warrior 发表于 2006-12-5 07:44:00

老巫婆TT/MM 最新动态

<P>以下访谈摘自FSU。看得出来老巫婆TT有复出的强烈愿望。ZHANG &amp; ZHANG一定不能自满,加油啊!!!</P>
<P>- Tatiana, did you have a chance to rest after Torino and feel the importance of what happened?<BR><BR>To be honest, we haven't rested yet. I still didn't realized what is that we've done. Yes, we are the Olympic champions but I don't feel it inside. Maybe it's good there is no star-like feeling. Yes, we realized our dreams and our parents' dream but we didn't have time to sit down and think about what we've done. We haven't rested for a very long time and the soonest we could rest is possibly May.<BR><BR>- Your mom moved with you from Perm to St. Petersburg...<BR><BR>My mom took me to figure skating school when I was four. Since then, she gave all of her free time to me and my lessons. All my illnesses, loses and victories, my mom lived through them as much as I did. She lived and lives only for me.<BR><BR>- So it looks like she've made sacrifices for your career.<BR><BR>She lost everything - family, friends, job. We left Perm 11 years ago. All this time my mom was with me. Five out of these 11 years I trained in America. My mom didn't go there but she constantly called me and supported me. When I came to St. Petersburg to compete or just visit, she was always with me. My mom lost everything in life except me.<BR><BR>When I was seven, I needed more attention - twice a day practices, school, extra classes... Turned out, my dad wasn't ready for it. He didn't understand why my mom puts so much effort into something that can crush tomorrow. Maybe next day I won't want to do anything and we won't be able to do anything. That's when they unoficcialy divorced. Since them, my mom completely focused on me and my problems.<BR><BR>- Were you the only child?<BR><BR>I'm alone. You know, parents ask children when they are little if they would like a little brother or sister. I always knew I didn't. Maybe If I had a younger brother or sister, it would've been easier for my mom to go throught the loneliness when I went to America.<BR><BR>- Where did you live when you came to St. Petersburg?<BR><BR>Wherever. We staid with friends, either rented, or lived in someone's empty apartment. The money that the Federation paid me and that my dad sent were only enough to buy food. We couldn't even speak about renting apartment for a long term or buying it. <BR><BR>- How come you wanted to come to St. Petersburg?<BR><BR>I competed in singles at 1995 Nationals and I got an offer from Natalia Pavlova to come to St. Petersburg and skate pairs. She said there is a boy, maxim. My mom reacted right away and said let's try, maybe something will come out of it. Natalia Pavlova became our first coach.<BR><BR>- Maxim came to St. Petersburg from Volgograd. Did he also had difficulties at first?<BR><BR>Yes, but it was a bit easier for him. First of all, he is a boy, and second, he was older. He came when he was 16 and moved into the boarding school. So, nine months in a year he had a roof above his head and food three times a day. It was difficult for Maxim in the summer where he had to find where to live and what to it. <BR><BR>- It was pretty unexpected to see you at Cup of Russia. Is the ice dragging you in so much? <BR><BR>Not only that. Maxim and I haven't decided if we should stay or leave. I came to watch at the skating level. I saw how the rules chance. It was interesting to know for me if we'll be able to compete.<BR><BR>- So, what can you say after what you've seen?<BR><BR>I don't want to flatter myself. I'll say that - the competition are the three Chinese teams. I haven't see them after the Olympics. When we discuss whether we should return, of course we'll look at the Chinese at first, weigh in everything and strictly evaluate our abilities. Just by looking at the results the Chinese shown this season, I can say they are in good shape and show the consistant results. I would like to compete with them.<BR><BR>- What do you think about our team?<BR><BR>I didn't attend competitions after Torino. Cup of Russia is the first event I'm seeing. I don't

warrior 发表于 2006-12-5 07:46:00

<P>Tatiana Totmianina and Maxim Marinin: We are tired from skating<BR><BR>Olympic heat long over, but pair champions Tatiana Totmianina and Maxim Marinin are still at the peak of popularity today. Producers from the large and famous ice shows keep inviting the famous skaters, and there are non-stop offers from different TV shows. Because they are constantly busy, it's practically impossible to meet Totmianina and Marinin in their home town, St. Petersburg, but our corresponded managed to talked to the skaters in Moscow when they came to film for another show just for several days.<BR><BR>- Tatiana, Maxim, which channel invited you this time?<BR><BR>Tatiana: We came to be filmed for New Year's show for Channel Culture. We'll skate in the small rink at Vernadsky circus. This program was created just for this occasion by our choreographer Alexander Matveev and Maxim.<BR><BR>Maxim: Created is too much of a word. I participated in exhibition program choreography before. This will be a one-time program, New Year's themed, to a song, "Ya sprosil u jasenja", from the good old movie, "Ironia Sudby" (The Irony of Fate).<BR><BR>- You were in Moscow during the Cup of Russia and probably found time to see the competition.<BR><BR>Tatiana: I've spent almost an entire day at Luzhniki, watching men's and pairs' free programs. To be honest, the pairs left the sad impressions. I don't want to discuss the others the same way we were openly discussed in the past, but by looking at how the things are now, Chinese teams will lead at the nearest Worlds.<BR><BR>Maxim: I didn't show up at Cup of Russia. Lately, I'm very tired from skating and I don't want to see it an extra time because for many years, my life was given to sport. If a person likes honey but ate too much of it, he wouldn't want it for a long time.<BR><BR>- Still, the pair competition wasn't without a surprise with the minus. First, for the first time in many years, Russia was without the gold, and it happened at home. Second, it looks like veterans Maria Petrova and Alexei Tikhonov can't carry the burden of the team leaders yet.<BR><BR>Tatiana: I think nobody just gives you the title of the top team in the country. To earn it, you have to be the best at the Nationals. Judging by today's performances, there are pairs on the National team that are able to compete for the title with Lesha and Masha.<BR><BR>- Do you think that wonderful team from St. Petersburg, <STRONG><FONT color=#ff0000>Yuko</FONT></STRONG> Kawaguchi/Alexander Smirnov, who unexpectedly won the bronze here, can be the contenders?<BR><BR>Tatiana: I can only pairs them! I think they could've placed higher but because it was their competitive debut, the judges were a little greedy with the marks.<BR><BR>- <STRONG><FONT color=#ff0000>Yuko</FONT></STRONG> Kawaguchi is from Japan but she is saying she want to represent Russia. Is our country out of talent?<BR><BR>Tatiana: Well… The level of pair skating in Russia is falling. What can we do? The foreigners have to represent us.<BR><BR>Maxim: If our skaters don't want to or can't work for whatever reason, why shouldn't we take in a foreign skater, who would enjoy skating for Russia and show high results.<BR><BR>- You recently came back from a show in Belgium and I remembered that in America, the airline didn't bring Tatiana's luggage on time and you had to miss two shows. Was there no accidents this time?<BR><BR>Tatiana: This time, Maxim's suitcase with the skates didn't come. I was thinking that we were starting to have a rough time in our lives.<BR><BR>Maxim: When Tania and I didn't see my skates, we laughed. Good think the luggage got to me the next day. We didn't have to miss the show.<BR><BR>Tatiana: Who came up with those silly rules that the athletes can't take their equipment with them on board. They could set a spot for the skates on the plane. Imagine a skater going to the Olympics and having no skates! You come to the most important competition in your life and can lose everything because some airline didn't bring your luggage on time.<BR><BR>-

sample_yao 发表于 2006-12-5 13:00:00

<P><FONT face=Verdana color=#61b713><FONT size=2><FONT color=#000000>warrior, could you please kindly highlight relevant sentences. I've got no interest at all over the other interview information about</FONT> Tatiana. Thanks</FONT></FONT></P>

Penny 发表于 2006-12-6 13:58:00


kdtmhsl02 发表于 2006-12-6 19:51:00

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