franzlfan 发表于 2007-11-8 04:06:06



Ilia Kulik:我和Katia的女儿已经开始滑冰

著名的俄罗斯花样滑冰运动员,1998年奥运会男子单人滑冠军Ilia Kulik已经和妻子——两届奥运会双人滑冠军Ekaterina Gordeeva从美国回到莫斯科,准备参加著名花样滑冰教练Viktor Kudryavtsev的七十岁生辰庆典演出。而在十一月上旬,他还将参加RTR电视台“Dancing on Ice”第二季的闭幕式演出。“Sports Information Agency”的记者Svetlana Antsyreva就Kulik的近况对他进行了采访。

Svetlana Antsyreva:“你一向在俄罗斯非常受欢迎,当你参加某一场表演时,至少有三分之一的观众是为了你来观看节目的。可为什么你很少回来演出呢?”

Ilia Kulik:“我也非常喜欢在家乡演出,这是非常令人欢欣的事情,因为我赢得奥运冠军已经快10年了,可大家依然记得我,并对我的表演报以热烈的欢迎。可是,很不幸,我没有机会经常回来。我的时间表非常拥挤。可是一旦有机会,我就会争取回到故乡演出。今年二月,我参加了为Tatiana(Tarasova)的六十岁生日举行的庆典演出,Tatiana是我获得奥运冠军的领路人。而几天前,我又参加了为我的另一位恩师——Viktor Kudryavtsev的生辰举行的庆典演出。十一月我将参加RTR电视台的电视节目演出。”





Svetlana:“在你之后的两位俄罗斯奥运冠军,2002年冠军Alexei Yagudin和2006年冠军Evgeny Plushenko,都对媒体讲了他们为2010年温哥华奥运会复出的计划。那么你呢?你有这样的想法吗?”


Svetlana:“你和Katia Gordeeva的女儿已经逐渐成长起来,她以后也会成为一位花滑运动员吗?”


一点关于Ilia的前任教练Viktor的介绍,f根据以往知道的信息自己总结的:Viktor Kudryavtsev,俄罗斯著名花滑教练,他教导过的知名花滑选手包括:Ilia Kulik, Elena Sokolova, Maria Butyrskaya,Ilia Klimkin, Victoria Volchkova, Evan Lysacek等等;Ilia自从6岁时入选成为他的学生,至1996年下半年转投Tarasova时止,在他门下训练了整整十二年,打下了扎实的基础。而Viktor老先生的一大憾事就是,前面说到的选手大多在他门下训练过很长时间,可都在成绩达到顶点之前离开他转投其他教练门下,因此很多的glory看似与他无缘(比如Ilia的奥运金牌~);尽管如此,他从不抱怨和多言,并能在学生事业失意,想重回自己门下时依旧热心接纳(比如Sokolova~),是一位谦和可敬的老人家。近年来,他每年夏天都在瑞士开办暑期训练营,和Brian Orser在加拿大举办的训练营类似,吸引了众多现役花滑知名选手和青少年组新秀参加,以改善技术为主要目的,也都会请Ilia去帮忙教学。而基本上,Ilia去瑞士的时候就是全家出动,Katia亦会指导双人滑选手,并作一些编排工作。

Tuzi 发表于 2007-11-10 16:40:08

KATIA 的孩子都好可爱。。

我爱花滑 发表于 2007-11-11 00:39:56


franzlfan 发表于 2007-11-27 18:41:16

07/11/24——SOI opening night ~~

Report from the US fans:
Sasha cohen & 申/赵 attended!!!

Ilia did 2 excellent solos and he was the COMPOSER of his first solo, a nice new program!!!

He also brought back 3A, still amazing~~

And according to the report from US, 申/赵 introduced Ilia's second number, in Chinese!!

1w3r 发表于 2007-12-1 10:15:20


镜子 发表于 2007-12-1 11:47:41


franzlfan 发表于 2007-12-1 12:00:39

原帖由 镜子 于 2007-12-1 11:47 发表


另外我觉得Viktor Petrenko的女儿也很不错,97年出生的,比圆圆/未来她们小一个奥运周期,比Liza大一个奥运周期,呵呵~觉得她今年technique进步了很多,但是表演上比较生涩,一点都不像她爸,呵呵~~看看以后会不会改进啦~~

pooool 发表于 2007-12-1 23:19:25


franzlfan 发表于 2007-12-4 00:23:09

原帖由 pooool 于 2007-12-1 23:19 发表


鱼类 发表于 2012-9-18 21:22:13


Figure skating only at Kulik, Gordeeva's new rink
Kulik's Skating open for business in Lake Forest, Calif.

(09/13/2012) - Any skater who has toured with Ilia Kulik over the past 14 years can tell you what an incredible eye he has for technique. Since winning Olympic gold in 1998, he has served as a technical consultant for various skaters as well as a presenter at seminars internationally.
Now Kulik and his wife, fellow Olympic gold medalist Ekaterina Gordeeva, have opened their own rink in Lake Forest, Calif., a city in Orange County. They describe Kulik's Skating ( as a facility designed, built and operated by skaters, for skaters. There is no hockey or public skating, which means the ice and rink are kept at a temperature optimal for figure skaters.

"This idea came up probably 2 1/2 years ago. I decided, let's do the research," said Kulik, who examined all the details, from resources to price to the latest equipment.

"It's all worked out piece by piece -- like a big puzzle, it came together," he continued. "I couldn't have hoped for a better place. It's exactly how I envisioned it."

While Kulik and Gordeeva consider this very much a training environment, it is not meant for elite skaters only. The couple welcomes all levels, including beginners and adult skaters.

"For us, figure skating is a great journey starting from childhood," Kulik said. "When I didn't know I would be a great skater, I was just learning and seeing, feeling it out. It was so much fun. Then as a competitive skater, it was always a great experience, really challenging and fulfilling. As a professional and now as a coach, and also as a skating parent, that excitement remains. We really want to share that love for skating on all levels.

"It's easy for us to connect with people who love skating as much as we do," he added. "It doesn't matter the age. As long as you have that attachment to figure skating and appreciation of that wonderful sport, this is all we need."

As Kulik and Gordeeva's daughter, Elizaveta ("Liza"), advanced in competitive skating, they noticed a real shortage of ice time in Southern California, where they reside. Liza, now 11, would finish school at 3:00 p.m. By the time she got to the rink, there would be less than an hour of freestyle ice left.

It's extremely important to both of them that Liza, who will compete at her first regional championships this fall, attends regular school instead of being home schooled and training during the day.

"She could wake up at 4:00 in the morning and go skate at 5:00, which is really against your biological clock," said Gordeeva, who added that as Liza gets into her teenage years, they want her to maintain her focus in school and continue to develop her social skills.

In order to make it figure skating only, the facility has a somewhat smaller ice surface. At 80-by-130, it's about two-thirds the size of an NHL rink. A dance studio and gym are also part of the operation.

Gordeeva teaches a skating skills class that includes skaters of various levels. She's also teaching learn to skate and has already had eight beginners move from those classes into regular lessons.

Kulik said safety is paramount for beginners because one or two bad falls can turn them off the sport before they've even started.

"It's really important how you introduce the first five lessons," he said. "All the beginners who started with us so far said they're absolutely thrilled. We really can't wait to see them develop."

Coaches and choreographers who are U.S. Figure Skating and PSA members, and who have active liability insurance are welcome to operate at the facility. Freestyle sessions are open to those who meet the aforementioned criteria as well as their students, but it is imperative that they embrace the facility's sense of collaboration and openness.

"The sport is difficult enough," Kulik said. "Secrets are not the way to go."

While lengthy tours are out of the question, both Kulik and Gordeeva continue to perform -- joking that now it's easier than ever to find practice ice. He will compete at the new Medal Winners Open in Japan in October.

"It's very exciting and motivating," Kulik said. "I can't wait to compete."

丽丽熊 发表于 2012-9-18 21:34:05


Fanny 发表于 2012-9-18 22:54:56


tjmgg 发表于 2012-9-19 13:53:03

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