回复 #570 marlin 的帖子
个人见解不同吧....冰上的jeff给人感觉是平易近人,像和风一般清爽,这和“王者风范”有些格格不入 同fjn219,不觉得小Jeff有王者之势,他给我的感觉一直是邻家大男孩。不管是冰上还是现实生活中,他就是让我想去亲近他 原帖由 午后阳光 于 2007-4-8 11:16 发表 http://www.chinaice.org/images/default/back.gif
但是这里不是HC的地方.... 到那个花痴八卦篇去讨论吧 小兰是很王者阿
还是个艺术家 这个帖子还真是长盛不衰啊,都过去好几天了,还天天被顶上来,哈哈 谁叫今年的男单有太多值得讨论的东西呢!!
不过,多样的气质都在不是更好吗?我们又不是只关心谁夺冠! 原帖由 antony1986jl 于 2007-4-8 15:26 发表 http://www.chinaice.org/images/default/back.gif
偶觉得小蓝那所谓王者之气,是托了他自己天分高的福,还素那句话,要是大嘴能跳,这王者的名号轮不轮得到小蓝,偶持怀疑态度.他跟熊普那类BORN LEADER不象一种人吧.
Jeff就是个人理解了.他上场时从容镇定的气势(至少..........SP............ )偶很喜欢.所以觉得他不缺王者气度,这个和平易近人不冲突啦^^ marlin我支持你哦,我觉得Jeff站在场上,气质就不同了,特王子啊~~~
而场下他就是很邻家的男孩子了 王者之气倒真没感觉到,王子之气是泛滥成灾了。特别是LP的时候,那衣服把他衬托得越发王子了
刚才回顾了他2001NHK的SP,那时候太卡哇伊了,整个一青涩少年,跟现在的淡定从容没法比 原帖由 午后阳光 于 2007-4-8 22:33 发表 http://www.chinaice.org/images/default/back.gif
说实话,2001年他的两套节目都比较的卡瓦伊..... 那时候还小嘛,可爱是正常的。
他在KISS AND CRY的时候手脚都不知道该怎么放,笑起来也很青涩,超级诱人 恩恩,两套都超喜欢,那个笑容啊,真是看得整个人都温暖起来了 原帖由 Annieca 于 2007-4-8 22:49 发表 http://www.chinaice.org/images/default/back.gif
“点亮黑夜的笑容”果真名不虚传 还是阳光说得对,jeff是王子气质比较重。其实我还是很喜欢王子气质的,年轻有活力,亲切有可爱嘛!! Weir官方网站更新Journal了:http://www.figureskatersonline.com/johnnyweir/journal.html
The Worlds could have been a much bigger disaster then they were. I don't think I embarrassed myself at all. I tried my hardest, I trained well going into the event, I just didn't show up for the competition in peak mental condition. I was so overwhelmed by the Japanese fans and audience. They were incredible. In my opinion, Tokyo was one of the best host cities I've ever visited for an event. It was nice not having to perform in a qualifying round this year. It took away a lot of the stress of the week. My short program went okay. I made a mistake on the triple flip and was in fourth place. In the free program I bombed. I didn't perform a quad because it was terrible in Japan for some reason. I couldn't get over the mental block during my practices so I decided to leave it out. In any event, I made the same mistakes I've made all season, doubled the triple loop and singled my second triple axel. When I finished the program, I could remember what I did for once. I was disappointed with the way I jumped, but the performance and my conditioning were great in my opinion. I was so happy to finish my season. It has been rough, I haven't skated well, and I've been a little disenchanted with skating in general. I was glad to be finished. My results were pretty justified. Top ten in the world isn't bad, but I definitely am not content with that. I want to be top one in the world. There was only one person I don't think I should have lost to, but when I thought about it, politically they needed to put him ahead of me so his country would have enough points to have three skaters next season. My favorite performance of the week was Tomas Verner's free skate. It was amazing. Two quads, only one mistake in total, I totally clapped even though I went on the ice for my warm-up two minutes later. I thought he was brilliant. I spent my time well in Tokyo. I went into the city a lot and really tried to see things I hadn't seen before. I am still shocked when I'm in a foreign city or country that I'm there. It feels so funny to be a kid from a small town in Pennsylvania taking Tokyo, Moscow or Paris by storm. HAHA I enjoyed my time at Worlds, next year I don't care if I enjoy Sweden or not, because I'm going there to win and that's it.