[Casablanca 卡萨布兰卡] ~ Browning自由滑(93-94)
<p>1993年的世界花样滑冰锦标赛男单自由滑的比赛中,一位来自加拿大的身穿白色礼服的冰上绅士,在电影 《卡萨布兰卡》原声乐的伴奏下,把观众重又带回到了那部经典的影片之中。而这位选手就是加拿大著名花样滑冰运动员Kurt Browning。</p><br><br>
<p>1942年出品的电影 《卡萨布兰卡》由英格丽.褒曼,享弗莱.鲍嘉主演,讲述了一个发生在第二次世界大战时的动人故事。影片根据舞台剧《人人都去里克酒店》改编, 影片获得1943年度第16届奥斯卡最佳影片最佳导演等三项大奖,并且成为经久不衰的直接反映二次大战的爱情片。</p>
<p><br>个人认为Kurt Browning 的这个节目的编排非常成功,尤其是在节目进入中后段,当那首经典的《As Time Goes By》响起时, Browning 的步伐表演,真是将影片男主人公Rick的性格特点表现的淋漓尽致。这个节目使用了电影原声的序曲部分和经典的As Time Goes By,前半部分简明扼要的概述了故事发生的背景,个人认为后半部分的节目更为出彩,在Browning完美的演绎下,我们仿佛再次看到了那个将爱情埋藏在心底,高尚的Rick的形象。</p><p> </p>
<p>http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjA3NTk3ODI0.html</p><p><br>Browning节目使用了3段影片《卡萨布兰卡》原声的音乐剪辑“Main TitlePrologue,Paris Montage,Ilsa Returns As Time Goes By”,此外还加入了了一段电影《大路》的主题音乐。 </p>
<br>Kurt Browning自由滑《卡萨布兰卡》<br>
<br>再一起欣赏歌星Andy Williams演唱的As time goes by<br>
<br> ~隋文静/韩聪短节目(13-14) Buttle自由滑(01-02)<br>
As Time Goes By这首曲子太有名了,我的一个好朋友特喜欢它,它被翻唱(奏)成不计其数的版本,我手上也有数个,这里放上一个原声专辑中的人声演唱版,由Dooley Wilson演唱。<br><br>http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XOTM5MjQ0MA==.html
<P><FONT size=2>把上次找着的节目介绍转过来:</FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=2><STRONG><FONT color=#3300ff>Casablanca is probably one of Kurt's most famous programs, next to <br>Singing in the Rain. At the time, it marked a creative departure for <br>both Kurt and the sport of figure skating, as one of the first <br>successful programs featuring the skater acting as a character, in <br>this case Humphrey Bogart's character from Casablanca. Sandra Bezic <br>and Kurt worked carefully together creating the character and a set of <br>moves that would fit the character. In this program, the jumps became <br>almost secondary. Although Kurt would later (2000) look back at this <br>program and point out its deficiencies at fully taking advantage of <br>the music (find actual quote), this program is still renowned as one <br>of the best men's long programs in Olympic history. Kurt's fine <br>performance of this number is what brought him up from 12th place <br>after the short to 5th overall at the 1994 Olympics in Lillehammer.</FONT> </STRONG></FONT></P>
加拿大双人组合Margaret PURDY/Michael MARINARO 2013-2014赛季的自由滑音乐“Casablanca (soundtrack) by Max Steiner”
Ross Miner在成年组的第一套自由滑
加国冰舞组Paul & Islam的As time goes by,编舞Marie-France Dubreuil & Patrice Lauzon