<P>2006--2007赛季的第一项电视转播赛事 -- <STRONG>Campbell公开赛</STRONG>将在美国当地时间<STRONG>10月15日晚,在俄亥俄州的辛辛那提</STRONG>开战。虽然只是商业赛,但还是吸引了众多高手参赛。</P><P>Weir的自由滑节目“<STRONG>那撒勒的孩子</STRONG>”即将与大家见面。这套节目的编舞是<STRONG>Marina Anissina</STRONG>,尽管是冬奥会冠军,但Weir毕竟是Anissina门下的第一位高水平选手,所以成品质量究竟如何还要等比赛后才见分晓。</P>
<P><U><FONT color=#800080><a href="http://usfigureskating.org/event_details.asp?id=35169" target="_blank" >http://usfigureskating.org/event_details.asp?id=35169</A></FONT></U></P>
<P>的确是Scott Smith。</P>
<P><STRONG><FONT color=#0000ff>USFSA网站又新添了一篇关于此次公开赛的文章</FONT></STRONG></P>
<P>地址:<a href="http://www.usfsa.org/event_story.asp?id=36010" target="_blank" >http://www.usfsa.org/event_story.asp?id=36010</A></P>
<P>Next up were the men from Japan against the Americans. Short programs were first, and three-time U.S. champion <a href="http://www.usfsa.org/AthleteBio.asp?id=2282" target="_blank" >Johnny Weir</A> debuted his short program to “King of Chess” by Silent Nick. Dressed in understated black and white, Weir opened with a nice triple Axel and worked his way through the program with no major errors, despite a bad cold. </P>
<P><STRONG>“I was happy for the first time out,” Weir said. “It wasn't perfect, but I didn't cough during the number, so I was really excited.”</STRONG> </P>
<P>Japan's Kensuke Nakaniwa was next, performing to “Concierto de Aranjuez.” He missed all three jumps, falling out of the combination, putting his hand down on the triple flip, and hitting the ice hard on his triple Axel attempt. Despite the jump errors, Nakaniwa sailed through his footwork and did not give up on the program. His technical score was only 29.50, contrasted to Weir's 42.20, putting Team USA into an early lead 78.61 to 59.08. </P>
<P><a href="http://www.usfsa.org/AthleteBio.asp?id=2289" target="_blank" >Scott Smith,</A> sporting some fake tattoos in keeping with the movie “William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet,” was totally on in his free skate. Although he doubled his planned quad Salchow, he didn't let that stop him. Smith knocked off jump after jump, and highlighted the four and a half minute program with an extended spread eagle that drew enthusiastic applause and a growing grin from the skater. His technical score (67.20) was second best of the men, but his component score was last (65.66). His 132.86 gave Smith a new personal best. </P>
<P>2005 Smart Ones Skate America champion Daisuke Takahashi was next, skating to “Phantom of the Opera.” The dynamic skater struggled with his edge jumps, turning an attempted triple Axel into a giant “waxel” that sent him flying in the wrong direction. He lost his edge going into a planned triple loop that caused a hard fall. He stepped out of a double Salchow and he fell on another go at the loop. His 52.80 technical score was more than 13 points behind everyone else, and extended the Team USA lead. </P>
<P>The last duo was <a href="http://www.usfsa.org/AthleteBio.asp?id=2273" target="_blank" >Evan Lysacek</A> and Nobunari Oda. Oda was first, skating to “Symphony No. 4.” Unlike his more playful programs of the past seasons, this time Oda went for a more serious performance. He opened with a triple Axel-triple toe-double loop and kept the jumps up, racking up a nearly 12 point lead in technical scores over the other men. </P>
<P>Evan Lysacek chose to skate to last year's “Carmen” again, performing a solid outing that gave him the highest component scores. His program solidified Team USA's win, 350.01 to 327.08. </P>
<P>这次美国派出的三位男单选手Weir,Lysacek,Smith外型上都还算不错啊,日本的感觉就逊色很多咯~~</P>http://www.usfsa.org/content/events/200607/campbell/backstage/3xPeace.jpg <P>连跳明明是3lutz3toe,解说说成3toe3toe,屏幕上又打成3filp3toe,MS没有flutz啊,莫名~~~</P> <DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>Yvonne</I>在2006-10-17 19:12:37的发言:</B><BR>
<P> 说的好啊~~
<P> 祝福Weir一个相当有前途的选手</P> <P>强烈鄙视不换节目的人,比如某人还滑卡门</P>
<P>美国选手合影那张里,WEIR背后那个男孩是谁?滑男单的SMITH?</P> <P><STRONG><FONT color=#0000ff>美国奶奶级冰迷Sue带来的公开赛现场照片</FONT></STRONG></P>
<P>photo by <STRONG><U>Sue(MattysMom2005)</U></STRONG></P>
<P>http://www.my-album.us/slike/3354080/6KEr5yjoVJQQwfRS.v.jpg</P> <P><STRONG>亲吻哭泣区的表现</STRONG></P>
<P>兴奋ing</P>http://www.my-album.us/slike/3354080/e2cHaoSmzJQ4tvev.v.jpg <P><STRONG>全体运动员返场时</STRONG></P>
<P>http://www.my-album.us/slike/3354080/Bdpb6qKBz6KIyWOl.v.jpg</P> <P>那怎么能比啊?Maxim是LP,是决定比赛结果的。Chess只是短节目而已,只要技术动作发挥好,得个好排位就行。</P>
<P>http://www.my-album.us/slike/3354080/mYeWNWAa1wurz1AH.jpg</P> <P>我倒满喜欢WEIR这套衣服,简洁有个性,总算摆脱过去阴柔繁冗的服装风格了。</P>
<P>但这套彪悍的滑风……我还需要时间去适应……</P> <P>今年的自由滑和短节目,不上天堂,就下地狱.....雷撒克和WEIR自由滑都是中东风格...</P> <P>可很难想像小雷的中东风格节目会滑成样~</P> <DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>想见怀恋_100</I>在2006-10-15 15:18:52的发言:</B><br>
<P>ms ABC有转播,不知道我们能否收看到呢?</P> <P>我有点搞不清楚Campbell公开赛的赛制,是SP,LP都比呢,还是只比SP或LP?</P>