<H1 align=left> <FONT size=2>觉得小卡经历了那么多事还能坚持这么多年真的很不容易,,唉~~可天不从人愿~</FONT></H1><H1 align=center><FONT size=3>Slutskaya again falls far short of gold</FONT></H1>
<P align=center><STRONG>TORINO, Italy (AP) -- </STRONG>As she stood stone-faced on the medals podium, Irina Slutskaya couldn't even manage a smile or a wave. The bronze medal hanging around her neck must have felt like a lead weight.</P>
<P>For the second straight Olympics, the Russian star failed as the final skater of the women's free program. Both times, the gold medal was within reach. Both times, she failed to grab it.</P>
<P>In Salt Lake City, though, she carried away silver and the hope of doing much better at these Games. There are no such thoughts about 2010 and Vancouver.</P>
<P>"That's competition. It's pressure all the time,'' the 27-year-old Slutskaya said Thursday night after <a href="http://www.nbcolympics.com/athletes/5072356/detail.html" target="_blank" >Shizuka Arakawa</A> of Japan won the Olympic's glamour event, with American <a href="http://www.nbcolympics.com/athletes/5061879/detail.html" target="_blank" >Sasha Cohen</A> taking silver. "You never know what can happen.</P>
<P>"I'm just happy what I got. There are some girls who came and competed and got 18th and 20th places. I'm happy I have something.''</P>
<P>She didn't look it. Not even a glance.</P>
<P>While Arakawa and Cohen celebrated their achievements, sharing their joy with the audience, Slutskaya looked bored. Teary-eyed when she skated out to receive the bronze medal, she barely reacted to the applause.</P>
<P>If bronze was precious to her, she hid it well.</P>
<P>"That's life again. We can't decide what we like,'' Slutskaya said.</P>
<P>Life has not been easy for Slutskaya in recent years. Her mother has kidney disease and requires dialysis treatment three times a week. Slutskaya usually drives her to the doctor.</P>
<P>In 2004, Slutskaya was diagnosed with a heart ailment that sidelined her for almost the entire season. She even was told she might never skate again, but last season she was back on the ice and swept past everyone.</P>
<P>"I'm so happy that I'm here because the last four years is really, really hard for me,'' she said.</P>
<P>A two-time world champion and winner of a record seven European titles, Slutskaya is a contemporary of five-time world champ and nine-time U.S. gold medalist Michelle Kwan. Now, they both own Olympic silver and bronze.</P>
<P>Slutskaya said she missed competing against Kwan, who was sidelined by a groin injury. Then again, if Kwan had been healthy this season and skated in Torino, who knows how things would have turned out.</P>
<P>"I was so upset Michelle doesn't come,'' Slutskaya said with a smile. "I was waiting for her.''</P>
<P></P> 小卡娅还是很值得人尊敬的,希望她转职业后一切顺利开心。
<P>卡娅是我心目中的冠军,昨天我真是伤透了心,希望她前路平坦顺利!</P> 以后一切幸福,小卡娅。 <P>小卡很有风度,她说在等待关颖珊。可谓英雄惜英雄!</P>
<P>小卡和关我都很喜欢,可惜命运捉弄人啊……</P> <P>有没有那位高手翻译一下那篇文章阿,我英文很烂的,但是又很想看看外电对小卡的评价,拜托了</P>
<P>小卡昨天的表现我已经无话可说了,只是觉得命运弄人吧,不过也许当个人人都记住的无冕之王,可能好过当个大家都记不住的金牌选手</P> 命运居然和小关惊人的相似,她们是好朋友吧>??? <DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>adria</I>在2006-2-24 14:48:56的发言:</B><BR>命运居然和小关惊人的相似,她们是好朋友吧???</DIV>
<P>......但斯鲁茨卡娅却与美国选手关颖珊是好朋友,两人的友谊保持好多年了。她很欣赏关颖珊,认为她的为人和赛风都非常好。尽管两人在赛场上是竞争对手,但她对关颖珊一直都很尊重也很友好。盐湖城冬奥会上,斯鲁茨卡娅获得了亚军,而关颖珊名列第三。在斯鲁茨卡娅看来,如果关颖珊获得冠军,她就不会指责裁判的失误,但由于裁判们没有这么做,她就对裁判提出了严厉批评:他们不配做裁判,完全没有公正性,并认为是裁判剥夺了本该属于她的金牌。</P> <P>新浪这个新闻大致翻译了一下小卡娅的这番话:http://sports.sina.com.cn/o/2006-02-24/12202067360.shtml</P> 哎,希望她今后还是可以开开心心的~~ 她是个值得尊敬的人~~ 看到贴子,我也有点伤心 看完了最后一句,眼泪都忍不住了~~~ 难过,小卡娅是个了不起的运动员 我也好想哭啊,小卡亚实在是太,太不容易了! 体育有很多时候都是因为遗憾才更加令人怀念,小卡娅、关颖珊、霍尔金娜。。。她们都是真正的无冕之王,有没有奥运金牌并不能改变她们在人们心目中的地位!