xianannan 发表于 2006-12-5 22:11:00

about Dubreuil/Lauzon


violayan 发表于 2006-12-6 01:40:00

<P><U><FONT color=#800080><a href="http://www.chinaice.org/2635/dispbbs.asp?BoardID=307&amp;replyID=112216&amp;id=5898&amp;skin=0" target="_blank" >http://www.chinaice.org/2635/dispbbs.asp?BoardID=307&amp;replyID=112216&amp;id=5898&amp;skin=0</A></FONT></U></P>

xianannan 发表于 2006-12-6 20:44:00

look 到了,煞是羡慕你啊

violayan 发表于 2006-12-12 22:51:00

<P><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IOzlZV04hA" target="_blank" >http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IOzlZV04hA</A></P>

violayan 发表于 2006-12-12 23:01:00

<P><FONT color=#ff0000><STRONG>
<br>長野 NHK Trophy花式溜冰大賽 加冰壇情侶冰舞摘桂冠</STRONG></FONT> <br><FONT size=+0>
<P>加通社日本長野電 <br>
<P>周六在日本長野舉行的 NHK Trophy花式溜冰大賽中,加拿大冠軍組合杜布雷爾(Marie-France Dubreuil)與倫佐(Patrice Lauzon)勇奪冰舞項目冠軍,也是這對冰壇情侶本季第二度奪得桂冠,並且順利取得於本月中旬在俄羅斯舉行格蘭披治決賽(Grand Prix Final)的門票。 <br>
<P>世界錦標賽銀牌得主的杜布雷爾與倫佐,同是來自滿地可市。他們周六還獲得大會給予的最高18,000美元獎金。<FONT color=#ff0000>為了繼續參加國際賽事,這對因溜冰結緣的愛侶決定暫時延遲,原定於今年舉行的婚禮。</FONT>在周六進行的冰舞自由項目中,他們獲得97.36分的最高評分。而俄羅斯和美國則分別奪得今站冰舞賽之銀牌及銅牌。 <br>
<P>今年11月5日在維多利亞市舉行的HomeSense加拿大國際花式溜冰大賽中,杜布雷爾與倫佐攜手摘下一面金牌。他們將會參加12月14至17日,在俄羅斯聖彼德堡市(Petersburg)舉行的格蘭披治決賽。 <br>
<P>根據今年格蘭披治大賽賽例,參賽者可以累積共6站中的最高成績的其中2站,而今次賽事則是最後一站。計算累積得分後,成績最佳的首4位/隊獲晉級總決賽。 <br>
<P>另一對成功晉級的加拿大選手,是自魁省的馬歌絲(Valerie Marcoux)與卑詩省基隆拿市的賓田(Craig Buntin)。他們於周五的雙人花式溜冰決賽裏奪得第3名。這是他們今季第2次贏取銅牌。目前,杜布雷爾與倫佐以195.89分,在本季總積分榜中高居榜首。 <br>

<P><FONT color=#3d11ee>何止情侣,人家都要结婚了!!!</FONT></FONT></P><br>

loooop 发表于 2006-12-12 23:10:00


violayan 发表于 2006-12-12 23:11:00

<P>Dubreuil and Lauzon have a wonderful free dance in which they pretend they are letting loose at their wedding reception. They perform the dance to <EM>At Last</EM> by Etta James. <FONT color=#ff0000>They had planned to wed this year had they decided to retire, but they postponed the marriage when they opted to continue in competitive skating.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#ff0000>(本来打算今年退役后就结婚的,但决定继续职业生涯,推迟婚礼。)</FONT></P>

violayan 发表于 2006-12-12 23:17:00

<P>这个是冰舞网站<a href="http://www.ice-dance.com/news/" target="_blank" >http://www.ice-dance.com/news/</A>上的消息</P>
<DIV class=feed_details>
<H2>Home team rules dance in Skate Canada event</H2>Cleve Dheensaw, The Victoria Times Colonist</H4>Published: Monday, November 06, 2006 </DIV>
<P>VICTORIA - <FONT color=#ff0000>Because of their decision to unretire and go for gold on home ice at Vancouver 2010, Montreal ice-dance partners Marie-France Dubreuil and Patrice Lauzon postponed their wedding that had been set for next year.</FONT></P>
<P>However, they did the next best thing, with a virtual wedding before 5,261 of their nearest and dearest, in taking the gold medal at the 2006 Skate Canada International yesterday with an elegantly romantic original program set to At Last by Etta James.</P>
<P>"<FONT color=#0000ff>I told Patrice to imagine this was our wedding party and these are all our invited guests</FONT>," Dubreuil said after the 2006 world silver medallists scored a combined 196.68 to blow away the 11-pair field.</P>
<P>"I told her that's an expensive wedding," Lauzon quipped. "But that song is romantic even at practice in a cold arena at 6 a.m. in the morning."</P></DIV>
<P>The Quebec couple -- whose dreams of glory at the 2006 Turin Winter Olympics were crushed by injury -- were untouchable in finishing ahead of emerging silver medallists and Tessa Virtue of London, Ont., and Scott Moir of Ilderton, Ont., (171.92 points) and Italian Olympians and bronze medallists Federica Faiella and Massimo Scali (170.73 points).</P>
<P>Virtue and Moir, the defending world junior champions, are a team to be watched on the road to 2010, but yesterday belonged to the veterans.</P>
<P>"We are world championship medallists now and no one can ever take that away from us," Dubreuil added. "<FONT color=#0000ff>We have proven ourselves. Now we can do what we like and have fun with it. When you're the trying-too-hard guys, it shows. We used to be that when we were younger. But we are so natural now on the ice."(喜欢这段话)</FONT></P>
<P>Chantal Lefebvre and Arseni Markov of LaSalle, Que., finished seventh with 145.12 points.</P>
<P>Canada led the overall competition with two golds, one silver and a bronze.</P>

loooop 发表于 2006-12-13 16:47:00


陆屿 发表于 2006-12-13 20:49:00

<DIV> </DIV>

violayan 发表于 2006-12-13 21:06:00

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>陆屿</I>在2006-12-13 20:49:41的发言:</B><BR>
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