia, thank you for the question...

There would be one advice, don't give up, even if something doesn't work, trust your coach, and work, work, and work. As for me... I've been on skates for 20 years, and that's some time, there was a lot of good, and a lot of bad. Overcoming those difficulties, you become a person, you take a step ahead. Life consists of those steps...

Svetlana from Novosibirsk: Hello Ilia! First of all, I'd like to send my holiday wishes to you, and wish you to get well soon and a fast comeback. You've been at every Ice Symphony tour except the last one. We still remember your adorable Madam Broshkina. What are your impressions of performing in Russian cities and meeting the fans? What did you remember in particular, what did you like and what was unpleasant?

Ilia: Hello Svetlana, thank you for the question... I have a very positive impression from the Ice Symphony and good memories, and I will be very glad to perform in this show in the future. No doubt, this is the best in Russia.

Patricia from Etampes: Are you using all this time you cannot be on the skates to work some new choreographies in your mind and to listen to musics you could choose ? Have you choosen your future musics?The Best wishes to you Ilya

Ilia: Hi Patricia, All free time that I have I spend resting from the skating, but of course, if I come across an interesting thing, of course, I'll listen to it and discuss with my choreographer. Usually, selecting the competitive programs comes on top of that. Now, we are looking for a new program together.

Teri from Maple Shade: You have a very original and unique style that seems to be admired by experts and commentators from different parts of the world (Russia, Europe, even the US). What inspires you to come up with the difficult and original moves and unique artistry in your programs?

Ilia: Hi Teri? How are you? Answer is - my coach Rusakov.

Olia from Moscow: Ilia, in your opinion, what's a talent? Or which skater has "abilities" for skating? And one more serious question -what do you think about further development of skating in Russia?

Ilia: Hello Olia, thank you for the question. Talent is a birth-given ability to learn certain skills faster than other people. Skills needed for skating...

The future would tell. I think everything will settle soon, and finally, there will be a new growth of skaters

Tatiana from Ekaterinburg: Good afternoon (evening, or morning, or whatever it would be) We are sorry we can't see you this season! We miss you at the competitions. I have two question, they are cliche, but I want to learn more about you.

1. What do you value most in life?
2. What was your biggest discovery in life?
3. What is your favorite persona that you expressed on ice and which one you would like to portray?

Thank you in advance

Ilia: Hello, Tatiana, thank you for the question...

In order:

1. Biggest value - family, friends, people I love.
2. I'm a skater.
3. Tragic, tragic, and one more time... funny.

Natalia from Moscow:

Dear Ilia, get healthy and come back soon! We lost a lot that season without yuo skating. You are very gifted and unique skater. Only with the help of your "Sunny Boy" figure skating got new fans in my friends. Too bad such a beatufiul sport is so injury-prone.

Tell us please, what do you think, is that possible to build the training process to prevent serious injuries? (I don't mean the injuries as an accident that nobody is safe from.) If you look closely, our entire team is skating with serious injuries, especially the men. Is ruined health always something you pay for the high result
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