liangzi 发表于 2005-3-19 14:40:00


冰雪心灵 发表于 2005-3-19 15:03:00

<P>cohen把头发盘起来了,看上去比以前成熟和漂亮了许多.</P><P>整套衣服好象很中国啊 尤其是那朵花 呵呵</P><P>希望她能尝一次冠军的滋味!!!</P>

煌煌 发表于 2005-3-19 15:12:00


Yvonne 发表于 2005-3-19 16:37:00


小公主 发表于 2005-3-19 16:38:00

<P>Sasha Cohen finished less than three points behind Russia's Irina Slutskaya in Friday's short program at the World Figure Skating Championships in Moscow, Russia.</P>
<P>She landed most jumps solidly, but had trouble with her triple flip.
<P>"I'm a little bit frustrated," she said. "I let some mistakes creep in that cost me some points."
<P>Sasha suggested she might have an advantage over Slutskaya going into Saturday's final free program.

I think with the new system it is always better to be first because every point counts,” Sasha said. “If you are in second you have nothing to lose and it is a different mentality going into it.”

Sasha made two minor, but noticeable mistakes, but offset her mistakes with more difficult spins. Sasha also lost points when her music ended and she didn't.

“It's so frustrating because the last spin was going so well and I was just doing it for too long,” Sasha said. “It's all about points, and I need to make sure that I don't give up even one point.”

“You just have to keep reading the rules and doing what it says in the book,” Sasha said. “What constitutes a level, how much jumps are worth and how long you have to hold some things. We had two callers come in (during her practices at home). We were just really active about what counts for what. It is a counting game.”

Sasha skated to Russian favorite “Dark Eyes” (Ochi Chornoye).

Sasha said she can't wait for the free skate.

小公主 发表于 2005-3-19 17:02:00

<P><IMG src=";dasite=MS_GINS&amp;ef=2&amp;ev=1&amp;dareq=3B41CC647D5F338D45291D123E07A12AA9C30E9B9B114CE8" border=0></P>
<P><IMG src=";dasite=MS_GINS&amp;ef=2&amp;ev=1&amp;dareq=3B41CC647D5F338D471DAD87FE6301D5A9C30E9B9B114CE8" border=0></P>
<P><IMG src=";dasite=MS_GINS&amp;ef=2&amp;ev=1&amp;dareq=3B41CC647D5F338DD4B781427D10651EA9C30E9B9B114CE8" border=0></P>
<P><IMG src=";dasite=MS_GINS&amp;ef=2&amp;ev=1&amp;dareq=3B41CC647D5F338D82C60148489CDCA0A9C30E9B9B114CE8" border=0></P>

dy 发表于 2005-3-19 17:32:00


tripletoe 发表于 2005-3-19 18:02:00

<P>       刚看了小卡娅和Cohen的短节目,太让我失望了,我想,在旧规则下,她们的分根本不可能派在小关前面。那么明显的失误,居然都比小关高。真是太不喜欢新规则了。小关在短节目中是三个人中发挥最好的,虽然比全美时梢差,为什么分数却比她们低呢?即使是综合考虑,除去旋转和步伐,跳跃也应该考察内容吧,我觉得小关应该排第一的啊!</P><P>       很不喜欢小关把袜子包在鞋上个感觉。显得腿很粗!</P>

patmit 发表于 2005-3-19 18:03:00


patmit 发表于 2005-3-19 18:08:00


yukita 发表于 2005-3-19 18:09:00

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>patmit</I>在2005-3-19 18:03:55的发言:</B>

??不会吧 虽然编排上还不够出色 她的表演也还不够成熟 可是“僵硬”这个词有些过了吧 小mm的肢体动作还是很柔美的

柯钦 发表于 2005-3-19 18:16:00


柏山艾莉 发表于 2005-3-19 18:43:00

<P>Caro的表现力还是可以的 感觉今年的短节目表现力比去年的好啊</P><P>她的特色主要是很流畅 手臂动作尚可 但在步法上老是会忽视手臂动作 所以上下身体配合所表现出的美感还欠缺些 不过年纪还小 前景看好啊</P>
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