tranejoan 发表于 2007-6-28 18:03:59



tranejoan 发表于 2007-6-29 05:53:53



Katia Gordeeva和Ilia Kulik信赖的飞跃

Kathleen Bangs撰写 • M. David Leeds摄影

当Katia Gordeeva和Ilia Kulik堕入爱河时,他们比普通刚开始拍拖的情侣作出更不寻常的事:他们一起跳出飞机伞降到地上。可是Gordeeva和Kulik并不寻常。当他们在1998年刚刚认识时,Gordeeva的名气远比花样滑冰这项运动要大。 她是两次奥运双人花滑冠军,也是滑冰搭档,在1995年以28岁年轻的年纪去世的Sergei Grinkov的遗孀。

Gordeeva和Grinkov的爱情故事,胜利与悲剧因为一本畅销书,一个电影和无数的报道而抓住了所有人的心。很多人预料一直是双人花滑选手,而且还带着女儿Daria的单亲母亲Gordeeva会在丈夫的逝世后静静地选择退休的生活, 可是他们低估了这位恢复能力极强的冠军。在好友Scott Hamilton的激励下, 她以单人表演者的身份加入了Stars on Ice的巡回演出。

Ilia Kulik进入镜头。一个刚刚在1998年Nagano奥运会被加冕为男子花滑冠军的小伙子,他頃刻地就成为灸手可热的新星。可是仅仅几年前,在1994年世界青少年锦标赛的一场不甚理想的表现里,他的比赛前途只能算是个未知之数。“那是我人生中表现得最差的一场比赛,” Kulik如此评论道。“人们预期我会胜出,或至少上奖台,因为我在之前那年拿到了铜牌。反而,那次是场灾难。




Kulik成功地踏出了那些步伐,而在赢了奥运冠军的名衔后他来到了Stars on Ice, 成为美丽的Katia Gordeeva表演同伴。

现年36岁的Gordeeva回想道, “我立即就喜欢Ilia。我没有立即爱上他,可是在我看来他在所有方面都显得很勇敢,而我尊重这点。Ilia有颗年轻的心,而他的个性像一个聪明的男孩一样和你联系。然而,他在生活里又有很多的经验。他和我一样是双子座的—一个拥有双重性格的星象。”

Gordeeva还觉得Kulik幽默和有趣。而很快地他在一个包括他和Gordeeva的群体节目里担任编舞者。“那个节目里有4个花滑选手,而我和Ilia一起滑了一点动作,那非常让人兴奋,” Gordeeva说。 “当你和另一个人一起工作时,你们会越来越接近,也会开始看到和感觉到他到底是怎么样的一个人。”

然而, Gordeeva那时还是不情愿把比她年轻的Kulik, 现年30岁, 想做比朋友更亲密的任何人物。“他比我年轻6岁,在那时候差距显得很大。而且我还需要考虑到我女儿Daria,” Gordeeva说。 “我知道有些人,包括在这项运动内的和外界的,会觉得这是错误或是这不是适当的时机。”

这段友谊继续发展,而Gordeeva感觉到Kulik在慢慢爱上她。 “我明白我需要和他在一起,”她说。“我知道我和他在一起时感觉会好很多,我知道我想和他在一起,而且他和Daria的关系棒极了——对她来说Ilia就像个朋友似的.”

Kulik说他和Gordeeva感到彼此有种很自然的联系和交流。 “我们随即就享受彼此的陪伴,也喜欢在冰场上做能帮助对方的事情,” Kulik说。 “例如有时候我会帮Katia完成她的跳跃,或者我们会在一起滑冰。我想这段关系成功的原因是我们很自然。”

在加州的一次演出休假期间,Kulik找Gordeeva陪他去他第一次的跳伞经验。充满活力的Gordeeva欣然应承,然后这对富有冒险精神的二人组就往当地的一个小机场出发。“潜意识里我总是希望有这样跳出飞机的经验,” Gordeeva解释道。 “我以为表演的经理人不会让我们这样做,尤其是我们还在表演期当中,免得我们会受伤或是遇到更糟糕的事。可是他们允许了。”

表演同伴Denis Petrov和Gorsha Sur也决定跟着去。“我很害怕,也很兴奋。当我们到了那个地方时,我在想自己有多笨,因为说真的最困难的事情其实就是去跳伞学校,” Gordeeva笑着说。“一旦他们抓到你,而你在飞机上,那就是了——你一定要跳。”

在大日子来临,他们真的跳下时,Gordeeva已经爱上Kulik。 “我觉得你一定要得到强烈的启示才会做那种事情,而我得到了,”她说。

回想当时的情况,Kulik说在Stars on Ice的第一年就像是加入一个像个大家庭的团体。可是在路途上的奔波让他想做些不规律的事情来让巡演生活有些骚动,他想做比在如雷的掌声前表演更不寻常的事情。“我们那时候比较年轻,比起现在来说比较鲁莽和更有冒险精神,尤其是我,”他说。“我对Katia要跳伞而感到紧张,却对自己也要这样做完全没有感觉。我找到了一间很好的学校,那里有很专业的导师,所以我觉得我们很安全,尤其当我们是和有经验的导师一前一后地跳出飞机。”

没有一方能记得谁先跳出飞机。“你真的不想错失你的目标——空降区—— 而且所有的事情都发生的很快,你几乎意识不到像谁先跳出飞机门口一类的细节,” Kulik说。


Kulik说在跳伞张开前的感觉就像在空中漂浮。“你几乎会忘记把降落伞打开。导师会叫你留意高度计,因为你需要在某个高度把绳子拉开,” Kulik回忆道。“我们还有个摄影师和我们一起堕下。他离我们近得几乎一伸手就能碰到他。那真是最让我振奋的其中一个经验!”



“一旦你有了家庭,” Kulik说,“你的观点就会改变。”他们现在还在巡回演出,不过是以特别嘉宾的身份在Stars on Ice表演,这允许他们参与大约一半的表演。这个安排让他们能继续稳定地做他们喜爱的事,表演,也能有足够的时间留在家里专注地照顾一个小女儿和一个青少年,尽父母的责任。

“作为一个青少年的父亲,每天都是一个挑战,” Kulik说。 “这测试我的品质和个性。Dasha (Daria的昵称)迟一些会过她15岁生日,而我喜欢这样的生活。我比自己预期中更早地成为一个青少年的父亲,因此我会和其他父母聊天,问他们的意见,因为这是个学习曲线。她是个很好的女孩,而且我觉得在任何情况下,作为一个踏入青春期的女儿的父亲要比作为她的母亲容易。”


当被问到他有多肯定任何一个女儿可能会在未来选择花样滑冰作为职业,Kulik很坦率。“如果她们对此鍥而不舍,而花滑变得对她们很重要的话,那么我也会很看重它,”他解释。 “Katia和我肯定已经把这项运动介绍给她们,也给予鼓励和支持,向她们展示花滑美好的一面。可是花滑是否会占她们人生的一大部分还是她们自己的决定。”




“Daria肯定是美国人,” Gordeeva说。“她现在的生活和我成长的时候很不一样,甚至和Ilia在俄罗斯成长的时候很不一样。那时候,我们的生命就是花滑,我们没有正常的生活。我喜欢那样,也不需要任何其他东西,可是Daria并不是我——她是个不同的人。”







Gordeeva说一家人会和Kulik一起参与这个瑞士远足之行,把这个当成是每个夏天在阿尔卑斯山里一个月长的假期。 “那里的空气很清新,”Gordeeva说。“而因为我们已经置身在欧洲的中心,我们会到意大利或法国旅行,那真的很棒。”



以在俄罗斯滑冰来说,三年前,在缺席十年以后,Gordeeva终于有机会为俄罗斯观众表演。那时候她的前双人滑敌手和好友Artur Dmitriev在St. Petersburg主办一个表演。他陪着Gordeeva踏上冰面。“那是个极妙的感受。我永远不会忘记,”Gordeeva说。“我在和Sergei滑冰后就没有在俄罗斯滑过冰,观众的反应让我惊讶。


Gordeeva和Kulik都说他们希望有一天能在俄罗斯一起表演,尤其是当最近几年祖国的公众对花样滑冰的兴趣大增。 “Katia最棒的一点是你只要看她滑冰你就会认识她的为人,”Kulik补充道。“她完全没有诡计,她就是她——容易动容,真挚,自然。我猜那就是为什么人们会喜欢看她滑冰,那也是我爱她的其中一个原因。”

franzlfan 发表于 2007-6-29 21:22:45


franzlfan 发表于 2007-6-29 21:26:02

ps提个小小的建议,Katia讲道Liza的最后一句,好像原句是“……she is very concentrated……”之类的?可否翻成“她非常专注”呢^_^ 感觉小Liza就是这样的孩子,场下很活泼的大说大笑,但是一旦上了冰一下子就严肃地像个小大人儿了~~

tranejoan 发表于 2007-6-29 22:35:46

原句是:she's also very focused


鱼类 发表于 2007-7-20 13:19:46

Gordeeva and Kulik -- A Happy Ending

A Happy Ending

Katie Gordeeva and Ilia Kulik's Leap of Faith

By Kathleen Bangs • Photos by M. David Leeds

The happy family: (from left to right) Daria, Katia Gordeeva, Ilia Kulik and Liza posed for a family portrait outside the International Skating Center of Connecticut.

The couple lives in Connecticut but has a wide circle of Russian friends across the United States.

While they both guest star with Stars on Ice, the two spend most of their time in Connecticut with their family.

Katia Gordeeva and Ilia Kulik showed their playful sides on a beautiful afternoon in May.

When Katia Gordeeva and Ilia Kulik fell in love, they took their new relationship one step further than your typical new couple by leaping out of an airplane together and parachuting to the ground. But Gordeeva and Kulik were anything but typical. When they first met in 1998, Gordeeva’s fame far exceeded the sport of figure skating. She was a two-time Olympic pairs champion, and the widow of husband and on-ice partner Sergei Grinkov, who died in 1995 at the age of 28.

Gordeeva and Grinkov’s story of love, triumph and tragedy, fueled by a best-selling book, a movie and countless articles, quickly captured the hearts of people worldwide. Most expected that Gordeeva, a lifelong pairs skater on her own and a single mother to daughter Daria, would slip quietly into retirement after her husband’s death. But they underestimated the resilient champion. At the urging of longtime friend Scott Hamilton, she joined the Stars on Ice tour as a solo performer.

Enter Ilia Kulik. He was an instant hot commodity as the newly crowned 1998 Olympic men’s champion from the Games in Nagano. Only a few years earlier, after a less-than-stellar showing at the 1994 World Junior Championships, his competitive future was uncertain at best. “It was the worst event of my life,” said Kulik of the competition. “I was expected to win, or at least make the podium, because the year before I took bronze. Instead, it was a disaster.

After winning my qualifying round and placing second in the short program, I fell to 16th in the free skate. The best thing about that big loss was that it made me think I had to really evaluate what I was doing wrong and in what ways I needed to adjust my technique and fix my skating. In the end, it was that failure that made a huge impact.

“It was a great wake-up call,” he said with a laugh. “Every athlete has his wake-up call, and that was mine. It was then that I realized just being good is not enough, and I took the huge steps you have to take to become very good.”

Professional Relationship

Kulik successfully took those steps, and after winning the Olympic title, he landed on the Stars on Ice tour, as a castmate to the beautiful Katia Gordeeva.

Gordeeva, now 36, recalled, “I liked Ilia right away. I didn’t fall in love with him right away, but he seemed brave to me in every aspect and I respected that. Ilia is young at heart, and his personality connects to you like a clever boy. Yet, he was also experienced at life in so many ways. Like me, he’s a Gemini — a sign with two personalities.”

Gordeeva also found Kulik funny and interesting, and in no time he was choreographing a group number that included both of them. “For that program, there were four skaters, and I ended up skating with him a little bit and it was very exciting,” Gordeeva said. “When you work together, you get closer and closer, and begin to see and feel who a person is.”

Yet, Gordeeva remained reluctant to think of the younger Kulik, now 30, as anything more than a friend. “He was six years younger, which at the time seemed a lot. And I had my daughter Daria to consider,” Gordeeva said. “I knew that some people, both in the sport and outside of it, would think that maybe this was not right or maybe not the right time for me.”

The friendship continued to grow and Gordeeva felt that Kulik was falling in love with her. “I understood that I needed to be with him,” she said. “I knew I felt better when I was with him, I knew I wanted to be with him, and he was great with Daria — like a friend to her.”

Kulik said he and Gordeeva felt a natural connection. “Right away we just enjoyed each other’s company, and liked to do things to help each other at the rink,” Kulik said. “Sometimes, for instance, I’d help Katia with her jumps or we’d skate together. I think what made it work for us was that it was just natural.”

During a tour break in California, Kulik approached Gordeeva to accompany him on his first-ever parachute jump. The spirited Gordeeva jumped at the chance, and the adventurous duo headed to a small local airport. “In the back of my mind I always wanted to have this experience of jumping out of an airplane,” Gordeeva explained. “I thought the tour managers wouldn’t let us do it, especially during the actual tour, in case we got injured or worse, but they did.”

Fellow skaters Denis Petrov and Gorsha Sur decided to come along. “I was very scared, but also really excited. Once we got to the place, I was thinking how stupid I was because really the hardest thing is to just go to the parachute school,” Gordeeva said with a laugh. “Once they have you and you’re up in the plane, that’s it — you’re going to jump.”

By the time the big day came and they actually took the plunge, Gordeeva was already in love with Kulik. “I think you have to be very inspired to do something like that, and I was,” she said.

Looking back, Kulik said that the first year on the Stars on Ice tour was a lot like joining a team that is akin to family. Yet spending so much time on the road left him feeling like he wanted to shake things up a little and do something even more extraordinary than performing to thunderous applause. “We were younger then, and a bit more reckless and much more adventurous, especially me,” he said. “I was nervous about Katia making the parachute jump, but not at all nervous for myself. I had found a good school with very professional instructors, so I felt we were safe, especially as we were making tandem jumps with experienced instructors.”

Neither one can remember who jumped first. “You really don’t want to miss hitting your target — the drop zone — and everything is happening so fast you barely realize the details like who was first out the door,” Kulik said.

Gordeeva vividly remembered the sensation of the plummeting free fall. “My mouth was wide open, screaming really loudly, and my stomach was freezing because of how cold the air was,” she said. “It was amazing to see the ground rushing up!”

Kulik said before the parachute deployed it felt just like floating in the air. “You almost forget about pulling the chute. The instructor tells you to watch the altimeter, because at a certain altitude you’re going to pull the cord,” Kulik recalled. “We had a cameraman falling with us who was so close you could almost reach out and touch him. It was truly one of the most exhilarating experiences I’ve ever had!”

Wedding Bells and Family Life

In June 2002, the couple married in California and moved to their current home near their training rink in Simsbury, Conn. In addition to Daria, they are the parents of an adorable daughter Liza, who turned 6 in June.

“Once you have a family,” Kulik said, “your perspective changes.” The two still tour, now as special guest stars with Stars on Ice, which allows them to skate in about half the shows. The arrangement allows them a steady opportunity to continue doing what they love — performing — and still have enough time at home as dedicated parents to one young daughter and one teenager.

“Being a dad to a teen is an everyday challenge,” Kulik said. “It tests my human qualities and my character. Dasha (a nickname for Daria) turns 15 later this year, and I enjoy it. For me it’s a little sooner than I thought I would be a father to a teenager, so I talk to other parents for advice because it’s a learning curve. She’s a great girl and I think in any event, it’s easier to be the father to a teenage daughter than to be the mother.”

Kulik said the couple’s younger daughter, Liza, is at an age where he and his wife are enjoying every minute of the experience. “She’s filled with so much energy and has such a sweet disposition,” he said.

When asked how vested he is in possible future skating careers for either girl, Kulik was candid. “If they pursue it and it becomes important to them, then it will matter to me,” he explained. “Katia and I have definitely introduced them to the sport and encourage and support them by showing the good side of the skating life, but it’s up to them to decide if they want to make it a major part of their life.”

Gordeeva said that for right now, Daria’s friends are everything to her. “She loves to be on the phone for hours and hours, just like a normal kid.

“She likes nice clothes, but also puts in the work to get her homework done and do good in school. She definitely wants to attend college, and so far she has been able to combine competitive skating and school.”

Gordeeva spent all of her formative years growing up in Russia, and she and husband Kulik still speak their native language at home with the kids to keep them bilingual.

“Daria is definitely American,” Gordeeva said. “Her life is so different than how I grew up, or even how Ilia grew up back in Russia. Our lives were skating, and we had no normal life. I enjoyed that and didn’t need anything else, but Daria is not me — she’s a different person.”

Liza is definitely interested in skating. “She loves to move to the music, she just goes,” Gordeeva said. “She expresses herself so easily and can stay on the ice forever. I’m getting tired, and she’s still going. Yet, I know there’s a very thin line to not put too much pressure on a young child, and I’m still her mother, so I have to juggle pushing her without being too tough. One of Liza’s greatest assets is that she is not afraid to fall on the ice. She knows how to fall and quickly recover. She’s also very focused.”

Kulik spent two years training older daughter Daria on her jump technique, taking her all the way through doubles. “Teaching is very interesting for me,” he said. “I like to pass on knowledge, and it actually helps give me a perspective on my own skating. Now when I teach inexperienced or younger skaters I see how very difficult mastering each new task is. I treasure the gift I was given to be able to do the most difficult jumps. There is a little bit of magic in teaching. Every single time something special can happen.”

Kulik is still widely regarded as one of the best jumpers in the world.

Even at age 30, the Olympic champion can still reel off impressively airy triple jumps that rival those of many current eligible skaters.

Kulik downplays any discussion of how he would rank if, as a number of other recent Russian Olympic champions are reportedly considering, he were to return to amateur status. “Right now, it’s a very different level of skating and I’m no longer at that World Championship level,” he said. “I have good technique and am strong, but I’m happy with where my skating is at right now and I wouldn’t attempt to come back. It may look effortless when I perform in shows, but to compete is a completely different world. You have to bring your best game every single day, and be strong with the audiences, the judges and the other competitors. It’s just a completely different ballgame.”

In addition to conducting training sessions at his Simsbury rink, Kulik also teaches special seminars, including an annual one in Switzerland where elite amateur skaters come to absorb his special talent as a jump technician.

Gordeeva said the family travels with Kulik on the Switzerland excursions, spending the time every summer as a month-long vacation in the Alps. “The air is so fresh,” Gordeeva said. “Since we’re already in the middle of Europe we take trips to Italy or France and just love it.”

A Changing Landscape

Gordeeva said the two do not really miss living in their native country. “We have plenty of work, and that’s the main thing for us. It’s the most important reason we moved to America, and the reason we stay,” she said. “For so long there was nothing in Russia if you were a pro skater, although that has recently changed. We were offered the chance to appear on the popular Russian ‘Skating With Celebrities’-type TV show, but had to decline because we don’t want to disrupt the girls’ schooling.”

Both Kulik and Gordeeva said their extended network of Russian skaters and friends throughout America also helps keep any feelings of homesickness at bay. When she first arrived in the United States, Gordeeva said she was skeptical that she would enjoy Americans, but now says she enjoys the humor, and realizes that in the end, all people share the same wants and needs.

As far as skating in Russia goes, three years ago, after a decade-long absence, Gordeeva finally got to perform for Russian audiences when her former on-ice pairs rival and longtime friend Artur Dmitriev hosted a show in St. Petersburg. He accompanied Gordeeva onto the ice. “It was an incredible experience. I’ll never forget it,” Gordeeva said. “I hadn’t skated in Russia since I skated with Sergei, and I was amazed by the audience response.

“The arena was packed, and it’s just a very different experience to perform at home. You are in your own homeland. No matter where else I skate, even in Europe, I realize to some extent that I am a guest in that country. But to skate at home brought a sense of national pride that was strong, and I became so emotional to see how much the Russian people still cared about me.”

Both Gordeeva and Kulik said they hope someday to perform together in Russia, especially as the public’s interest in figure skating back home has soared in recent years. “The great thing about Katia is that to just watch her on the ice is to know her,” Kulik added. “There is no trick behind her, she is who she is — emotional, true and natural. I guess that’s why people love to watch her skate, and one of the reasons I love her too.”


草珊瑚 发表于 2007-7-20 14:17:43


franzlfan 发表于 2007-10-10 22:35:19




franzlfan 发表于 2007-10-10 22:42:37


She is adorable!!!

Liza,Katia & Daria

franzlfan 发表于 2007-10-10 23:02:38



想见怀恋_100 发表于 2007-10-11 00:39:40

Daria的身材 ,残念ing......她老妈奔4的人都比她保持得好

franzlfan 发表于 2007-10-11 04:20:39

原帖由 想见怀恋_100 于 2007-10-11 00:39 发表
Daria的身材 ,残念ing......她老妈奔4的人都比她保持得好


gtxys 发表于 2007-10-11 09:11:17

俺对KA WA I的小姑娘真是一点免疫力都木有!

非砚 发表于 2007-10-14 01:30:54



Yvonne 发表于 2007-10-14 12:37:47

页: 1 [2] 3 4
查看完整版本: 我眼中的Kulik和他给我的感受 (更新:七月份IFS杂志访问)