cocoli 发表于 2005-1-29 18:39:00

[转帖]Plushenko's Interview(new)

<P><FONT face="verdana, arial, helvetica" size=2>Several hours before our interview, I've run into Evgeni Plushenko in hotel "Moscow" were all Nationals competitors staid. Zhenya was going downstairs in the elevator with the cute girl standing next to him. They exited the hotel together and got into the car parked nearby. Later, I've noticed the girl in the Ice Palace during the competition.

- Sorry, Zhenya, is that your new girlfriend?

- Yes, she is my girlfriend. Her name is Masha. We've been dating for six months.

- What about Uliana who you also called your girlfriend?

- We went our separate ways. At some moment, I've felt it was uncomfortable for us to be together. Maybe, the love went away.

- Did you split without arguments?

- It wasn't easy but we separated normally. Then, I was in search. I was dating one girl, then another, and this was distracting me from practices a lot. Suddenly, I met Maria. After that, it was all calm.

- Where did you find her?

- On the road. I was driving a beautiful car then, "Mazerati". My friend was in the car with me. I saw a cabriolet coming and two girls in it. Not thinking long, I turned around and followed it. I chased it down. That's how we met.

- Did you friend found his happiness as well?

- No, it turned out Masha's friend already had a boyfriend.

- Well, no luck here. What does Masha do?

- She is studying sociology in the University. She likes sports - soccer and figure skating in particular. She worries about me. She was so worried during the long program, her nose started to bleed. I'm glad that Maria found the common ground with my mom fast. Also, Masha understands what figure skating means for me. I can't put the skating on the background. For now, it's the most important thing in my life.

- Are you going to marry?

- No, it's too early. I want to be a free person.

- Free from what?

- I'm not going to cheat on Masha, but I'm not ready to the family life yet.

In early season, Plushenko and his coach Alexei Mishin decided to miss Grand Prix events and prepare to the year's main events on their own schedule. Zhenya signed a contract with his good friend, manager Oliver Hener, to perform in shows in Prague and Budapest. A day before the Prague show, ISU forbid Evgeni to perform.

- How did you take it?

- I was stressed. They threatened with penalties, like I'm some sort of a bad boy. I had to comply, but I was boiling inside. Fifteen thousand fans were in the arena, they were waiting for me, however, I didn't have the right to even step onto the ice. I can understand the ISU - Michelle Kwan, Sasha Cohen, and Timothy Goebel refused the Grand Prix events, and now Plushenko's doing the same. He didn't go to the Grand Prix, saying he's injured, and he is going to the commercial event. Let's go get him! First of all, I was really injured. At the time I refused , I got sick with pneumonia. I didn't lie to anyone.

- Where you going to perform in Prague injured?

- At the competitions, where you have to give it all and do quads, it's dangerous. You can only make the situation worse. Shows are another story, we skate an easier variation. My injury wasn't too serious.

- Why did many stars started to ignore Grand Prix events?

- I will be sincere. We don't like that prize money was lowered a lot. Before, ISU paid $30K for the first place, now it's $18K. The payments are almost twice lower. Do you think Kwan or Cohen didn't compete at commercial events home in America? Their National federation backs them up, the Americans won't let their skaters to be hurt. Our Federation didn't want to start a conflict with the ISU. By the way, the skater who makes the National Team in the US, is given $75K a year for costumes, skates, coaching expenses. We don't get anything for winning Russian Nationals. The skater gets a medal, and the coach gets a diploma.

- But you are considered professionals...

- Exactly. I have a personal masseuse. I pay him from 600 to 1000 rubles for one visit, and I need a massage every d

emilieliu 发表于 2005-1-29 20:34:00

<P>看完这篇interview有点惊讶,俄罗斯冰协真的是有点好笑,还真是只注重精神奖励啊.没想到他这样说griazev有点过分啊!他真的是有蛮狂!!!! 还有就是他追女生能换个法子嘛?怎么老是听到他在大街上找女朋友啊.</P>

princess 发表于 2005-1-29 20:52:00


xing0827 发表于 2005-1-29 22:36:00


科科 发表于 2005-1-30 09:39:00


ggmm 发表于 2005-1-30 12:14:00


独角兽8858 发表于 2005-1-31 01:08:00


电气海豚 发表于 2005-1-31 11:29:00


lavenderash 发表于 2005-2-1 00:26:00

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