关到阿根廷去了-Kwan headed to Argentina on envoy mission
Kwan headed to Argentina on envoy missionFigure skating champion is the American Public Diplomacy Envoy
(03/13/2008) - American Public Diplomacy Envoy Michelle Kwan will travel to Argentina March 15, to begin her third tour as a State Department Public Diplomacy Envoy. While in Argentina, the figure skating champion will visit Buenos Aires, Santa Fe and Parana. The Public Diplomacy Envoy program is carried out under the auspices of the Department's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. The program in Argentina follows Kwan's previous, highly successful envoy visits to China and Russia in 2007.
As an American Public Diplomacy Envoy, Ms. Kwan promotes cross-cultural dialogue with international youth to increase understanding of America by sharing her story and life experiences. Kwan's activities in Argentina will include holding skating clinics for Argentine youth, meeting Special Olympic and Paralympic athletes, meeting and speaking with students, teachers, coaches and aspiring youth entrepreneurs working on Junior Achievement projects. Kwan will also share her experiences with women leaders as well as have an open dialogue with Argentine athletes.
http://pic.yupoo.com/lilybear/30483545cd3d/medium.jpghttp://pic.yupoo.com/lilybear/03344545cd3e/medium.jpg 关胖了 还是这么热心啊 阿根廷冰场好小啊......... 能在比赛场上滑得好的人或许很多,但在场外RP好成就又令人敬佩的可就少了,Kween is certainly one of them. 她现在的肥胖程度和06年奥运会的时候是一样的
从图片里看,能发现她平时有训练. 看了那期中央10的人物节目(虽然被大家说作是剽窃 但我还是第一次看)我就非常欣赏关的为人了 她是那么真诚 虽然在赛场上我更喜欢陈露的节目 她还是那么美!! 一转眼,关也快30的人了
她的裤子好奇怪啊,腿下面的颜色和布料似乎和上面不一样。 应该是一个长护腿吧 啥30呢,别人现在还不满28!(一不小心透露了关的年龄)
想起了simon说过的一句话——find a job and enjoy skating
小关你就自由的享受吧 原帖由 唐卡洛 于 2008-3-21 13:07 发表 http://www.chinaice.org/images/common/back.gif
阿根廷这样热爱足球的国家也有滑冰爱好者呢,其实南美选手的身体条件可以,就是缺乏滑冰传统。kwan还是继续作贡献啊 美丽的化身,和平的使者,我永远的爱她! 还怀念95年陈露和关的经典对决! 特别喜欢她的笑容,不管比赛是成功还是失败她总是笑得那么自信那么美~