Fly_Away 发表于 2006-12-16 04:04:00


melodies 发表于 2006-12-16 04:04:00


lisa76 发表于 2006-12-16 04:05:00


冰嫣 发表于 2006-12-16 04:05:00


丽丽熊 发表于 2006-12-16 04:06:00


loooop 发表于 2006-12-16 04:09:00


lisa76 发表于 2006-12-16 04:11:00

<P>06:30 体育晨报</P>
<LI>07:35 实况录像:2006年世界花样滑冰大奖赛总决赛冰舞创编舞 </LI>

ccguoke 发表于 2006-12-16 04:13:00


fungal 发表于 2006-12-16 04:17:00

<P>只看到miki的sp 别的都没看到</P>
<P>ps: miki的肢体动作和表情是越来越丰富到位了 就是感觉动作不再轻盈 重心放得太靠下 少了许多美感</P>

joyday 发表于 2006-12-16 04:28:00


lisa76 发表于 2006-12-16 04:45:00

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>joyday</I>在2006-12-16 4:28:05的发言:</B><BR>    。。。C5这叫什么?<BR></DIV>

warrior 发表于 2006-12-16 04:58:00

<DIV class=smallfont><STRONG>Pairs SP</STRONG> </DIV>
<HR #d1d1e1" SIZE=1>
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<DIV><B>Maroux/Buntin</B>, <I>Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White</I><BR><BR>3T<BR>2FTw<BR>SpSt<BR>FCCoSp, he stumbled and put a foot down<BR>PCoSp<BR>4Li<BR>Th3R, fall<BR>BoDs<BR><BR>Overall a nice program from them, but I really wish they tried something else, I guess it's a least a third SP in the same style for them.... but at least it does work.<BR><BR><B>Savchenko/Szolkowy</B>, <I>Once Upon a time in Mexico</I><BR><BR>Th3F, high<BR>3T, she doubled and stepped out<BR>Tw3L, high<BR>4Li from dance lift<BR>BoDs,<BR>PCoSp<BR>FCCoSp, coe, sit<BR>SpSq, good speed throughout<BR><BR><BR>I've heard she had a serious bruise on her side from the fall in practice and it really hurts to try throws, but they did manage the throw... Nice power and attack throughout, great choreography, second best only to Shen&amp;Zhao IMHO.<BR><BR><B>Inoue/Baldwin</B>, <BR><BR>2A<BR>Th3A, fall<BR>SpSt<BR>Tw2L<BR>CCoSp<BR>4Li<BR>BoDs, she skates under his leg, change of hold<BR>PCoSp<BR><BR>Nice flow throughout a program, but not much of character, IMHO. OTOH, they said they skated their heart out, well, I guess we have to trust them on that.<BR><BR><B>Petrova/Tikhonov</B>, <I>Sarabande</I><BR><BR>Th3L, tough catch<BR>3T, he doubles<BR>Th3R, out of spiral<BR>FCoSp, way out of unison, they tried to fix it, but to no avail<BR>SpSt, forward coe, backward coe, nearly no speed in the end<BR>BoDs, change of hold<BR>PCoSp, seems to have some problems grabbing each other in the beginning.<BR><BR>Well, it's the third time I saw this program this year and it's not getting that much better. Somewhat better flow, but still don't like the last year "SlSt music" left and the fact that they do completely unrelated BoDs to it.<BR><BR><B>Zhang/Zhang</B>, <I>Spanish Caravan</I><BR><BR>Tw3L, high as usual<BR>Th3R, good<BR>3S<BR>4Li<BR>BoDs, he lost centering and had to change his pivot position (or that is what it looked like)<BR>SpSt, he was really shaky in the first position<BR>PCoSp<BR><BR>Class apart from the rest so far, because they are the only ones who complete the elements without visible effort, but I am not getting all the buzz about them and their PCS, for me they are sooo lacking in unison and pairness.<BR><BR><B>Shen/Zhao</B>, <I>Romanza</I><BR><BR>3T<BR>Th3R<BR>SpSt, nice flow<BR>BoDs, change of hold<BR>CCoSp, I think it will be level 1 as it had no feautres<BR>3Tw, high<BR>4Li, v. laboured take off, less expreinced team I think would have ended in a crush<BR>PCoSp<BR><BR>Wow. Just wow. I really hope they won't retire aftet his year because there is no one even close to them in quality. And they, themselves, are the primar example of they it is so important to have someone who set the high starndart as an example. I mean without B&amp;S and S&amp;P they would have no reason to develop as much as they did, because their technical profieciency would have been enough, just like with Zhangs today.</DIV><!-- / message -->

ccguoke 发表于 2006-12-16 05:12:00

<P>我对新浪的“新浪体育讯”的编辑名字很感兴趣,以前大多数时候是一个叫做“塔尔”<BR>今天看到一个叫“妖妖” ^-^<BR><a href="" target="_blank" ></A></P>

鱼类 发表于 2006-12-16 07:14:00

--作者:刘柳<BR>--发布时间:2006-12-16 6:56:51<BR><B r>--总决赛女单短节目小MAO暂列第一<BR>
<P>看完亚运会闭幕式估计C5不会播什么好东西了,拿着遥控巡回了一圈,再遥到C5的时候,令人巨惊喜的是居然在直播总决赛的女单短节目.在矛盾中看完女单短节目.一边看比赛一边在想日本韩国的女单怎么崛起的这么快,而中国的女单继LULU之后滑入低谷,到现在也不见有象MAO和KIM一样有潜质的选手冒出来(无限担心和期望中...)现在东亚女单的实力还真让人汗颜,总决赛6位,日本占了3席,韩国1席,除村主发挥失常外,其她三位应该说比较出色,最欣喜的是小MAO的表现堪称完美,节目内容分更是超过了大奖赛时的得分,希望自由滑不要失常啊......<IMG src=""><IMG src=""></P>
<P><IMG src=""></P>
<P>最开心的是播女单的时候看到了SHEN/ZHAO在后台做赛前准备,看小雪JJ的表情充满信心啊,希望如愿拿到冠军 </P>
<P><IMG src=""><IMG src=""><IMG src=""></P></B>

warrior 发表于 2006-12-16 07:31:00

<P><FONT color=#ff0000><STRONG>JJ's blog.</STRONG></FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#ff0000><STRONG>最新</STRONG><STRONG>播出安排:</STRONG>计划在12月16日晚22:00左右直播双人自由滑,具体时间会尽快通知大家<BR></FONT><BR></P>
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