Yvonne 发表于 2005-9-2 23:00:00

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>gtxys</I>在2005-9-2 21:58:42的发言:</B>

<P><FONT face=新宋体>7月末在长野的野边山举办了日本代表选手们的表演赛,
据说本田的今季 短节目:Romio&amp;Juliet 自由滑:Tosca。


gtxys 发表于 2005-9-2 23:08:00


alexes 发表于 2005-9-3 00:26:00

<P>保加利亚的D/S有消息了,他们的FD是<b> <FONT color=#ff0000>新版本的“Adagio” by Albinoni,OD是Cha Cha-Rhumba-Cha Cha,</FONT></b>不过节目还在修改中,</P>
<P>法国的D/S新FD节目是<b><FONT color=#ff0000> "Carneval in Venice" 和另外的巴洛克音乐.</FONT></b></P>
<P>以色列的C/S,<b><FONT color=#ff0000>新FD是现代版的Bolero</FONT></b>,兄妹组合Z/Z的<b><FONT color=#f70909>FD是Caravan</FONT></b>.</P>
<P>N/K的<b><FONT color=#f70909>OD韵律是Cha Cha, Rhumba ,Samba.FDZhulin说用Carmen</FONT></b>(倒,.......)</P>
<P>B/A能否参加奥运会的问题上,他们说雇佣了很好的律师,也给议员写了信,但Tanith在07年前拿到美国国籍的机会很小,他们的新音乐公布了,<B>FD是</B> <B><FONT color=#ff0000>Flamenco from a CD by Louis Winsberg with the title "Jelio,”,中间加一段现代探戈.<FONT color=#000000>OD是</FONT></FONT><FONT color=#ff0000>SalsaRhumba Cha Cha(Jennifer Lopez )"Let's Go Loud" </FONT></B></P>
<P>B/A的小师弟师妹Tessa Virtue &amp; Scott Moir的FD是“Malaguena”( ?好象和前面公布的不一样),他们的目标是明年的青少年冠军.</P>
<P>A Visit To U.S. Training Centers
by Klaus-Reinhold Kany </P>
<P>Totmianina &amp; Marinin Prepare for New Season Near Chicago
For four years the two-time pair World champions Tatiana Totmianina &amp; Maxim Marinin have been living in the Chicago area, their coach Oleg Vasiliev even longer. Normally they train in Northbrook about 25 miles north from downtown Chicago, but in August there was an ice hockey tournament in this rink. Therefore they were in near-by Buffalo Grove in the Twin Rinks Ice Pavillion, which is situated in the middle of wealthy family houses and seemingly prospering small enterprises. Rink manager Tom Hickey is happy that a journalist is interested in his rink. About 1,500 people train here in the DuPage Club, among them seven synchronized skating teams and 200 students who do competitions. Figure skating has the priority over ice hockey, there are also off-ice courses with modern kick boxing elements and hip hop music. Besides the World champions, Vasiliev also trains seven others. Fumie Suguri from Japan plans to come again in September. The Puerto Rican Novice champion, Natalie Nyman , plans to compete at two ISU Junior Grand Prix, but she has pain in her foot. He also prepares Korean skater Sophie Lee for her Junior Grand Prix. </P>
<P>At 10.20 p.m., the on-ice training of the World champions begins after their one-hour- long warm-up. They share the ice only with the two Swedish Junior skaters Matilda Rang and Viktoria Helgesson . Their short program music is the well-known slow and romantic Valse "Snowstorm" by Sviridov which Vasiliev and Irina Rodnina &amp; Alexandr Zaitzev had used once.
Tamara Moskvina's new pair Julia Obertas &amp; Sergei Slavnov used the same music in June when they were in Germany for their summer training. Two top Russian pairs with the same music? After the morning training Vasiliev commented: "In May, I played this music to our federation president Valentin Piseev and asked him to promise me that no other Russian top skaters use this music in this Olympic season. Therefore Moskvina has to change it for her pair, because I was first." </P>
<P>During the morning the pair trains one element of the short program after the other, each in a very high speed and excellent shape. In each element, they invented something which increases the level: Totmianina spreads her legs for more than 90 degrees during the double twist lift, her hands are
above her head. The new lift has one change of direction and two changes of position, there are still two variations for the exit. The spins, the death spiral and even the thrown triple loop have new difficult entries - evervthing is level four. The linking steps are demanding as well and interpret the music very well. All in all, the program looks

sunshine 发表于 2005-9-3 19:08:00

<P>“Tamara Moskvina's new pair Julia Obertas &amp; Sergei Slavnov used the same music in June when they were in Germany for their summer training. Two top Russian pairs with the same music? After the morning training Vasiliev commented: <FONT color=#f70909>"In May, I played this music to our federation president Valentin Piseev and asked him to promise me that no other Russian top skaters use this music in this Olympic season. Therefore Moskvina has to change it for her pair, because I was first."</FONT> ”</P><P>T/M的教练好粗鲁呀。就算是他先选用的音乐,也没有必要要求Moskvina 必须换呀。这个音乐又不是他的专利。T/M的撵转有了较大的提高,托举的下法,抛跳。螺旋线等环节都升到了四级。看来他们为新赛季的准备是比较充分的。</P><P><FONT color=#ff0000>Does Vasiliev have an advantage over other coaches because he sits in the ISU Coaches Commission and made the rules for the judging system?</FONT> </P><P>"First Tamara Moskvina was in this commission,” he explained. “But she did not want to do this work any more which is almost not paid and resigned. Therefore I came as a substitute. Moreover the members of the Figure Skating Committee always change some of my suggestions. Then they send it to Peter Krick and from him it goes back to me. Therefore I do not know it much earlier than all other coaches. But I make the rules practicable, because there are no pair specialists in the Figure Skating Committee. If other coaches have questions they may always call me or send me e-mails." </P><P>文章中提到了关于新规则的一些问题,看来1319的出台,与这位教练是有着千丝万缕的关系的,所以他表示05-06是他们最后一个赛季,不能不说是大快人心的好事情。</P>

eric2000 发表于 2005-9-3 19:15:00


alexapple 发表于 2005-9-3 19:41:00


yueguang 发表于 2005-9-3 20:01:00


柯钦 发表于 2005-9-4 09:40:00


Yvonne 发表于 2005-9-4 13:53:00


唐卡洛 发表于 2005-9-4 21:46:00


留住最后的舞 发表于 2005-9-6 14:26:00


ferrerol 发表于 2005-9-9 10:41:00

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>Ray</I>在2005-9-8 20:40:47的发言:</B>

<P><IMG src="http://www.usfsa.org/content/events/200405/uschamps/action/kirk-fs.jpg" border=0></P>
<P><FONT size=3>Latest News:</FONT> 2004 U.S. Bronze Medalist Jennifer Kirk Announces Retirement From Competitive Figure Skating </P>
<P><a href="http://www.usfsa.org/event_story.asp?id=30615" target="_blank" >http://www.usfsa.org/event_story.asp?id=30615</A></P></DIV>

Ray 发表于 2005-9-10 05:29:00


eric2000 发表于 2005-9-10 12:58:00

<P>  新华网华盛顿9月8日电 本来有望成为都灵冬奥会女子单人花样滑冰有力竞争者的美国女选手柯克却在8日突然宣布决定退役。</P><P>  柯克曾有过辉煌的战绩,她在2000年获得世界青少年锦标赛女子单人滑冠军,在2004年全美锦标赛以及今年的四大洲锦标赛上夺得第三名。她参加过三次花样滑冰世锦赛,但是在今年的比赛中只拿到第17名。

  柯克说:“对我来说,做这样的决定是一件非常困难的事情。尤其是在赛季到来之前。”她还透露,母亲的离世是她决定放弃职业生涯的重要原因。她说:“尽管我还热爱着花样滑冰,但是这种热情和比赛的竞争意识从2001年我的妈妈去世后已变得越来越少了。”</P><P>  柯克去年一直和教练卡罗尔训练,之前两年师从于卡拉汉。柯克计划退役后前往波士顿去当一名花样滑冰教练。</P>

唐卡洛 发表于 2005-9-11 13:50:00

<P>听到KIRK退役的消息还是比较突然.</P><P>几天没来论坛,看了消息的前几个字还以为是关或COHEN退了呢,不禁一寒,但得知是KIRK退了后也是比较伤心.其实心理还是比较喜欢这个选手的,只是觉得她的心理状态需要更加的平静一些才能把赛比好.如今她既然有了这样的选择,还是祝愿她一路走好.</P><P>今年的赛季,我关注的女选手有:关 COHEMKIRK LIANG 罗切特 荒川 村主 安藤 小卡 SOKOLOVA 沃切科娃 塞巴思帝安 SUSANA (好像还落了谁).在少了一个.</P>
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