Michelle has apparently eloped with GMan. They have gone into seclusion to avoid the celebrity-marriage-curse. And on a side note, I have eloped with nymkfan51 and we are in seclusion for the same reason. Please do not report these items to the press.
PS - I know where Michelle really is: in my heart.
Well, maybe they’re going to take their honeymoon in China next week with a U.S. delegation in tow. 结婚是没什么,关年纪也不算小了!不过哪个男的到底是谁啊! 不会吧!!
我觉得可能性不是很大 额~~~~太爆炸了点吧~~~~~
不管真假我都祝福KWAN 有爆炸的说..........
好好奇的说,呵呵,祝福下,先 太爆炸了!早上小公主说关要来上海参加特奥会开幕式,晚上滑冰回来居然看到帖子说关结婚了。真是一点风声都没有的突然事件!
不管怎么说都送给她最美好而真挚的祝福 楼主搞错了吧,这纯属MKF的人开玩笑而已。看清楚再发帖吧。 熊熊也是抱着求证的态度发的帖嘛~~~~~ 最爱,偶是在求证呢!偶被惊到了,所以想求证下 是假的?虚惊一场。不过也是迟早的。 早晚都要爆炸滴,先适应下也不错滴说
等待美好的这一天 祝福祝福~ 女大当嫁! 最爱说得对,本消息纯属fans自娱自乐,典型的皇上不急太监急。 媒体嗅觉那么灵敏,连一点小绯闻都不放过,像Michelle结婚这等大事不可能不当场抓获。
Q: You coached Michelle Kwan for years but she left you near the end of her competitive career. Are you on good terms with her?
A: Oh, yes. Michelle and I had dinner the other night. We had a lot of fun talking about the old times. She's not skating at all anymore. She's going to UCLA and getting her degree and she's working a little bit with the State Department and traveling with Condoleeza Rice, who also used to be a competitive figure skater, which a lot of people don't know.
Michelle is getting on with her life and has no intention, at the moment, of doing anything in skating. It's great that we're friends again because I spent so much time with her and we did so many things together and then when things didn't go so well . . . to be able to be friends again is great.
我有个不切实际的梦想,Michelle和Evan/Tanith在同一天举行婚礼,然后都由Frank做主婚人,那该是多么美好! 呵呵,谢谢最爱和fs的解惑!