<P align=center><IMG src="http://www.my-album.us/slike/2177778/kTjFDVaoDYvOhAEb.jpg"></P><P>"I was able to understand the influence of hair styles," the skater said. "It will also teach me something about my expression in skating."</P>
<P>Suguri, who represented Japan at the Turin Winter Olympics, said the new style would add to her performances.</P>
<P>"I will keep in mind a sophisticated image for my performances. Now I've got power as well," she said, walking on the stage like a model and striking poses. </P> 照片拍得不好。。。。 这张照片拍得太。。。太不好看。。。 <P>就俩字:难看</P> <DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>loooop</I>在2006-5-19 17:08:03的发言:</B><BR>
<P>也俩字:确实</P> <DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>lingyun1999</I>在2006-5-19 17:17:05的发言:</B><BR><BR>
<p>把脑袋换成荒川的…… 刚一上线就看到这个 -----真够丑的! 厚道的说,在原有的基础上,已经进步很多了~ 再厚道点说,她穿和服的时候很漂亮~~而且这个照片拍摄角度问题太严重~~
好老气呀 说句实话,糟蹋了那身衣服了. 这照片放在那儿不说是谁,有谁看得出是村主?! 在想象全身部分。村主身材太瘦小,不管这款是礼服长裙,还是及膝裙,好象都不可能撑得起来…… 头发倒是次要,这妆化得也忒慎人了,尤其眼妆……她还是化淡妆比较显得秀气! <P>为什么她看起来老是一脸苦像??</P>