[放鞭炮]TT&MM 决定不复出
Totmianina & Marin won't come back--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Olympic champions refused to come back
Turin Olympic gold winners in pair skating, Russian skaters Tatiana Totmianina and Maxim Marinin will not come back to big sport. According to Marinin, he and his partner want to compete, “but there is no chance and no real point”, reports “Novosti”.
“It all comes down to money, as we all have our families. At this point, we have work and contracts. When we needed medals, we did everything”, noted the athlete. “In any case, the sport would come to the end at some point. We’ll continue to train, but won’t create a program for competition”. Marinin added that he already shared his considerations with the Russian Skating Federation president Valentin Piseev, who was understanding of the skater’s position. Keep in mind that in mid-May, Piseev talked about the come back of Totmianina and Marinin and early 2008, and their participation in Russian Nationals (January 4 – 8).
Now, from the skaters who won medals at Turin Olympics, Evgeny Plushenko is the only one who can come back to eligible sport. He plans to skate at the Russian Grand Prix event Cup of Russia (November 22-25 of 2007), and will take part in January Nationals.
难怪今天一直左眼跳啊 强弩之末,我倒是希望他们复出,看看某女巫能被摔成什么样子。 这对鄙人会复出的消息从没当真过。。。果然 整个世界清净了
PS,兔子太不HD鸟 估计可能是练了几天摔得是噼里啪啦怕在比赛丢面子才放出不复出的消息~!~!
到底都还是只骡子骝都不敢出来骝~~!~ 同意7楼同学观点~~撒花儿~~ 想让他们出来再简单不过了,多拿几张票子施舍一下就搞定了。。。 虽然一直认为他们不可能复出,但私下还是挺希望他们答应,然后偶就可以等着看他们的洋相了。 感谢主
现在一切都清静了,明天出去FB庆祝 原帖由 frenchrabbit 于 2007-6-1 22:01 发表 http://www.chinaice.org/images/default/back.gif
我也这么想.....我真的很希望某次worlds或者最好是10oly上,P/T或者Z/Z能风风光光的赢一把这对挨千刀的T/M 呵呵 如果状态还在 motivation还在的话 应该就不这么说了吧 他们早就应该作出这个英明的决定了。 老巫婆多半这两天摔得回忆起当年倒栽葱的经典场景,不由得不敢上了~~
就算上了,现在也没人怕她~~ 原帖由 kimnara714 于 2007-6-2 00:37 发表 http://www.chinaice.org/images/default/back.gif