Buttle 换掉自由滑
<P>Buttle made a significant decision Tuesday: <FONT color=#f70938>he's setting aside the long program he's used all season, a tribute to Glenn Gould using selections of the late Canadian pianist's music, and reverting to his 2003-2004 Samson and Delilah routine.</FONT> </P><P>Buttle's marks at the meets he competed at this season were fine, but he knew something was missing.
<FONT color=#ff0033>''Although I was skating better, I wasn't feeling comfortable enough with the middle section of the program,'' he explained. ''I loved the program . . . but I felt I was holding my breath through the middle two minutes.'' </FONT></P>
<P>So he'll go back to the tried and true. </P>
<P>`It was a hard decision because I had been getting such great component scores,'' he said. ''But it's more important that I feel good through an entire program . . . and the jumps work better (with the old routine). </P>
<P><FONT color=#ff0033>''I don't feel I'm going back to something that's weaker but that I'm going back to something that is more comfortable. At this point, I just want to go out there and feel comfortable and know that all the training I've done is right.'' </FONT></P>
<P>He said he's committed to Samson and Delilah for the remainder of the season. </P>
Samson and Delilah这两年用的人也蛮多的,现在换节目,时间紧迫啊。 奥运会迫在眉睫了,怎么大家都纷纷换节目啊?! <P>原来的长节目总得来说也还不错(不过我更喜欢他本赛季的SP) </P><P>现在换节目是不是太晚了些 有些冒险的说</P> 不是说用老节目吗?!!所以应该还是来得及的~~ <P>时间是紧了点,不过今年的LP应该还算不错~~总之祝jeff好运~</P> 万恶的奥运会。 还有谁换了? miki和shiz不都风传要换节目吗? <DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>loooop</I>在2006-1-7 0:43:50的发言:</B>
<P>Miki新的LP可能是<蝴蝶夫人></P> 我大概又成了少数派成员,支持Buttle换掉长节目。虽然哥德堡和平均律都是我非常喜欢的作品(我的葬礼一定要放哥德堡),但用来做滑冰配乐并不合适。Buttle这个音乐剪辑内容太多基调变的太快,要在奥运会那种压力下保持镇定和自然的精神状态几乎不可能。 <DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>alexes</I>在2006-1-7 10:27:22的发言:</B>
<P>那不是和S/Z的重了?</P> 换成03-04赛季的LP,时间上应该不紧迫。我也觉得这赛季他的lp一直发挥得不好,虽然很高兴他滑古尔德…… <P>我没有看过JEFF03-04赛季的自由滑,哪位大人能分一个???</P><P>MIKI要滑蝴蝶夫人啊,大赛年大家的选择怎么都这么接近???不知道谁有时间再做一个,DW大概不乐意再帮忙吧???</P> 我觉得《蝴蝶夫人》更适合荒川来滑,MIKI的话,怕她驾驭不了音乐