Rising Star: Caroline Zhang
<P>Caroline Zhang, only 13 yo, is a Chinese American who's now being coached by Li Ming Zhu, Lu Chen's former coach.She is a rising star who has the potential to top Michele and Sasha's achievements.</P><P> </P>
<P>Wow, just watched this clip on youtube.</P>
<P><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMK0fVZrmL4" target="_blank" >http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMK0fVZrmL4</A></P>
<P>I am speechless. I heard her name but never had the chance to see her video. Just imagine this: She is more flexible than Sasha Cohen!! I don't think any other ladies can do the kind of spin she did.</P>
<P>Read on ISU discussion board she's going to JGP Mexico the upcoming weekend. She just scored her personal best of <FONT size=2>113.82 in FS at the Golden West competition. Wow, 113.82 as a 12(or 13?) year old Junior???</FONT>Wow, this may be Caroline Zhang's breakout year, stay tune!</P>
<P>Caroline Zhang just made her international debut at JGP Mexico and blew the field away with an astonishing 58.93 points in her short program!!</P>
<P> </P>
<P><FONT size=2>JGP Mexico</FONT></P>
<TABLE cellSpacing=1 width="100%" align=center border=0>
<TD class=CellLeft><A><U><FONT color=#336699>Caroline ZHANG </FONT></U></A></TD>
<TD><U><FONT color=#336699><IMG src="http://www.isufs.org/results/FLAGS//USA.GIF"></FONT></U> USA</TD>
<TD class=CellLeft><a href="http://www.isufs.org/bios/isufs00006265.htm" target="_blank" ><FONT color=#336699>Yea-Ji SHIN </FONT></A></TD>
<TD><FONT color=#336699><IMG src="http://www.isufs.org/results/FLAGS//KOR.GIF"></FONT> KOR</TD>
<TD class=CellLeft><A><U><FONT color=#336699>Haruka INOUE </FONT></U></A></TD>
<TD><U><FONT color=#336699><IMG src="http://www.isufs.org/results/FLAGS//JPN.GIF"></FONT></U> JPN</TD>
<TD class=CellLeft><A><U><FONT color=#336699>Loretta HAMUI </FONT></U></A></TD>
<TD><U><FONT color=#336699><IMG src="http://www.isufs.org/results/FLAGS//MEX.GIF"></FONT></U> MEX</TD>
<TD class=CellLeft><A><U><FONT color=#336699>Soo-Hyun KIM </FONT></U></A></TD>
<TD><U><FONT color=#336699><IMG src="http://www.isufs.org/results/FLAGS//KOR.GIF"></FONT></U> KOR</TD>
<TD>5</TD></TR></TABLE><FONT size=2></P>
<P><BR>Caroline got 59.48 for her Golden West SP, and it doesn't seem as if that was overmarked at all. She is nearly 17.5 points ahead of her closest competitor. Her PCS scores are nearing the 6 level: 5.83 5.63 5.96 5.79 5.92. <BR><BR>Just for reference, this beats the 58.63 and 53.45 SPs Yu-Na Kim scored last season.</FONT></P>
<P>This is amazing!! She has done four consecutive clean programs(both long and short) and 16 consecutive clean tripls. This kind of consistency, even Michele could not rival.</P>
<P>Here's the detailed break-down for Caroline Zhang's scores at Golden West competiton .</P>
<P><FONT size=2>Long:<BR>3Lz 6.5 points <BR>2A 4.3 <BR>3F+2T+2Lo 9.05 <BR>3Lo 5.75 <BR>3Lz+2T 8.28 <BR>3F 7.05 <BR>3T+2T 6.08 <BR><BR>Short: <BR>3Lz+2T 7.55 <BR>2A 3.8 <BR>3F 6.25 <BR><BR>Q round: <BR>3Lz 6.0 points <BR>2A 3.97 <BR>3F+2T+2Lo 8.63 <BR>3Lo 5.33 <BR>3Lz+2T 8.36 <BR>3F 7.05 <BR>3T+2T 6.50 <BR></FONT></P>
<P>Again, watch the video clip and enjoy Caroline Zhang's incredible spins:</P>
<P><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMK0fVZrmL4" target="_blank" >http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMK0fVZrmL4</A></P>
<P>Go Caroline!!<BR></P>
跳跃不是很好看,旋转不错! 旋转真漂亮啊~~~ <P>比当年的NNN还厉害!!!!!!!!!!!!看了她那个短节目的视频,挺有表现力的,尤其是对结尾的处理,动作更是没话说,很舒展,很自然,但是节目中似乎有过多的EXTENSION的动作.桃李杯杯刚结束,这小妮子如果学古典舞应该是很合适的,腿和腰条件都很好.</P>
http://www.usfsa.org/content/events/200607/jgpmexico/photos/zhang-layback.jpg <P>Caroline Zhang with coach Ming Zhu Li.</P>
http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n251/waterloofan1/zhang-lee.jpg <P>Ladies Short Program<BR>The 4'9” Zhang, who turned 13 on May 20, gave one of those thrilling showings that force spectators to their feet shouting with glee and clapping so hard their hands redden. It was an occasion to remember!</P>
<P>“I was a bit nervous at the beginning, but as the program went on I got more excited and eventually enjoyed the crowd,” Zhang said.</P>
<P>The dynamo soared through her jumps including a triple Lutz-double toe combination and a triple flip without the smallest misstep. Her spirals match Sasha Cohen's split extensions. </P>
<P>However, it was her unique, exquisite spins which caused the sensation. They went beyond Cohen's incredible gymnastic flexibility. Even the superb Olympic silver medalist cannot match Zhang's ability to fold herself into the tightest picture-perfect positions.</P>
<P>“Her hips have always been extremely flexible,” said Zhang's coach, Ming Zhu Li. “They don't have to be forced into these poses. She loves playing around with new positions.”</P>
<P>“They don't push her,” U.S. team leader Laurie Johnson said. “She just has that ability naturally.”</P>
<P>Dressed in a pretty lavender sleeveless outfit, with her hair pulled up into a sophisticated bun adorned with sparkles and a dancing chiffon ribbon, Zhang interpreted Joshua Bell's “Olga” from the recent movie soundtrack to “Ladies in Lavender.”</P>
<P>Her choreographer, Cindy Stuart, said she had never heard the music before but when she did, she immediately thought it was perfect for Zhang. </P>
<P>The contrast in her sophisticated showing here and Zhang's flawed performance when she finished eighth at the 2006 State Farm U.S. Championships as a junior, was remarkable. The explanation was that she was suffering from a stomach virus in January which drained her stamina. </P> 举手投足间很有LULU的风范呢?看过她旋转,没看过她跳跃,珠婶果然还是很厉害!不过把头发盘起来,即使不加很多化装也显得成熟很多,小妮子有发展!<br>PS:她那个搬腿的旋转,估计以小许的柔韧度也可以做!
果然张园园的柔韧能力不是练出来的,有哪个教练会想到按这样的姿势压腿呢.她的旋转幅度已经远远超过了花样滑冰现有的模式,有了自己的创新,太惊人了!看来,柔韧能力尤其这样的柔韧能力绝对是要天生的. <P>Ladies in Lavender 英国老戏骨们的电影</P>
<P>1930年的Cornwall,一对老去的姐妹——Ursula和Janet享受着她们与世隔绝的小镇生活。直到那个在海边被冲刷上岸的年青男子Andrea出现,打破了她们田园般的宁静生活。<br> <br>她们照顾他,直至他恢复健康,并发现他是在回美国途中遇难的波兰天才小提琴手。小镇的人们渐渐对外来者产生了疑问和猜忌。然而日久生情,妹妹逐渐对这个突然闯入生命中的男子产生了不一样的感情,纵然明知没有结果。<br> <br>时间摆在了每个人的面前,Ursula和Janet未曾有过完整的爱,平白在时光中苍老了容颜。因为地域的差异,还没看过这部电影,只是去国外的网站上看介绍已经相当喜欢了,很女性化的电影,海报也做得相当精致。海面上的那把小提琴,冲满了淡淡的哀伤。<br></P><br><IMG src="http://image.uying.com/MoviePoster/1948/20050526QfrlgeIN3_No-_Hjw--H-L1d8_oWts.JPG" border=0><br>
<P><STRONG>哪位手上现有张圆圆WMV格式节目视频的朋友,能不能传个上来瞧瞧???我用的是办公室电脑,不能上YOUTOBE看视频(不能下视频播放软件)......如果没有WMV格式的就算了,谢了先~~~~</STRONG></P> With another near-perfect performance in free skate, Caroline Zhang won the JGP Mexico and blew her closest competitor away by over 62 points.
<P>The protocols are out. Caroline Zhang landed all six triples with only a minor mistake of singling the second jump ofher triple-flip-double- toe combination. Her score for free skate is 103 points.</P>
<P>Her consistency is amazing. She has now done five clean programs in a row and landed all 22 triples without any mistake. </P>
<P> </P>
<P >The protocol is out, here's her scores for jump elements. Every triple is clean.</P>
<P><BR> </P>
<P > </P>
<P><BR> </P>
<P >2006/09/14JGP Mexico</P>
<P><BR> </P>
<P >Short:</P>
<P><BR> </P>
<P >1. 3Lz+2T 7.30</P>
<P><BR> </P>
<P >2. 3F 5.50</P>
<P><BR> </P>
<P >3. 2A 3.30</P>
<P><BR> </P>
<P >Total: 58.9</P>
<P><BR> </P>
<P > <o:p></o:p></P>
<P><BR> </P>
<P >2006/09/16JGP Mexico</P>
<P><BR> </P>
<P > <o:p></o:p></P>
<P><BR> </P>
<P >Long:</P>
<P><BR> </P>
<P >1. 3Lz+2T+2LO 8.80 </P>
<P><BR> </P>
<P >2. 2A 3.30</P>
<P><BR> </P>
<P >3. 3F 5.50</P>
<P><BR> </P>
<P >4. 3Lo 5.00</P>
<P><BR> </P>
<P >5. 3L z 6.60</P>
<P><BR> </P>
<P >6. 3F+1T 6.49</P>
<P><BR> </P>
<P >7. 3T+2T 5.83</P>
<P><BR> </P>
<P >Total: 103.50</P> 现在的小朋友咋一个比一个厉害哦!! <P>很久没见过让我惊叹的小孩了,她前途无量!!<BR>如果保持的好的话,那4年后在加拿大的赛场上,又是一次龙虎斗!!!!!!</P>
<P>并且她三次比塞一个跳跃都没失误,这种稳定性是惊人的</P> 长江后浪推前浪啊! <P>三年后她的年龄刚好,17岁啊~~~</P>