<P><STRONG><FONT color=#0000ff>2006年Marshalls杯美国花样滑冰挑战赛将于12月10日(周日)在波士顿大学的Agganis体育馆内举行。</FONT></STRONG></P><P><STRONG><FONT size=4>比赛概况</FONT></STRONG></P>
<P>ABC/ESPN报道员Terry Gannon和Susie Wynne将担任本次比赛主持人,而Kurt Browning将在现场(冰面上)对运动员进行采访。评审团成员:Dick Button,Peggy Fleming,Peter Carruthers,他们将在现场发表自己的意见,但比赛结果最终还得由现场和电视机前观众来决定。冰迷们可通过播固定电话和上美国冰协网站为自己喜爱的选手投票。</P>
<P><STRONG><FONT size=4>参赛选手名单</FONT></STRONG></P>
<P><FONT color=#ff0033>东海岸队</FONT>(East Coast)<br>Emily Hughes, Great Neck, N.Y.<br>Kimmie Meissner, Bel Air, Md.<br><STRONG>Johnny Weir, Newark, Del.</STRONG><br>Tanith Belbin & Ben Agosto, Canton, Mich.</P>
<P><FONT color=#ff0033>西海岸队</FONT>(West Coast)<br>Sasha Cohen, Newport Beach, Calif.<br>Katy Taylor, Houston, Texas<br>Evan Lysacek, El Segundo, Calif.<br>Rena Inoue & John Baldwin, Santa Monica, Calif.</P>
<P><STRONG><FONT size=4>晋级制度</FONT></STRONG></P>
<P><FONT color=#ff0033>第一轮</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#ff0033>第二轮</FONT></P>
<P><STRONG><FONT size=4>赛事看点</FONT></STRONG></P>
<P>另外,这次Johnny和Sasha这对活宝由队友变成了对手,B/A将和Meissner一争高下(美国冰邪网站是这么写的,我个人理解就是说Weir百分之百晋级,Emily Hughes百分之百淘汰,剩下的那个名额B/A和Meissner你们就争吧。BT!!!GP不如的冰邪造就GP不如的赛制,出现这种GP不如的看点)都将是看点。</P>
<P><FONT color=#ff0033>更多战况和消息请访问美国冰协网站</FONT>:<a href="http://www.usfigureskating.org/" target="_blank" >www.usfigureskating.org</A></P>
<P>晕死,刚看到小公主发的那贴才发现有Marshalls公开赛这回事,急急忙忙地开了这贴,<STRONG><FONT color=#ff0033>希望大家踊跃讨论Weir的表现,发布他比赛消息、花边、图片。</FONT></STRONG></P>
看了my way,挺有感觉的,很喜欢。如果GPF能有这样的状态,说不定会有惊喜的。 <DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<i>纳尼亚花蜜</i>在2006-12-9 14:41:46的发言:</B><br><P>他俩关系是不太好,weir总称呼他为“weiss先生”</P><P>今年weir会依然那么受欢迎么?那个什么“棋王”(总想说“棋灵王”,汗)能不能获得好评啊</P><P>唉,想当年,他就是因为参加这个,才没能来北京gpf的……</P></DIV><p> <P>看了一下没有关于去年Marshalls杯的帖子。来回顾一下,去年还是分男单女单来比的,男单本来有雷萨克,后来他在自家训练的时候受伤了,他的医生说两个礼拜不许跳跃和旋转,结果连GPF都放弃了。Marshalls就换了萨沃耶。第一轮四进二的时候Johnny的表演是Unchained Melody。实际上节目中间他摔了一下,不过这时候正逢直播中断,只有声音没有图像,他在手记里面提到庆幸没人看到他摔,还说是KGB暗中帮忙。傻小孩,那么高的人气才不容易摔掉。像超女一样,四人都比完以后评委给个总评,结果当时三个评委都倾向萨沃耶。但是这是观众投票决定的不是?比的就是人气,Johnny以32%票数领先四进二,萨沃耶反而因为票数不及Weiss被淘汰了。第二轮Johnny的表演是他的第一个表演节目What a Wonderful World。这一轮评委都投他的票,他也以64%票数赢得比赛。</P>
<P>http://www.my-album.us/slike/2025795/1d5RYS6HJqE0U5V2.jpg</P> <P>他俩关系是不太好,weir总称呼他为“weiss先生”</P>
<P>唉,想当年,他就是因为参加这个,才没能来北京gpf的……</P> 他没来GPF是因为俄罗斯站的时候脚受伤了,医生说最好不要来,他就听了。我想他是分得清孰轻孰重的,说他因为这没去GPF,我才不信呢。 <DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>纳尼亚花蜜</I>在2006-12-9 14:41:46的发言:</B><BR>
<p>04年底的Marshalls还是一个比较正式的,而且是国际性的比赛,有小普在场,由裁判打分。那一年weir俄罗斯站表演脚伤在先,还参加这个比赛不能说没有关系。他跟weiss关系不好是因为有一次nationals时候weiss公开说了一些不好的话。去年Marshalls时候好像weiss为了攒人气使了杀手锏:冰上后空翻,不过也没有比过weir去哈。weiss今年已经30了,该退了。 <P><FONT color=#0909f7 size=4>Sasha Cohen赢了比赛.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0909f7 size=4>这次比赛真奇怪,男单女单双人混一起比.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0909f7 size=4>初赛Weir滑了My Way,决赛,Swan.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0909f7 size=4>Swan就这样最后谢幕。</FONT></P> <P>果然Sasha和Johnny都轻松进入小组赛四进二。西海岸小组赛评委都看好Evan,大家还说Sasha,我们非常希望看到你来参加全国比赛(她还没决定)。西海岸组观众选出Sasha和I/B组合。东海岸大家都意见一致,就是Johnny,他的小组赛节目是My Way.东海岸第二名Kimmy,用的音乐是cool kids(与癌症作斗争的青少年组织)相关音乐,大概这音乐替她赢得了不少人气。后来我就觉得他们挺欺负这个世锦赛冠军的,东海岸最后一个滑完,马上就在决赛第一个滑,连换衣服都没什么时间。决赛滑的是上个赛季的表演节目,摔了一次。I/B在决赛里滑的是他们本赛季的短节目,其中有抛三周半的动作,没站住,另外一个托举不太稳。Johnny用的是The Swan,非常漂亮的节目,不过一个联合旋转滑出时有几步没稳。最后Sasha出场了,天哪,她竟然滑God bless America,看到她这个音乐名称我就知道她赢定了。所以,虽然Johnny的表演赢得了场上很高的呼声,但是Sasha的呼声更高。Dick Button说Johnny,你在场上就像Liquid gold,但是这个表演的音乐选择是非常重要的……最终Sasha赢了这场比赛。</P>
<P>觉得最近Johnny的发型比较怪,显老,有点像大妈,汗……比如他这个My Way,就不如冬奥会的时候头发全部梳到后脑看起来那么精致。</P>
<P>恭喜一下johnny, 他的my way和swan都做得非常棒,得到观众和评委的一致喜爱,他的状态越来越好了,期待他和Evan在全美上都有上佳表现,不管谁赢得最后的比赛我都会支持他们的。想了解详情的朋友可以到Evan&Tan专贴看我的报告。</P> <P>哭啥啦,谁说Swan就这样谢幕啦,说不定以后还会拿出来表演呢。</P>
<P><STRONG><FONT color=#0000ff>来自美国冰协网站的报道</FONT></STRONG>:<a href="http://www.usfsa.org/event_story.asp?id=36958" target="_blank" >http://www.usfsa.org/event_story.asp?id=36958</A></P>
<P>(12/10/06) - Olympic silver medalist Sasha Cohen used a new program and an old one to win the fans' vote Sunday at the 2006 Marshalls U.S. Figure Skating Challenge, televised live on ABC. </P>
<P><STRONG>Cohen received 53 percent of the vote in the final round to beat out Johnny Weir</STRONG>, Rena Inoue & John Baldwin, and Kimmie Meissner. Cohen and Inoue/Baldwin were the top vote-getters in the initial round for West Coast skaters, while Weir and Meissner won the East Coast votes.</P>
<P>Fans were able to vote three times during the competition – once for their favorite West Coast skater, then their favorite East Coast skater, and once for the final round. Voting was available in-arena, via 1-900 numbers, and on U.S. Figure Skating Online.</P>
<P>The West Coast opened the show with Katy Taylor showing off a new short program to music from the movie “Legends of the Fall.” The music fit her well, but she fell on her first jump, a triple flip. She went on to land a double Axel and triple Lutz-double toe combination.</P>
<P>Inoue and Baldwin's romantic skate to “Mandy” by Barry Manilow hit a chord with the audience. They included side-by-side double Axels, a throw triple, and varied lifts. Evan Lysacek then brought out an old outfit to skate to Andrea Bocelli's “Ave Maria.” He landed two triple jumps and flowed across the ice with ease and emotion.</P>
<P>Cohen debuted a new exhibition number to a medley of “West Side Story” music, including “I Feel Pretty,” “Cool” and “Maria.” She landed a double Axel and a triple Salchow and two split jumps. Her spiral sequence hit just the right note with the crescendo of “Maria.” She won more than half of the votes for the West Coast, with Inoue and Baldwin just beating out Lysacek.</P>
<P>Hughes opened the East Coast team with an energetic version of “Proud Mary,” and Tanith Belbin & Ben Agosto followed up with their tango original dance. </P>
<P><STRONG>Weir entranced the audience with Frank Sinatra's “My Way,” landing four triples, and his blades cut a silent edge around the ice. The expert judges – Peggy Fleming, Dick Button and Peter Carruthers – praised Weir's emotion. Although the judges gave their opinion of the skates, their votes did not count. </STRONG></P>
<P>Kimmie Meissner tried out a new program to Avril Lavigne's “Keep Holding On” which she dedicated to her “Cool Kids.” Meissner supports children with cancer through her Cool Kids campaign. She landed two double Axels and two triples, and showed a different side to her personality with her hair down and whipping across the ice.</P>
<P><STRONG>Weir led the votes</STRONG>, and Meissner just beat out Belbin and Agosto for the second spot.</P>
<P>Meissner opened the final round with “Unwritten” and included two double Axels, a triple Lutz, and a fall on a triple flip. Inoue and Baldwin skated their “Soul of Spain” competitive short program and even tried the crowd-pleasing throw triple Axel, although Inoue fell.</P>
<P><STRONG>Weir used a modified version of his 2006 competitive free skate to “The Swan,” and once again floated across the ice. But even his excellence couldn't overcome the lyricism of Cohen's “God Bless America” program.</STRONG> She also included a double Axel and a triple Salchow, but it was her presentation and flexibility that stole the show – and the Marshalls crown.</P>
<P>Lysacek, Belbin and Agosto, Inoue and Baldwin and Weir head to Russia this week for the ISU Grand Prix Final. After that, they're back in the States preparing for the State Farm U.S. Championships, Jan. 21-28, in Spokane, Wash.</P>
<P>Cohen, meanwhile, has yet to make an announcement regarding her participation at the U <P><STRONG>幕后照片(来自USFSA) </STRONG></P>
<P>Photo by <STRONG><U>Sarah Brannen</U></STRONG></P>
<P><STRONG><EM>第一轮:My Way</EM></STRONG></P>
<P><STRONG>beautiful landing position</STRONG></P>
<P><STRONG>流氓式的表情</STRONG> </P>
<P>http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n102/yvonne_wang/Johnny%20Weir/Weir_24.jpg</P> 他还参加总决赛吗? <P><STRONG>网上搜到的另一些图片</STRONG></P>
<P><STRONG>“My Way”</STRONG></P>