明天真是让人纠结啊 Judge No.1 Ms. Katalin BALCZO HUN
Judge No.2 Mr. Igor OBRAZTSOV RUS
Judge No.3 Ms. Irina MEDVEDEVA UKR
Judge No.4 Ms. Laimute KRAUZIENE LTU
Judge No.5 Mr. Volker WALDECK GER
Judge No.6 Mr. Albert ZAYDMAN ISR
Judge No.7 Mr. Seppo KURTTI FIN
Judge No.8 Ms. Hailan JIANG CHN
Judge No.9 Ms. Elizabeth CLARK CAN
Judge No.10 Ms. Susanne WAHLSTROM SWE
看了这些双人滑的裁判的国籍(大多都是欧洲俄系裁判,肯定更倾向于S/S),就知道不管S/S比的怎样差,裁判们照原计划仍然会给他们彪高分的!!! 看完唯一的感想……
今年的格局好乱…… 原帖由 zuqn 于 2007-11-24 03:42 发表 http://www.chinaice.org/images/common/back.gif
Judge No.1 Ms. Katalin BALCZO HUN
Judge No.2 Mr. Igor OBRAZTSOV RUS
Judge No.3 Ms. Irina MEDVEDEVA UKR
Judge No.4 Ms. Laimute KRAUZIENE LTU
Judge No.5 Mr. Volker WALDECK GER
Judge No.6 Mr. Albert ZAYDMAN ISR
Judge No.7 Mr. Seppo KURTTI FIN
Judge No.8 Ms. Hailan JIANG CHN
Judge No.9 Ms. Elizabeth CLARK CAN
Judge No.10 Ms. Susanne WAHLSTROM SWE
裁判怎么了?有中国的,有德国的,很公平啊。。。自己滑的好就好,别老想着裁判。。 像滑到S/Z 2007 年的水平,再怎么的裁判都无法压分! Upstairs, for zz, it is very difficult for them to skate as good as sz..but they can skate better than SS..So the judges are very important to them.. The judges are supposed to be fair, which is the base-line requirement for them..yes there is one judge from Germany, one from China..but look at the others, most of them are from Europe. That's not fair. It's figure skating.. do you expect most of the judges to be from Asia??? of course not.. so.. we just have to deal with the European judges. at least some from outside of Europe,like US, Canada. I am not saying that those American judges would be fair, but at least there is a balance there.. 实在睡不下去了上来看结果。。。。。啊啊啊
补水去了。。。。 zz去年都低,所以PCS下降了一些,相信如果他们能有稳定的发挥,应该PCS可以再涨一些!
恭喜ZZ 水补完,开心的泪奔。。。。。
lp好好发挥~~~ 男单是这种结果,三个美人中最心水的那只发挥成这样
小JEFF你要怎么办啊 SP的分差也太大了吧 靠!SS摔了个跟头还有66多!申赵都灵小雪扶了下冰面就只有62分多了!
现在发现丹MM做抛跳落冰时和SZ一样稳了!都不用揪心鸟!我们的老三上位喽! 表演还差得多。要好好学习亚回复 761# 的帖子